Violence at Euro 2016

Because the Russian bastards are hardcore trained fighters, they're not pissed up - they're completely sober and the French police are too soft to arrest them, tear gas isn't going to stop them. They're far too organised for the police to get at them and they're shielding their faces so they can't ban them using video post violence very easily either.

The media in England, and the FA have to back the England fans. They're making it look like the English are as much to blame as the Russians. The Russian FA have shaken it off and are refusing to take responsibility. French hooligans in Marseille and Nice have been the cause of much of the clashing initially - they attacked England fans who then retaliated, and they did the same to Polish and N. Irish fans in Nice. The Russians have come as a proper right wing mob and have attacked the English who again have retaliated. The true measure of English fans can be seen within the ground on Saturday - singing, having a few drinks but not looking for any trouble at all.

This is a tournament where there have been huge worries over potential terrorist attacks in or around stadia - the French police haven't managed to stop flares or smoke bombs getting into grounds, they're woefully out of their depth and the fact Russian fans could easily get at the English is a joke. That behaviour was reminiscent of Heysel - except the stadium could at least cope with a mass English scramble to get away.
Couldn't agree more.

This is as organised as anything any of us will ever see at a football game. They're literally an army. It's incredibly serious and if it's not stamped out immediately it will become deadly serious. I'm shocked there's only been one fatality in France so far.
There's a picture of the people getting ran in the stadium. 99% are blokes between 20-50 years old it seems. If you actually see the full video as well it's England fans throwing a load of crap at the Russians, acting like Billy big bollocks, then running away terrified as soon as they break through the segregation.

I suppose you can never tell if someone's game until it kicks off. Hard to be annoyed at human nature - but don't act like Joe Rock unless you can back it up is the conclusion.
That seems to have summed up a lot of the England fans. They all seem very happy to throw bottles and chairs at the police or other groups when they have the safety and anonymity of being in a large crowd, willing to yell and threaten, but then seem to change their tune pretty quickly when it actually turns into a fight where they are likely to get hurt. Utter cunts who want to look like hard men

The Russians are cunts on a whole different level, but that goes without saying. They aren't pissed up dickheads trying to look hard, they are violent nutters who've come a long way just to attack people, knowing that in such large numbers they'll probably get away with it.
There's a picture of the people getting ran in the stadium. 99% are blokes between 20-50 years old it seems. If you actually see the full video as well it's England fans throwing a load of crap at the Russians, acting like Billy big bollocks, then running away terrified as soon as they break through the segregation.

I suppose you can never tell if someone's game until it kicks off. Hard to be annoyed at human nature - but don't act like Joe Rock unless you can back it up is the conclusion.

Was this the edited Russian version? Quite clearly the Russians aimed a big fucking flare into the English crowd, I think that may have sparked a reaction don't you? The Russians started it plain and simple don't let them spin this any other way, it's quite obvious they will try everything they can to do that in the aftermath. They are picking fights with people who did no "billy big bollocks" malarkey I'm sick of people trying to spin it that way, there's video evidence of them picking people off indiscriminately(people holding their hands up to say I want no trouble) even attacking the injured.
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This is basically how mental the Russians are. This is their hooligan groups in training. And you wonder why they ran amok..English fans have done themselves no favours in the past but on this occasion for its clear who the perpetrators are. They should be banned already.
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Was this the edited Russian version? Quite clearly the Russians aimed a big fucking flare into the English crowd, I think that may have sparked a reaction don't you? The Russians started it plain and simple don't let them spin this any other way, it's quite obvious they will try everything they can to do that in the aftermath. They are quite clearly picking fights with people who did no "billy big bollocks" malarkey I'm sick of people trying to spin it that way there's video evidence of them picking people off indiscriminately even attacking the injured.
What so, because one Russian fan shot a flare into the England section it then becomes okay for other England fans to start bombarding other Russia fans with shit?

Don't get me wrong, I was all for England fans having a go back. But don't turn around and run as soon as the confront you face to face. If they stood their ground and fought they would have leathered the few Russians who ventured over the fencing.
What so, because one Russian fan shot a flare into the England section it then becomes okay for other England fans to start bombarding other Russia fans with shit?

Don't get me wrong, I was all for England fans having a go back. But don't turn around and run as soon as the confront you face to face. If they stood their ground and fought they would have leathered the few Russians who ventured over the fencing.
What so you don't think the Russians threw anything? Stop buying the bullshit edited youtube vids it's a disgrace you come out with this "they got what they deserved" bullshit angle. I saw it with my own eyes the Russians did start it... end of story. We've actually heard they didn't just start it but it was a co-ordinated attack, the flare was the signal.
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The flare was fired from one part of the Russian end into the English fans on the other side, but it was not fired from the area where the trouble erupted. At the front of the ground, the Russian fans started pulling a rope away from the stewards there, and this prompted the stewards who had been standing between the Russian and English supporters to rush down to the front to help their colleagues. The Russian fans then simply walked through the vacated space and started smacking all in sundry. However, this series of events does not fit with the narrative. It's far better to see it all as some military planned attack, orchestrated to the minutest detail. I've seen plenty footage and pictures but have yet to see anyone wearing martial arts gloves or uniforms, yet according to the hysterical media it's practically Spetsnaz, only this year with 'bum bags/fanny packs'.
The flare was fired from one part of the Russian end into the English fans on the other side, but it was not fired from the area where the trouble erupted. At the front of the ground, the Russian fans started pulling a rope away from the stewards there, and this prompted the stewards who had been standing between the Russian and English supporters to rush down to the front to help their colleagues. The Russian fans then simply walked through the vacated space and started smacking all in sundry. However, this series of events does not fit with the narrative. It's far better to see it all as some military planned attack, orchestrated to the minutest detail. I've seen plenty footage and pictures but have yet to see anyone wearing martial arts gloves or uniforms, yet according to the hysterical media it's practically Spetsnaz, only this year with 'bum bags/fanny packs'.
That's not the point, fans close to that section saw some Russian **** aim a flair into an English crowd(I'm sure the section where it was aimed would have reacted if close enough too)... what is so hard to understand about that causing a reaction? But yeh lets follow the typical know-it-all-know-nothing line of "oh it was their own fault fucking skinhead English fans I've seen it all before". Also I don't buy this angle that they just because threw something(which happens at a lot of games), so rather than respond in kind take it up a few gears, jump the segregation and attack people randomly even though they are moving away from trouble... not justified which ever way you spin it.

We've had guys from talk sport confirming some of this btw a few pages back... you know people actually there? Uniforms is probably printed t-shirts with their logo on I think I've seen it in the vids myself it's not all that far fetched if you apply some common sense(not hard to bring gum sheilds and gloves) and also forget your outdated stereotype of English fans.
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What so, because one Russian fan shot a flare into the England section it then becomes okay for other England fans to start bombarding other Russia fans with shit?

Don't get me wrong, I was all for England fans having a go back. But don't turn around and run as soon as the confront you face to face. If they stood their ground and fought they would have leathered the few Russians who ventured over the fencing.

you dont advocate throwing things back in retaliation, but your alright with them fighting ? the majority of the russian fans all look like young, trained mma fighters. one on one most fans would have no chance.

the russian fans fired a flare gun, throw fireworks and charged the england fans, so england throwing some bottles isn't exactly the worst of things.

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