VAR thread 2022/23

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'No one knows what constitutes handball anymore'.
I agree with you. The obvious answer is Var should not be used.
I accept TV cameras make it harder but every schoolboy knew what handball was. A deliberate motion of the arm to block the ball. Why did the suits ever think they needed to change it ?
We know have the stupid spectacle of a player trying to stay on his feet whilst holding 2 hands behind his back.
I don’t really disagree, but like all things under the microscope a line needs to be drawn somewhere.

The right balance hasn’t been found as of yet.
Soooooooo the referee on the pitch saw nothing wrong in the build up to Rodri's goal. The referee in the Var cupboard did.

The handball rules were last changed in 2021. Uefa stated that if a person accidentally commits handball and then scores, it should be ruled out. If however there is an accidental handball by another player in the build up, the goal should stand.
No one, apart from the Var official, would ever say the Mahrez (very slight) touch was deliberate.
This shows why Var is wrong in every shape and form. The Var official was wrong but also able to persuade (force) the on field referee to also make a huge mistake. Var was meant to eliminate errors but when you have officials who are simply not good enough, but have huge power to influence the game, the errors will simply continue.
Those that defend Var often quote the Milner 2 yards offside farce as a reason why it should stay. That one absolutely farcical mistake should not mean football fans have to accept regular stupid decisions, week in, week out.
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Just watched some highlights and I gave up after I saw Gomez's sending off as a result of VAR. The two handball decisions earlier were again stupid. The ball in both instances accidentally hit the arm. It seems the VAR official had been given a brown envelope to seriously influence the game. Don't know who the commentators were but their consensus was that VAR has completely ruined the game.
As for Mahrez's penalty he should have gone to the other side where he usually puts them. The goalie knew where it went last week so he opted to go that way, made a fine save because Mahrez had obliged.
Fuck VAR. Sooner it's out of the game, the better.
I'm beginning to think the same, we'd get less controversy anyway. We'd also get less decisions being made which I think var has brought, so many tiny little rules and decisions that just don't need looking at. Micro- management is spoiling it quite a bit.
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