VAR thread 2022/23

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I nominate @BlueHammer85.

Thanks for your thoughts on the matter. I think FIFA representatives are elected by the FAs of an the members countries. That's a heck of a lot of lobbying to get through, and by all accounts, they vote for the candidate that offers them the most of best incentive. I bet much doubt fans view will be taken into account in the election process.
I think we can all agree that it's appalling what has been done to football with VAR. This whole experiment has been put into action by Infantino, and the idea that he could run unopposed again just doesn't sit well with me.

Football is in crisis due to VAR. This is something that should be front and center when it comes to the FIFA President seeking re-election. How can a President who caused this much damage to the sport be allowed to run unopposed? VAR is a big problem, how this system was designed and implemented as poorly as it was, its execution continues to be criticized particularly in Europe. This FIFA President has to be held responsible for what he's done. Its failures, how upsetting this VAR disaster has been for not just fans, but managers who berate it on an ongoing basis. Players have spoken out about it, but many involved in the sport walk a fine line and know to keep their mouth shut when it comes to complaining about officiating or VAR systemically for fear of reprisal.

If he goes into re-election unchallenged, it's like he's being rewarded for what he's done with VAR, a system that is shambolic and farcical in nature that has showed itself to have very little if any benefit with a great deal of unwelcome interference. There's far more controversy on a match by match basis than there ever was before VAR. Every time play is stopped for a ref to go to the monitor the integrity of the match is gone. This VAR serves no one's interest other than the FIFA President's own agenda. He's changed the fabric of the sport in a very negative way with this VAR experiment and he's set it down a road that seems to be very difficult to reverse or get rid of. We've reached a point that something needs to be done urgently in an organized way. To make it clear that this isn't working and isn't good for the future of football.

It's not just about fans, it's about everyone involved in the sport. Listen to the pundits who continue to voice their displeasure and frustration with how this all plays out. They don't want football to be like this, they know it's all become nonsensical and convoluted when it comes to how the referee and VAR arrive at decisions that determine results.

Example :

These kind of pundit conversations that go round and round about how VAR is failing continue to occur over and over again like a broken record. And I like these guys on BEIN, they get it, they tell it like it is, they see that VAR is a disaster. You know how many times I heard these guys talk about how football isn't black and white and VAR tries to make it something it's not, then the segment ends, then the next game there's another VAR controversy and round and round we go. This is no way for football to exist. This sort of thing has been happening on a weekly basis for years now.

In the beginning we were told "give it time, it'll get better". We're years and years into this and we remain in the same continual loop that never ends. And no, VAR wasn't good in the 2018 Fifa WC which is an argument we often hear. That's nonsense. VAR got several major calls wrong in the 2018 WC that determined results and who advanced. Lets not forget what happened to Senegal on a horrid VAR penalty reversal.

It was the wrong call to reverse than Penalty for Mane. Mane was hit in the leg before the defender got his foot on the ball OK. The initial call on the field was correct. VAR caused that ref to take away that penalty. His initially gut instinct to award a penalty there was correct. But VAR made him second guess himself focusing on the leg getting the ball without looking at the contact with the leg before he got to the ball.

There were situations in the 2018 WC where reviews got the call wrong and there were other situations where bad calls weren't even reviewed. So VAR didn't work in the 2018 WC. And yet we always year "but it worked so well in the WC". No, that didn't happen at all. In the WC Final itself there was a huge VAR controversy when a penalty was awarded on an accidental handball that ended up changing the handball law again and again.

This whole VAR experiment is an utter shambles, it's embarrassing. And don't get me started on the Women's WC. That was a complete disaster with the whole penalty / re-kicking saga with goal-keepers coming off their line by a millimeter then VAR ordering penalties re-kicked. This has been a nightmare for any serious fan of football. Up until VAR, the sport had progressed so beautifully to a point where it was working so well. Then this Infantino guy just threw a wrench into how football functioned and messed up everything. If it ain't broke don't fix it. This guy broke football in such an atrocious way. It's no longer what it was, not even close under these conditions. The sport needs to be brought back to what it was, and there needs to be an urgency for it. There needs to be real resistance, organized resistance to VAR to get this out of the sport for good. Give us back our beautiful game. No one however powerful had any right to turn football into this side show. And the most appropriate way to do that is for a brave opposition to step in and run for FIFA President and defeat Mr. Infantino. Run on the platform of "VAR has failed" and that it's time to end this experiment and get back to grassroots natural football. Give the people of the world their football back. We can't continue on like this. VAR has harmed the sport tremendously and there's no excuse for continuing down this treacherous road after all we've observed.

You got these ivory tower VARs making referees second guess themselves and question their decision-making. It's absolutely ridiculous and everyone can see how fundamentally broken this is. I strongly urge anyone to support an opposition candidate for FIFA president. If the deadline is approaching, then please find someone to represent the grassroots and the integrity that has been missing since Infantino took over and started with this VAR nonsense. The anti-VAR platform is there to be had. It's the common sense path to get football back and track towards a bright future. We all know VAR isn't working, not even close to working. It's just wrong for football. The FIFA President's 7-year VAR experiment has failed miserably, it is driving everyone associated with the sport completely mad and it's time to elect a FIFA president who understands how badly VAR has failed and can communicate why it needs to be removed from the sport.
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