VAR Discussion Thread - 2023/24 | PL clubs to vote on whether to scrap VAR (pg413)

Would you want VAR scrapped?

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VAR needs a total sacking. They have had 5 years to get it right and it's still bollocks. The time for being promised the world about how it's going to get better next year and then it's still bollocks has run its course. I see some people arguing that it's not going to get binned, but this is going to push them to do things to make it better. My friends, that's not what this is. Don't get caught up in that line of thinking.

The proposal by Wolves is to completely remove VAR, nothing short of that will suffice. This is not another attempt at being sold another bag of goods about how VAR needs to improve for next season. This is not another attempt to keep kicking the can down the road. This is not being done to "put pressure" on them to make more improvements. They've had their chance to do that, we've had 5 years of this bollocks. They have clearly failed to improve this blight on football in any meaningful way and now we have an opportunity to rid us of this nonsense once and for all. VAR doesn't just need to be removed from the Premier League, it needs to be removed from all of football, including internationally (FIFA). But this is the first major step, this is the first domino that needs to fall in order for that to occur. My friends, we need to fight for the Beautiful Game. That is what we are tasked with presently. That's what this vote is for. If it fails, we are doomed. If it succeeds, then the good feeling that has been lost since VAR was introduced will finally return.

They have destroyed football with VAR and this action is to remove the cancer (VAR) and bring football back to its original way of doing things. The original way of doing things was never the problem. Linos have a distinct purpose and have been rendered stooges with VAR. It's important to remember that no one ever asked for VAR. VAR was forced up the football world by the maniacal FIFA President. The Premier League resisted its implementation for good reason, only to eventually give in to the BS. Now it is long past overdue to realize the mistake and start reversing course.

As was said above, Goal Line Technology was never a part of VAR, and it's the one piece of technology that can stay. As Goal Line Technology is not needed for 99.9% of goals, only the rare slow moving across the line ball that is barely over the line (or not) that happens once in a blue moon. When that happens, the match can be stopped to check to see if the ball is over the line or not. Other than that, the match needs to once again be judged solely by the linos (for offsides) and the referee. The referee's decisions need to be final, with no foreign interference or intervention. That means no semi-automatic offsides. That's another bag of goods, and is just a graphical display of the same BS we've been seeing all along, as they still have to manually decide what frame to pause it at, which is a pathetic 25 frames per second and impossible to pinpoint the exact offsides moment. Linos need to have their responsibility and job description restored. Referees need their autonomy Back. That's how football is supposed to work in case you forgot.

And removing VAR is a money saver. It will save all the clubs money, removing VAR and all its pieces will save clubs money and should result in ticket prices being lowered. If ticket prices aren't lowered, then clubs will get more revenue, and future increases in ticket prices will not be needed.

Removing VAR is a win-win for all involved. The powers that be want this nonsense to continue, because they want to be able to manipulate results in real-time from their ivory tower far away from the pitch. We need to get back to instinctive real-time decisions from the Linos and the Referee that are final ASAP. Make no mistake about it, our Beautiful Game, the one that has been lost at sea for the last 5 years is on the line in June with this critical vote.

No half-arsed compromise to make VAR better is acceptable. It needs to be binned, fully and swiftly. At least 14 clubs need to do the right thing and get this out of football, so the natural order of things can return and we can one again enjoy the Beautiful Game. If scrapping VAR gets approved by 14+ clubs, there may be some growing paints to get back to normal football, but we'll go through it, they'll re-learn normal football. We are capable of playing normal football again, even the media who have gotten used to VAR. They'll re-learn how football is supposed to work over time. And yes, as others have said, some of the laws have changed to accommodate VAR. For example the handball rule, which was changed again and again and redefined for VAR. The Premier League without VAR will need to once again return to the normal way to call handballs. Since the law was changed specifically for VAR, without VAR it should not apply and the original way of seeing handballs can return. Common sense. This is not rocket science. Get VAR out once and for all. Take a stand on June 6th, do the right thing. Please. Bless Wolves, now we all need to follow their lead, fans need to be vocal about it between now and June 6th. The Beautiful Game is on the line here.
So Slabhead wants VAR binned off for penalties and red cards and keep it just for offsides. Is that because every set piece he is wrestling the opponent to the ground?
Would be funny & i bet many boomers/millenials will support the idea. As much i love Pep/like city i would stop watching the PL. We know how corrupt the "old" cartel operates off the field & it would give me one more reason to watch other leagues or sports (NFL, NBA,Tennis etc) where they use technologie to make the competition more honest.

Remember CL semi against PSG (20/21). Ref. decided pen against us because of alleged handball against Zinchenko but VAR overruled it.
I don't think it needs to be scrapped, just improved and used how it was originally proposed

The biggest officiating frustrations for me are the inconsistent stoppage times (can we please just use a clock), and how offsides (i.e. a player being a literal hair off) and incidental handballs in the box (Grealish in the cup final last year, Dias against Bayern in the CL) are called. None of those are the fault of VAR, but how the current rules are written / enforced - but VAR in its current state exacerbates them
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I don't think it needs to be scrapped, just improved and used how it was originally proposed

The biggest officiating frustrations for me are the inconsistent stoppage times (can we please just use a clock), and how offsides (i.e. a player being a literal hair off) and incidental handballs in the box (Grealish in the cup final last year, Dias against Bayern in the CL) are called. None of those are the fault of VAR, but how the current rules are written / enforced - but VAR in its current state exacerbates them
If its a reminder to clean up their lack of professionalism then it's got to be good.Webb should be observing how they operate and these ridiculous audios of "Tayls" and Stu etc etc.
If you need any confirmation of ineptitude or corruption see game 1 at Trafford falls v Wolves and the clearest pen all season in game 19 (Gordon's sock was a mess) shows the lack of progress or accountability.
Automated offsides and upgrading these clowns would solve the majority of issues.
I can remember when it was first proposed and the mantra was “a quick look to pick up howlers”. Which made me laugh because that’s exactly what was said in other sports such as cricket and rugby. Which quickly went out of the window.

Whilst ever VAR is used to judge subjective incidents there will always be these long protracted delays. There will always be arguments about clear and obvious. That will never change
If I had my way I'd keep the video analysts (try to automate it as technology improves to take out the human subjectivity element) and I'd have the ref decide when to have a look at the video for any major event he wants. Basically just help the referee to referee by using the latest assistive technology.

I'd also mike up the referee so he could quickly explain what he is looking to check for.

I would not expect every goal to be checked for every aspect. Just the ones where the ref is unsure about something specific.

I'd use the automated systems for offside, throw ins, corners, over the line or not, etc. The current technology seems well able for all of that.

I would also set a new rule that any abuse of the ref is immediately a "disrespect card" and after 2 you are off but substituted so your idioticness doesn't harm your teammates as much.

I'd also have referees work really hard to look at any rules that are leading to inconsistencies. Because fairness and consistency go hand in hand.

The game relies on referees. They should be respected and helped. Every effort should be made to lift them up as well as hold them fully accountable for a fairly run competition.
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Better re-train the linesmen then if it does go as half of them don’t put their flags up thinking VAR will spot it for them.

Unless it’s yards offside then they wait to see who can get injured then put their flag up.

This is nonsense. One thing VAR has highlighted is how often linesman get even the most incredibly tight offside decisions right on the field.

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