Vet Fees

Signed for it mate. Disgusting what these vets are getting away with.
My dog is 65kg so god knows what I'd be charged if she needs an xray.
Took my Daughters dog to our local vets, he kept licking his balls all the time and they have become inflamed also got small cyst on his tail asked how much for castration and removal of cyst £200 quid dont know if this is expensive or not,
had antibotic injection and tablets for now that cosy £52 quid
This week, I have been charged £920 by my vet for an x-ray. The explanation I was offered was that she was a larger dog and that she needed hospitalisation. Now, both of those explanations don't ring true - she weighs 30kg so less than a Labrador, for example, and the hospitalisation meant just staying in the vet from morning until evening, as is normal for an x-ray. This led to me looking into the issue and finding that in the last five years, many practices have increased their fees by upto 5x. As a consequence, I started a petition for a regulatory body in the industry. If you also think this is an issue, I would be grateful if you would sign and share my petition:

My uncle had an Old English Mastiff - 138kg - he was bloody huge but not fat.
Signed. It's racketeering, nothing less.

Many of the insurance companies are no better. Though I have to say, that Bought By Many have been excellent in dealing with our rescue from Cyprus, Pep. He was tested for but not diagnosed (as it was dormant) with Leishmaniasis (a parasite from the bite of a sand fly, very common all around the Med countries) Then after we had him just a month, it struck him. He was so sick, lost so much weight, and we nearly lost him. The meds had to come from Spain, and cost £500. The vet bills were high too.
For two years now he has been on allopurinol (a human medicine for treating gout) which somehow supresses the ones that may still be dormant, and has to have six monthly blood tests at £350 a time. They have paid out without quibble for everything, and his premiums only went up marginally each year. Highly recommended.
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Are you sure that's a dog and not a horse? Mine is a fat **** and only weighs 22kg and he classifies as "large" at my vets
She's an english mastiff/ St.Bernard cross mate...average weight for her.

Look for pics of a saint bermastiff. One of images that comes back on google is her mum and she's the spitting image of her.

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