VAR thread 2022/23

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Not sure if serious but if you are. The brown envelopes are passed to the FA/ Premier League. They inform Gary Neville but obviously not the referee at this stage and he then drops subtle hints in his commentary that the VAR picks up on and then passes on to the referee? Is that how it works?
It was a tongue in cheek comment Stephen
There is something wrong when a West Ham player gets away with a volley ball pass that leads to a goal, but City have one disallowed after the ball brushes the hand of Mahrez two plays before Rodri scores.
Those were my thoughts as well. It is the interpretation of the incidents that leads to anger and annoyance for fans.
Terry Butcher calls for VAR to be scrapped

"It's ridiculous. It takes the fun out of the spectators, because they want to celebrate. It takes the fun out of the players, because they want to celebrate."

"It's just, it ruins the occasion."
Fuck Jamie O'Hara.
I understand that, but tribalism continues to enable VAR. When it comes to VAR, we really need to put aside our competitive angst. The future of the sport is more important than the affiliation of a voice trying to save the sport from this plague.

Do I have to find neutrals to speak out against VAR in order for you to agree with their take? Can you not take a stance against VAR because a recent decision hurt Spurs? This VAR problem is out of control and we need to start taking drastic action. And frankly, the best way to unite is to support anyone even supporters of rival clubs who are against VAR. That would send a powerful message. If we continue to be petty about it and allow VAR to use tribalism against the fan, then it makes it harder to get this out of the sport.
It is become abundantly clear by now that VAR is wildly unpopular. Managers, players, fans, former players, all continue to speak out against it. Due to VAR and all the problems associated with it, football is been taken into an ugly direction and the sport as a whole finds itself in an existential crisis. We are now at a point that we need to start calling VAR for what it is and will into existence a way to remove it from the sport. Somehow someway, it has to be taken out completely and ensure that it can never return or be tried again, in any form, aside perhaps from goal-line technology which is all we never needed. The consensus needs to come a firm realization of VAR needing to be removed.

VAR is a crime against football.

Let’s not pussyfoot around anymore: it must be stopped before it kills the game.

It is not only a crime against football, but it is a cancer for football. When you have a cancerous tumor in the body, you have to remove the tumor or else it will kill the body. The good news is that if football is the body, VAR is cancerous tumor that can be removed. Once this VAR tumor is removed, the body known as football will become healthy again and will thrive as it always has.

But as we remain in this tumultuous period of VAR-induced football, the entire sport and the entire football fraternity is in a state of agony. And to reiterate my first post, it really is the FIFA President who is behind all of it. And I just can't imagine this guy being able to run unopposed and win re-election in March.

What is evident to me is that it seems that no matter how wildly unpopular and frustrating VAR is, no matter how many people associated with the sport call for it to be scraped, none of it seems to be able to penetrate the political side of football. This FIFA President seems to be in his own little bubble as it pertains to how VAR is being received. How something this detrimental and wildly unpopular throughout the public is being allowed to continue unopposed, it's one of the craziest things I've ever seen. And if it's not the vast majority that want VAR out, if there's a sizable pro-VAR split (i'm not sure if there is) then it's creating additional division amongst fans.

For someone like the FIFA President, however well intentioned he may be, to do what he's done to this sport is astounding and highly troubling. The direction he's taken this sport with his pet project VAR is into a dark place that is unfit for the public. There is a tremendous amount of harm being done to the present and potentially to the future the longer this remains in the sport.

And yet despite the tremendous unpopularity, despite hearing in this clip about how he likes watching Irish football because there's no VAR :

Then we are met with reports like this :

A form of VAR is to be demonstrated in the Irish Premiership as part of a feasibility study aimed at examining the potential of introducing the technology into the Northern Irish top-flight.

It is set to be tested in the 12 November fixture between Linfield and Glenavon, however it will not be used within the game itself.

The Irish FA says it is an "investigatory demonstration and conversations around any wider implementation are in their infancy."

It's like every time VAR gets shredded in the press for ruining another game, the FIFA President schedules a trial of VAR in a new league. This time the Irish Premiership.

To translate what this article is about, how VAR is to be demonstrated in the Irish Premiership. What this means is that the FIFA President has "decided" for Ireland that they are going to be "demonstrated" a "form" of VAR. The FIFA President has taken this opportunity of VAR getting shredded in the public yet again to phone up the Irish Premiership head and basically tell him that to schedule this match to test VAR. So he's going bring all his VAR cronies to this 12 November fixture and "test it". "Pilot it". Then he's basically going to try and sweet talk the Irish after this match and try and get them to sign a contract to implement VAR into the Irish Premiership.

For all we know, the FIFA President could be "paying off" all these leagues to get them to essentially purchase and agree to adopt VAR after their "pilot" / "VAR test" fixture. The FIFA President has to be aware of how unpopular VAR is, but politically he pretends to stay in a "pro-VAR" bubble by never talking about how bad VAR is being received is in the public. This is a strategic game he is playing to keep the VAR agenda moving. And no one in the media, it seems, is able to interview him to have him explain and get his reaction to how poorly VAR is received. This is completely mad how a single man elected to FIFA President has been able to perceive his way into creating such vast problems in the sport through VAR, which threaten its very sustainability and its future. The FIFA President must be stopped. At the very least, he needs to be cornered by the media and be forced to answer to how fed up everyone is with VAR.

I hear a lot about Sepp Blatter and how he was so corrupt, but Sepp Blatter knew how to preside over the sport, he knew the game needed, and more importantly what it didn't need. The corruption he was accused in no way shape or form harmed the sport in any way. Meanwhile the FIFA President who replaced him has taken the sport in a completely different direction. Sepp Blatter if he took some money that he claims he was allowed to take, that's nothing compared to what this current FIFA President has done to the beautiful game, to the sport itself. Sepp maintained the beautiful game, he really cared about preserving its integrity, and it's imperfections. It's important to remember that. This FIFA President is just inherently corrupt given what he's done with VAR. And if he's paying off these leagues to adopt VAR, this is a scandal. Way worse than anything Sepp Blatter did because it affects everyone and their enjoyment fo the sport.

We need to get our priorities straight as football fans and make a concerted effort to push back against VAR, and do anything we can reverse the trend that the FIFA President has put in place. I don't know about you, but I miss football. I miss being able to watch a match start to finish and not be waiting to be taken out of it for more VAR stoppages. A VAR stoppage is pretty much the worst feeling the world. This whole VAR escapade is not cool, it's an endless nightmare for a football fan. Everyone in England and the U.K. has to really unite for a mutual cause. We really have something to fight against and a genuine purpose to be behind. The sanctity of football. Whether Spurs get robbed of a win or if City does. VAR goes beyond tribalism. The is about the sport we know and seeing what it has turned into, and putting this sub-par version to an end.

The FIFA President needs to answer for his failed experiment. And the Irish should have rejected his request to schedule a VAR test fixture!!

Nothing contrary in anything he says - you just don’t like opposing views or being stood corrected
Corrected.... About what?
I value your views but the poster you are protecting has a track record of wummery across a lot of diverse threads. No issues with opposing views. I challenge you to find anywhere he has corrected me.
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