Violence at Euro 2016

Pre-200? I knew you was old but I didn't think you was that old. No need for childish name calling neither - that's twice now, so act your age.
Fwiw, I was born in the 70's and attended shit loads of home and many aways throughout my life, which coincided with the era you speak of. My uncle served time for his own hooligan career in the 80's but he was a hard man with the stories and scars to back it up - you wouldn't catch him calling people "dickhead" on the internet. I'm not a new age fan complete with iPad and half and half scarf - so you're miles wide of the mark there gramps.

Don't pontificate to me you sanctimonious prick,you also start and end your post with an insult so practise what you preach eh? Born when in the 70's? By the time you had left school the hooligan years were all but finished. Quite ironic you accused me...twice...of eulogising the violence and the era of violence that preceded it then boast about your 'Dead ard uncle' eh?Sorry to get your lower lip quivering sonny by called you what you so obviously are. Read back also....I didn't accuse you of wearing half and half scarves but I think I proved my point.You weren't there when the real shit was hitting the fan,people that were agreed with what I had written because I told it as it was. You are also not as intelligent as you try to come across,especially when your cage is rattled are you youngster lol?
@paulchapo @Machiavelli can you take this to the playground (or PM) rather than litter the thread with it please. Thanks.
Its attempted murder in my book and those caught should be charged accordingly.
I said the same the other day.

What else are you trying to do if you're kicking someone in the head? If you were fair fighting you'd wait 'till he got back up and get back into fist fighting if he wanted it. It'd be unfair to drag him up and beat him again. But to kick him in the head when he's on the deck is a total disgrace.
The news just said they have deported 29 of them proven to have been involved in the violence at the weekend.While that is good news why no arrests and imprisonment first?

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