Var debate 2019/20

how can it be corrupt if bad decisions are being made for other teams, including teams (Utd and Spurs) that are our direct rivals/old top 4 and clubs who people on here said would benefit from dodgy decisions? It doesnt add up
When you consider betting on games isn't just based on the final result then you start to see just how much money can be made by dodgy betting. You can even bet on the time of the first corner if you are that way inclined.

In terms of being able to influence the outcome of the league, there only has to be 3 or 4 decisions over 10 games or so, and results can be manipulated so that the favoured team can easily be 9 points ahead of their nearest rival. We are only 3 games in and the Dippers are 2 points ahead of City already (whether you agree wit the VAR decisions or not). Another few decisions either way and we could be talking 15 points. The decisions for and against other teams (Rag's and Spud's, amongst other non-title contenders) just mask the fact that they are favouring a particular team.
When you consider betting on games isn't just based on the final result then you start to see just how much money can be made by dodgy betting. You can even bet on the time of the first corner if you are that way inclined.

In terms of being able to influence the outcome of the league, there only has to be 3 or 4 decisions over 10 games or so, and results can be manipulated so that the favoured team can easily be 9 points ahead of their nearest rival. We are only 3 games in and the Dippers are 2 points ahead of City already (whether you agree wit the VAR decisions or not). Another few decisions either way and we could be talking 15 points. The decisions for and against other teams (Rag's and Spud's, amongst other non-title contenders) just mask the fact that they are favouring a particular team.

so its gone from favouring a number of teams to being based around favouring/helping Liverpool win the league? Is this is what is being claimed? That VAR is totally against City to help Liverpool win the league?......that would mean that every game that liverpool play in would potentially have to be fixed (if needed) cause its not just about us dropping points but also Spurs (who will be there or there abouts once they get their shit together).....thats a big claim!
The point is, just because it brushed his arm doesn't make it a penalty, read the rules, posted on here about 100 times so far

have read them numerous times.....different versions say slightly different things and the explantion of those versions can be interprited differently as well so there is no point in keeping going over it as from my reading of the explanation of the rules by IFAB it was correctly obviously favour the idea that it was incorrectly denied....lets leave it there.
See the Daily Mail article which explains that they have been INSTRUCTED not to use them . What a total farce the twats at PiGMOL have created of the introduction of the system .

really? what article is this.....

if true whats the point of even having them?
I don’t believe there is anything wrong with VAR if used competently and fairly, and along side the actual written laws of football.
Unfortunately we currently have the opposite of that.

I think the game gets influenced by machinations like FFP, and the lobbying and politics that goes on, but when it comes to officiating, I don't think it is bent. We'll see as the season progresses. Note that that Spurs and Chelsea also were on the bad end of decisions at the weekend, with Spurs losing a point as a result.
I think the game gets influenced by machinations like FFP, and the lobbying and politics that goes on, but when it comes to officiating, I don't think it is bent. We'll see as the season progresses. Note that that Spurs and Chelsea also were on the bad end of decisions at the weekend, with Spurs losing a point as a result.
Billions are bet on the PL every weekend.
It doesn’t take much to fix a desired outcome. If you know the outcome before the kick off you can make lots of dosh. It’s a red herring to throw in Chelsea and Spurs, as its the betting that matters, not those teams.
It's not working. It's because they know the review process takes too long.

I refer my fellow blue moaners (see what I did there) to the often ignored "clear and obvious". If it's clear and obvious the time to review should be no more than 5 seconds for the VAR caravan to identify it, however long it takes for the ref to jog over to the monitor, 5 seconds for him to have a look and decide to stand by or change his decision, 30 seconds tops (excluding John Moss obviously)

I can wait 30 seconds for a correct decision
I refer my fellow blue moaners (see what I did there) to the often ignored "clear and obvious". If it's clear and obvious the time to review should be no more than 5 seconds for the VAR caravan to identify it, however long it takes for the ref to jog over to the monitor, 5 seconds for him to have a look and decide to stand by or change his decision, 30 seconds tops (excluding John Moss obviously)

I can wait 30 seconds for a correct decision
How about two minutes for a totally fictitious one
so its gone from favouring a number of teams to being based around favouring/helping Liverpool win the league? Is this is what is being claimed? That VAR is totally against City to help Liverpool win the league?......that would mean that every game that liverpool play in would potentially have to be fixed (if needed) cause its not just about us dropping points but also Spurs (who will be there or there abouts once they get their shit together).....thats a big claim!
The point is, you don't need to fix every game. Liverpool will beat a majority of teams this season; as will City. If there is a gap between the teams at the top, as long as they both keep winning there will be no need to manipulate the results as long as your favoured team remains at the top.

If Liverpool are comfortably winning by 3 goals with 10 minutes to go, I could easily imagine them getting a VAR shocker against them, just to prove decisions 'even themselves out' over the season. Conversely, if they are loosing/drawing with 5 minutes to go, the odd's of them getting one in their favour will be astronomically high.

We were drawing with Spurs, but VAR was used to chalk off a legitimate goal (the correct interpretation of the handball new rule) in the last few minutes of the game, thus opening up a 2 point gap with only 3 games gone. The fact we didn't take our chances is beside the point. VAR had an opportunity to manipulate the result, and it appears they took it.

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