I am absolutely hating this media line of “It was the right decision but it’s the law that is ridiculous.”
This is some piss poor attempt to absolve the referee of culpability. It’s total bollocks. The handball guidance talks about intention and proximity. That standard is simply not met in this instance. He is about one yard away and he has no intention of blocking the ball as he’s facing the other way. Every person with two eyes and a brain cell can see that.
Stop using the rulebook as an out. To give that as a penalty is simply the product of bad refereeing. They are not applying the guidance correctly because they don’t know how to take an advisory framework of guidance and apply it more generally using common sense… which leads to absolutely absurd decisions like this. You can tweak the rule book all you like, you’re still gonna get the same shit because these referees are just not good at their job (whether down to incompetence or corruption is up to you). It’s that simple.
Put it this way. If he didn’t give it, is anybody going to say the ref hasn’t followed the rules? No of course they wouldn’t because there’s a million reasons why it doesn’t meet the standard of a penalty.