Violence at Euro 2016

Fuck sake. Frontline. People were complaining about the lack of police last week. Now when they put on a bit of a show people say they are heavy handed. Stop being a dick. "You aren't there blah blah blah". The police ran 20 yards then stopped whilst the fans scarpered. And all you here is how the police unnecessarily charged the fans.

I don't need to be there. The coverage is non stop. I wasn't in Hiroshima but I can tell you it wasn't nice.

If you think that's heavy handed policing then you are a bit soft.

Last time i looked drinking and singing where lawful past times in France, as borne out by lots of video evidence of other sets of fans so far in this tournament so why do the Police feel it necessary to baton charge, pepper spray and tear gas England fans for doing the exact same thing?

Why have English fans arrested been sent to prison whilst Russian fans are quietly deported?

Look I've got no issue with those causing trouble being dealt with, i do have trouble with the English fans being singled out here.
Should be a 10pm curfew.
Maybe representatives from English FA and Police should speak with the fans to try to get everyone onboard, the French Police have a real threat of more terrorist attacks to worry about, everyone there is an adult, and should use some common sense and stop acting like selfish fucking idiots.
Same goes for the Russian FA, who now have a real danger of not only being kicked out, but possibly having the WC taken off them if things escalate.
It's not as if this has come out of the blue, UEFA have been brushing the Russian hooliganism and far right activities in the Russian game under the bed for years, look at how City were fined more for arriving late in the 2nd half, than the opposition fans for racist chanting!
The best result will be an early Russian exit.
Should be a 10pm curfew.
Maybe representatives from English FA and Police should speak with the fans to try to get everyone onboard, the French Police have a real threat of more terrorist attacks to worry about, everyone there is an adult, and should use some common sense and stop acting like selfish fucking idiots.
Same goes for the Russian FA, who now have a real danger of not only being kicked out, but possibly having the WC taken off them if things escalate.
It's not as if this has come out of the blue, UEFA have been brushing the Russian hooliganism and far right activities in the Russian game under the bed for years, look at how City were fined more for arriving late in the 2nd half, than the opposition fans for racist chanting!
The best result will be an early Russian exit.

10pm curfew?

The French should never bid or be allowed to hold a tournament like this again, end of.

Pathetic organisation and attitude.
Should be a 10pm curfew.
Maybe representatives from English FA and Police should speak with the fans to try to get everyone onboard, the French Police have a real threat of more terrorist attacks to worry about, everyone there is an adult, and should use some common sense and stop acting like selfish fucking idiots.
Same goes for the Russian FA, who now have a real danger of not only being kicked out, but possibly having the WC taken off them if things escalate.
It's not as if this has come out of the blue, UEFA have been brushing the Russian hooliganism and far right activities in the Russian game under the bed for years, look at how City were fined more for arriving late in the 2nd half, than the opposition fans for racist chanting!
The best result will be an early Russian exit.

Does the trouble only start after 10pm?
Fuck sake. Frontline. People were complaining about the lack of police last week. Now when they put on a bit of a show people say they are heavy handed. Stop being a dick. "You aren't there blah blah blah". The police ran 20 yards then stopped whilst the fans scarpered. And all you here is how the police unnecessarily charged the fans.

I don't need to be there. The coverage is non stop. I wasn't in Hiroshima but I can tell you it wasn't nice.

If you think that's heavy handed policing then you are a bit soft.
well said.
Why is it all the French are to blame?. They have the threat of terror attacks to deal with, and the last thing they need is a minority bunch of fucking grown ups wanting to cause trouble and behave like dicks. I find the French and the country very accommodating and friendly. Maybe the police have been a bit o.t.t. but maybe they've had to, and not be a bunch of soft arses like ours would be. We don't know what has gone on beforehand and maybe fans should behave and treat people and places with respect.

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