Violence at Euro 2016

Last time i looked drinking and singing where lawful past times in France, as borne out by lots of video evidence of other sets of fans so far in this tournament so why do the Police feel it necessary to baton charge, pepper spray and tear gas England fans for doing the exact same thing?

Why have English fans arrested been sent to prison whilst Russian fans are quietly deported?

Look I've got no issue with those causing trouble being dealt with, i do have trouble with the English fans being singled out here.

And there are plenty of scenes where the police have left them to singing and drinking with no bother. If you look at the videos of the baton charges you can see England fans moving towards the police line. There is no need for them to do that. If England fans are outside a pub singing and then baton charged then that's clearly police incompetence. I've only seen the pepper spray used when there is genuine confrontation between fans.

If another countries fans came to England and acted as the England fans have done then I think your view would be somewhat different. The rangers fans in Manchester is a case in point. They were widely condemned both on here and in general. Did the Rangers fans act in anyway worse? No doubt the manager police dealt with the situation a lot better but I don't recall a load of bottles being rained down on them either.

England fans haven't been the main protagonists here, well at least not in Marseille anyway but they haven't don't themselves any favours either. You and I both know how football fans are territorial. If you start singing (yes just singing) we are taking over your town then it will rightly or wrongly get people's backs up. People disagreed with me as its only singing but if any fans of any club tried it at Mary Dee's then i think we both know it would not pass without incident.

Plus I'm getting fucking sick of that don't take me home song :)
And there are plenty of scenes where the police have left them to singing and drinking with no bother. If you look at the videos of the baton charges you can see England fans moving towards the police line. There is no need for them to do that. If England fans are outside a pub singing and then baton charged then that's clearly police incompetence. I've only seen the pepper spray used when there is genuine confrontation between fans.

If another countries fans came to England and acted as the England fans have done then I think your view would be somewhat different. The rangers fans in Manchester is a case in point. They were widely condemned both on here and in general. Did the Rangers fans act in anyway worse? No doubt the manager police dealt with the situation a lot better but I don't recall a load of bottles being rained down on them either.

England fans haven't been the main protagonists here, well at least not in Marseille anyway but they haven't don't themselves any favours either. You and I both know how football fans are territorial. If you start singing (yes just singing) we are taking over your town then it will rightly or wrongly get people's backs up. People disagreed with me as its only singing but if any fans of any club tried it at Mary Dee's then i think we both know it would not pass without incident.

Plus I'm getting fucking sick of that don't take me home song :)
Bang on the money and well said.
The russkis dont mob up in a bar, get pissed, create any sort of waves. Lighting in and out smacking anyone standin, . Then are off into the night like they were never there. No wonder they carnt catch the fuckers
Why is it all the French are to blame?. They have the threat of terror attacks to deal with, and the last thing they need is a minority bunch of fucking grown ups wanting to cause trouble and behave like dicks. I find the French and the country very accommodating and friendly. Maybe the police have been a bit o.t.t. but maybe they've had to, and not be a bunch of soft arses like ours would be. We don't know what has gone on beforehand and maybe fans should behave and treat people and places with respect.

What about Paris the other day when the French were kicking of against the police over austerity measures doesn't seem to get a mention when over 29 police officers were injured and numerous arrests

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You do wonder though why you never get these troubles with say Spain,Italy or Germany fans. They all have massive followings and rarely or ever do you hear of them getting into bother.
I think there is a definite problem with how some of the England fans behave abroad.
I wouldn't be at all surprised if this tournament ends up with a ban. May be seen as teaching England fans a lesson...
Germany had two nights of fighting with Ukraine fans over the weekend and doubt their game with Poland will go without fighting
Germany had two nights of fighting with Ukraine fans over the weekend and doubt their game with Poland will go without fighting
That will be a nasty one i imagine, no love lost there. The polish people i know from working there have a very strong dislike for the germans.
What about Paris the other day when the French were kicking of against the police over austerity measures doesn't seem to get a mention when over 29 police officers were injured and numerous arrests

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True but it's just the same over here when all the riots have happened over the years.

My case in point is in the England fans mocking refugees thread.

We have a lot of complete wankers that follow England, and treat other countries, towns, cities and people disgracefully.

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