Vincent Kompany

I still miss the big feller, probably always will do.

Some players have such an impact at a club that long after their time at the club has finished their presence is still felt.

Whether or not he one day sits in the manager's dugout for us, we don't know. But what we do know is Vinny is a part of the fabric of the club and will always be held in the highest esteem, whatever he does.

Love ya, big man.
Next season will be a big one for Vinnie. If Burnley support him with a few quid to bolster his squad, and he can escape the relegation battle and finish mid-table, it will be a massive achievement. From there, second year slump has to be overcome and he has to try to re-establish them as a Premier League club. If he can do that, while playing attractive, front foot football, there’s no reason he can’t move up to a bigger club, and no reason it can’t be City post-Pep.

There seems to be an elite Manager corps of about 6-12 managers that move around the top clubs, with a slightly bigger second tier, within Europe. Clearly, I don’t know many of the managers from the smaller clubs in Europe, but there’s no reason Vinnie can’t immediately place himself within that group, given his pedigree.

If he can, then he could become more Arteta/Xavi than Gerrard/Lampard. Indeed, the biggest coaches of the top clubs in Britain atm are ALL ex-players who played at a high level and got good tutelage. Vinnie is no different and, with his first taste of British football management, has turned a small, nothing club with solid support into the runaway leaders of the Championship by revolutionizing both the way they play and the age profile of the team.

I wish Vinnie only the best, and hope that can mean lifting trophies again as a City man!
To take over a club as big as City when you're still in your thirties is just heading for a fall. He's done very well with the limited resources of Burnley. He needs more time and experience. He'd be the first to say it.
If there's one thing I'd hate to see, it's people getting vicious on here — or worse, in the stadium — with Vin. For me, he's the closest thing there is to being a secular saint.
He's also, incidentally, an extremely bright guy who could do a lot of other things with his life, if he chose.
I agree with this but I guess Pep is proof it can work given what he did at Barca
The thing that most impressed me about him was his comments about Vieira’s sacking at Palace. His analysis explaining why it was a poor decision was spot on. He’s a class act. As for being a future City manager, why not? He was in the best finishing school for managers of the future at City under Pep. And I’m sure he’ll follow in the footsteps of Xavi and Arteta. One day when Pep has gone, everyone will look back and likely see there was no better manager than him, ever. Enjoy Pep while he’s at City.

It was excellent as was his post match. What impressed was him saying he’d like to know what was said at half time to understand how it changed so much.
He has already said pep should stop saying he will be our manager because burnley is a passion project and having got them promoted will be relishing the chance to cut more teeth in the prem

Yeah but spurs are massive compared to Burnley and we all slate Levy but he usually gives his managers time but not much money! It’s a step up from Burnley and pressure!

Now would he take it if offered is a different matter!

If it was me I’d take it..

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