The ones I came across were ok. We actually had a drink in Harrow and ended up in a Villa pub. Clearly we didn’t raise our head above and we moved on. Bit of banter along WW with a line of police horses but nothing too major, saw none in our end and after the game was a bit moody on the way back to Wembley Central as that was where a lot of Villa fans were but didn’t see anything major. I’ve always found the cops deal with Wembley games well and are on to trouble fairly quickly. Had a decent chat on tube back to Watford junction and all pretty uneventful.
Of all our Wembley trips,United was the edgiest but where I was it was safety in numbers. Stoke was fine, Sunderland was fine bar the scuffle in our end with that block of fans who celebrated their goal and Liverpool was ok. We actually had a decent drink on Euston road in mixed City/Dipper pubs and didnt see any trouble although I believe there was some in places. Watford was good to and a very enjoyable day given the ease of the win. Bit of aggro v Chelsea at the semi but didn’t see any at the final and a bit v Arsenal at the final. The worst trouble I’ve seen was between pissed up city fans.