Vincent Kompany - 2016/17 performances

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Body,& possibly mind,need the right,relaxing environment to come together.

Vincent may be suffering a crisis of confidence,a form of 'stage fright'

I look forward to our 'Capitano' returning to finish what he started.

Best wishes Vincent.

Yeah, we could throw around wild assumptions about him having stage fright and a mental issue...

Or, just humour me, why don't take what Kompany has said previously at face value? He's said he wants to play, but has promised Pep and the medical staff that at any hint of discomfort he'll pull out. That what he's doing is doctor's orders, and even though we all know how desperate he is to get back on the pitch, his head is ruling his heart.
Were all the kneejerk reactions not the truth though? We can't keep going on like this
There were claims he was injured again. In the Summer he was injured. Now he's a City sub and regularly in the squad so that's progress.
Totally disagree, Pep DOES have a decision to make and quick, isn't this the second time this season hes said just before a game that he cant play? Walking off down the tunnel at the end of the Swansea cup game.

He has serious issues with his leg muscles and Pep cant plan round a player who's fitness is up and down on a day to day basis.

As for Kolorov hes doing a decent job in a position that isn't his first choice, what exactly other options do we have for a replacement CB at the club when we need to rotate?

You can get all misty eyed about Vinny all you like but he looks finished, we need to buy a CB and quick.

Get him coaching at the club or an ambassador role, definitely has a future at the club in some capacity.

My point was about the decision is that it won't be Peps alone..he will take advice and talk to Kompany as do anything else would be stupid and disrespectful as well.

We will have to agree to disagree on Kolorov. In my opinion he is a liability whenever not he pitch and wherever he plays

it has nothing o do with being misty i said in a previous has everything to do with being very secure in the fact that IF he is fit he is easily the best centre half in the club....none of the others even come close. And added to this his leadership and organisational skills are second to none and his presence on the pitch increases the likeliness that we will win games (and that is all i care about) Therefore for the sake of the team and performances we should all be hoping he can overcome this. If he cant we need a new centre half and finding one of his level that is willing to come is going to be very very difficult (as already proved with the two that both turned us down in the summer)
Yeah, we could throw around wild assumptions about him having stage fright and a mental issue...

Or, just humour me, why don't take what Kompany has said previously at face value? He's said he wants to play, but has promised Pep and the medical staff that at any hint of discomfort he'll pull out. That what he's doing is doctor's orders, and even though we all know how desperate he is to get back on the pitch, his head is ruling his heart.

Wild assumptions ? WTF Are you on about ? What wild assumptions ??
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