VAR thread 2022/23

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I've posted this elsewhere today but the clearest decision of the day was not reviewed.
Salah goal should have been disallowed for handball. A series of clips prove it 100%.
Here is a flavour:

salah 3.jpg
I am new to this forum. I am a long time reader but a first time poster. I just want you to know how grateful I am to read your posts about VAR. I have been following this topic for years and reading your comments has helped me cope with VAR on many occasions. It is good to know that there are fans like me who see how devastating VAR has been to football. I've just been driven up a wall with VAR and I don't know where else to turn to voice my concerns about the future of the sport. So I finally decided to sign up to this forum because this seems to be a place where I can talk about VAR and perhaps we can explore what can be done about it. We're all fed up by VAR, but has anyone really thought about what we can do about it to save our sport from the VAR problem?

One pressing matter that comes to mind involves the upcoming FIFA Presidential Election in March 2023. I don't if any of you have given this much thought, but the FIFA President Mr. Infantino is seeking re-election for a 3rd term. He ran unopposed in 2019 and unless there is a candidate planning to run against him this time that I don't know about, it seems that he may be about to run unopposed yet again which is unconscionable given how much of a failure VAR has been under his administration. In 2019, it was somewhat understandable that there was no opposition. But 4 years later, it's very apparent by now that VAR isn't working and is fundamentally broken, and won't ever be a benefit to the sport no matter how hard they try to twist and change the fundamental and basic laws of the sport in order to as they say make VAR more applicable.

The VAR problem continues to be an existential crisis to the health, stability and integrity of the sport. I don't know about you, but I don't see how the sport can suffer another 4 years of this VAR madness with Infantino running FIFA with his VAR agenda. This longer this goes on, the more difficult it may be to remove it from the sport. And I'm not sure we can wait until 2027 for this VAR problem to be resolved.

It is my understanding that the deadline for an opposition candidate to run for FIFA President is quickly approaching. Apparently a opposition candidate needs to register to run 4 months before the vote in March 2023. I just can't fathom Mr. Infantino running unopposed yet again as he seeks a 3rd term given colossal failure of his pet project VAR. Is there anyone that you know in England or anywhere in Europe brave enough to run for the FIFA Presidency in March? Shouldn't there be an urgency from the fans to support a candidate to save football from VAR and eliminate it once and for all, and return the sport to its roots? How can we do that with the current FIFA President in place, the person responsible for VAR from the beginning who's fully invested in maintaining this system at all costs?

The grassroots fans should be desperate for an opposition candidate to run against him in March, to be the voice of the people. Is there anyone you know who would consider running for FIFA President on an anti-VAR, grassroots agenda? Even if the campaign is ultimately unsuccessful, and Infantino wins re-election, at least an opposition candidate running on ending VAR would provide some resistance to VAR, that would at the very least plant the seeds of doubt on VAR's stranglehold on the future of football and perhaps set the stage for 2027 for new President to run on eliminating VAR as Infantino would not be eligible for a 4th term.

If there is still time for an opposition candidate to emerge and register in time for the deadline to challenge Infantino for the FIFA throne in March, to make this upcoming FIFA election about VAR and the future of football, I think we should do everything in our power to find that brave voice that is willing to represent the people who long for a return to the Beautiful Game.

Please consider my request to seek out anyone with a genuine passion for the sport who would take it upon themself to be the hero in this story, to fight against the VAR-man Infantino in this upcoming FIFA election to reclaim the essence of football. For all of us who long for the classics, for that natural flow to return to matches, without the unwelcome stoppages and interruptions of VAR. To be able to celebrate goals once again, it's so fundamentally important to the psyche of the fan. We've been robbed of that joy for far too long. This must be a priority and it must be something we are willing to fight for. There's gotta be someone out there, in England, in Europe, who is willing to run for FIFA President in March and fight for the future of the sport, for all of us.

Please help save our Beautiful Game and seek out a candidate to run for FIFA President and put an end this VAR atrocity once and for all.
I've posted this elsewhere today but the clearest decision of the day was not reviewed.
Salah goal should have been disallowed for handball. A series of clips prove it 100%.
Here is a flavour:

View attachment 58393
The club should be all over this to PGMOL and demanding England is not put on our games. Pure out snd out cheating he can rule our goal out yet failed to take action over this,
He has a long history of bending over on Var for the Dippers
I must admit I thought it looked a bit suspicious when I first saw it but that confirms my thoughts.
Good ol VAR - proving once again what it's really here for.
These cunts are cheating us out points in all competitions.

Lot's of close-ups on Sky for the Haaland "foul" and break on the goalkeeper.

I wanted to see clearly how Cancelo fucked up or if he was beaten by Salah skill but on the bits I saw there was no close up for this. And it doesn't seem to have made it to the mainstream media.

It's every time at that place.
Lot's of close-ups on Sky for the Haaland "foul" and break on the goalkeeper.

I wanted to see clearly how Cancelo fucked up or if he was beaten by Salah skill but on the bits I saw there was no close up for this. And it doesn't seem to have made it to the mainstream media.

It's every time at that place.
VAR = Variable Anfield Replays
I normally sulk like a baby and refuse to watch highlights when we’ve lost. But I’ve just forced myself to watch Match of the Day. I was as a pissed off as anyone yesterday but I have to say in the sober light of the next day, my anger has subsided a bit. It was a foul by Haaland. I’d still probably be a bit annoyed because of the context of the way the rest of the game was refereed. But that’s tempered by the fact, I’m pretty sure Haaland kicked the ball when the ‘keeper had a hand on it anyway, so I doubt the goal would have stood.

More annoyed with the defending for the goal now more than anything. Both by DeBruyne and Cancello.
Here is the relevant part of Law 12 regarding goalkeeper having control of the ball.

As soon as Foden scored yesterday, instead of joy, my thought immediately was how can var rule this out... I posted this in the match thread as soon as he scores. I had no idea haaland had pulled Fabinho, just had a hunch var was going to look for a reason to disallow it, which is pretty much what happened.
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