Vincent Kompany

I think we all let the dust settle this season. Let Vinny have a good pres season and form a partnership with Mangala...knowing that Denayer is waiting in case he doesn't get his old form back.
bluevengence said:
Tbilisi said:
BlueAnorak said:
I'd add Booth to the list as well but there you go.

Undoubtedly though Kompany has been poor this season. Then again Pellers changed a component of the defence every game till recently.

Booth is a great shout,at the start of the 80s he was superb.

All great players,but I will plump for Mike Doyle just for his hatred of the rag vermin.

he did,nt hate them them as much as people think.....
as a kid he openly admitted he showed no preference for city or utd, and later , as a player, after a row with big mal,was pissed off when he didnt get the chance to speak to utd who were after noted in his book "Manchester City-My Team"
Fantastic player for City nevertheless.
NQCitizen said:
Dribble said:
hutton who blue said:
I don't understand how such a powerful, commanding, intelligent figure who was a colossus for City and destined to become a City legend is now producing indecisive and doubtful displays for City. I hope he turns it around to how he once was.
I would hazard a guess its because of the indecisive and doubtful 442 he been asked to play in. He said as much last season that the defence has a lot less protection and the emphasis has shifted from being defensively solid to all out attack, so something had to give.

Good players rarely become indecisive and doubtful overnight without good reason.
Realistically Mangala and Demichelis are managing it a lot better.

It's been a horrible season for Vinnie and I don't think some of these excuses ring as true as we might like.

well said. some of his rash challenges and poor decision making over the last 18 months or so have nothing whatsoever to do with the formation of the team...his self inflicted injury against newcastle on the opening day of last season when he dived into a challenge out on the left touchline , closer to the half way line than his own goal, being a clear example of the soon to become familiar rash challenges from this once cultured centre back.
i hope he gets his form sorted quickly, and deals with whatever outside influence(s) affecting his game.

We need the real Kompany back.
dennishasdoneit said:
NQCitizen said:
Dribble said:
I would hazard a guess its because of the indecisive and doubtful 442 he been asked to play in. He said as much last season that the defence has a lot less protection and the emphasis has shifted from being defensively solid to all out attack, so something had to give.

Good players rarely become indecisive and doubtful overnight without good reason.
Realistically Mangala and Demichelis are managing it a lot better.

It's been a horrible season for Vinnie and I don't think some of these excuses ring as true as we might like.

well said. some of his rash challenges and poor decision making over the last 18 months or so have nothing whatsoever to do with the formation of the team...his self inflicted injury against newcastle on the opening day of last season when he dived into a challenge out on the left touchline , closer to the half way line than his own goal, being a clear example of the soon to become familiar rash challenges from this once cultured centre back.
i hope he gets his form sorted quickly, and deals with whatever outside influence(s) affecting his game.

We need the real Kompany back.

Just needs to stay on his feet, it not rocket science, dunno what's got into him this past year or so, especially with this need to charge into midfield areas to win a tackle ....Any challenge that looks like a lunge or clumsy always looks much worse when you're the size of Kompany .... and you know c*nts like Rooney, Ivanovic, Terry will be all over the ref trying to get him sent off too if a tackle looks remotely out of control ....
He's dealing with adversity for the first time in his career and is obviously "butt hurt." He deserves a chance to see if he can come back. But I honestly doubt he will under a new manager and captain. But I hope I am wrong.
He's not playing because Mangala and Demichelis are playing well. Pellegrini is doing the right thing. This is how you get players to perform at 100%. You relax, you lose your place.
+ 1 for de niro's comments.

Kompany has been absolutely outstanding for us both on and off the pitch, he's our captain and will be for as long as he's at the club as far as I'm concerned. His injuries probably mean he won't be able to play every game these days but when he's fit he has to play, although I think Demichelis and Mangala have done enough to keep the shirt the last two games whilst Kompany slowly eased himself back.

In terms of his form, I don't think he's to blame. I think it's purely down to the tactics and him having no protection in front of the back 4, especially when Yaya is part of a midfield duo. Kompany is easily the best defender in the league but Terry and Cahill have Matic and usually a second more defensive minded midfielder in front of them to protect them, we have Yaya and to be fair to him Fernandinho who works his b*llocks off but isn't a natural holding midfielder. The consequences of having the best attacking/scoring record two seasons on the trot are a vulnerability because of a lack of numbers in defensive situations.
Marvin said:
He's not playing because Mangala and Demichelis are playing well. Pellegrini is doing the right thing. This is how you get players to perform at 100%. You relax, you lose your place.

Both were a fookin shambles against Swansea, the whole defence was like the three stooges on top form... Bring Vinny back for Southampton...!
Cant think of 5 great games he has had in 18 months. Could probably name 20 in the 18 months before that.

His performance against United at home when we dicked them is the greatest defensive performance Ive seen from a City player, narrowly pipping De Jong vs Chelsea under Hughes and few contenders from Dunne

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