The on-field referee ASKS the VAR, "It looks like a good goal, but have I missed anything?", the VARs then inform him if they have found anything during their routine checks for all goals ie "We're checking for a possible offside (and probably identifies the player who is possibly offside)". On-field referee then leads the discussion which follows and dictates to the VAR which angles he would like to see (if he's going to view it himself) NOT the other way round. Ideally he would like to see as many different angles as possible to get as full a picture as possible, NOT the one VAR has chosen which best shows what THEY think they have seen. Subtle, but important difference! This surely isn't a difficult concept for people to get their head's around, is it? ONE referee, the head of the team, with several lower lever figures whose roles are to HELP him make the decisions he wishes to make, NOT 2/3 referees all putting their oars in and muddying the water.