Vet Fees

I heard some guy say all pets 'live in the moment' that meaning, you can not thwart it's future desires, because it doesn't have any to thwart.. no capacity in it's stupid brain to look forward to breakfast.. so it can never be a harm to kill one in its sleep.. if we all thought that way, I reckon vets would be way cheaper, and almost defunct really
I adore and love my dogs but i have neither insured and wouldnt pay a huge vets bill either.
When my old mongrel bruce met his maker i cried at the time but very quickly moved on
Girlfriends pet rabbit is on meds that cost £38 a month - can be bought online for less than £20 or about £50 for three months worth. Vet charges £25 for a prescription and will only do it for one month at a time. Wankers.
You know what to do then mate. Bin off the fucking vet and buy it online. Painkillers for pets on prescription cost a packet and years ago we used to give our animals junior aspirin. Vets and dentists are a licence to print money. Years ago I had the pleasure of charging my dentist to repair his mini switchboard for his phones as they had a water leak. He was well put out as he thought he'd get it done for nothing. I left and moved to another soon after as I feared retribution :-)
This week, I have been charged £920 by my vet for an x-ray. The explanation I was offered was that she was a larger dog and that she needed hospitalisation. Now, both of those explanations don't ring true - she weighs 30kg so less than a Labrador, for example, and the hospitalisation meant just staying in the vet from morning until evening, as is normal for an x-ray. This led to me looking into the issue and finding that in the last five years, many practices have increased their fees by upto 5x. As a consequence, I started a petition for a regulatory body in the industry. If you also think this is an issue, I would be grateful if you would sign and share my petition:

There is a story in The Times today about private health care (human). They quote £100 for an x-ray or £269 for a 3D Scan.
Vets are expensive ... but if you fancy getting into that racket then just pop yourself off to uni for 5/6 years to get qualified. Thats after getting straight A*’s in your A levels. Presuming you got those results. if not then it's back to college for 2 years.
obviously only if you got the relevant GCSEs. If not ...
Not sure that your rambles relevant but so what, I went to uni for 10 years and have several degrees....I don’t rip people off.
I’ve never had insurance for any of my cats, but looking at some of the fees people are quoting in here is making me wonder if Inshould start looking at getting some.

I’ve signed as requested, OP.

Our cat is 14 in the summer. We’ve been lucky and she’s only really had a couple of injuries and so we will have saved a fortune in cumulative insurance fees over the years.

She‘s obviously going to need more medical help as she gets into her twilight years. Which policy types would people recommend? Life or 12 month rolling.
My ex recently came to me to borrow money, her cat got savaged by either a dog or fox, resulting in him needing a back leg amputated, he was also neutered, the bill for both surgeries was £900, I would say you've been scammed.
Think u know full well the relevance.
What did u do after 10 years of uni ?
I know what your implying but its not the point. GP’s do about 11 years including med school and post degree training and qualifications before they can work in a practice......with a top salary of £90k.

Does it matter what I did, not relevant.

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