Violence at Euro 2016

The flare was fired from one part of the Russian end into the English fans on the other side, but it was not fired from the area where the trouble erupted. At the front of the ground, the Russian fans started pulling a rope away from the stewards there, and this prompted the stewards who had been standing between the Russian and English supporters to rush down to the front to help their colleagues. The Russian fans then simply walked through the vacated space and started smacking all in sundry. However, this series of events does not fit with the narrative. It's far better to see it all as some military planned attack, orchestrated to the minutest detail. I've seen plenty footage and pictures but have yet to see anyone wearing martial arts gloves or uniforms, yet according to the hysterical media it's practically Spetsnaz, only this year with 'bum bags/fanny packs'.
After the terrorist attacks in France over the last few years and after repeatedly hearing about the step up in already heightened security measures, I'm wondering what level of checks were made upon entry to the stadium and just how you can sneak flares/smoke bombs passed officials who are supposedly just waiting for another terrorist attack?
With that in mind and this all of this fan violence it almost appears as if the French authorities actually couldn't give a shit about fan safety.
That's not the point, fans close to that section saw some Russian **** aim a flair into an English crowd(I'm sure the section where it was aimed would have reacted if close enough too)... what is so hard to understand about that causing a reaction? But yeh lets follow the typical know-it-all-know-nothing line of "oh it was their own fault fucking skinhead English fans I've seen it all before". Also I don't buy this angle that they just because threw something(which happens at a lot of games), so rather than respond in kind take it up a few gears, jump the segregation and attack people randomly even though they are moving away from trouble... not justified which ever way you spin it.

We've had guys from talk sport confirming some of this btw a few pages back... you know people actually there? Uniforms is probably printed t-shirts with their logo on I think I've seen it in the vids myself it's not all that far fetched if you apply some common sense(not hard to bring gum sheilds and gloves) and also forget your outdated stereotype of English fans.

Not sure what you're accusing me of, Metalartin, because I never said anything about the English fans, apportioned blame, or perpetuated a stereotype. :-)
All I did was describe what can be seen in the video footage and images, common sense, as you say.
Can't stop laughing at our fans getting a good fuckin pasting. What comes around goes around. Our fans thought they was 10 men smashing up a cafe and chucking bottles at everyone. Then the ruskies turned up and shown our scrotes what being a proper hooligan was and our fans shit their stone Island pants. Fuckin English hooligans? Please!!
Not sure what you're accusing me of, Metalartin, because I never said anything about the English fans, apportioned blame, or perpetuated a stereotype. :-)
All I did was describe what can be seen in the video footage and images, common sense, as you say.
True enough Gabriel... that shouldn't have been aimed at you(more other certain individuals burying their heads in the sand with the cold hard video evidence staring them in the face) but I can accuse you of not using common sense and claiming the people who are over there telling you this are simply make this up, I myself described what can seen also, together with eye witness reports(reporters and what not, they are kind of paid to do this) to give a more accurate picture of what is going on(otherwise it's all just pictures with your opinion on them). You're actually free to assume it's tinfoil hat stuff though if it makes you feel any better about all of this. There are no mobile gangs with printed t-shirts faces covered(sure people are over egging how organized it is but to say there's nothing in it?) seeking anyone one out certainly not looking for a scalp such as an Englishman whether he wants to fight or not... all in our heads, seems legit. :-)

johnmc said:
Yeah but all the videos are edited.

Russian hooligans who attacked England fans in Marseille were "trained to fight", according to the city's chief prosecutor.
But yeah armchair experts sat comfy at home know best.
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This is basically how mental the Russians are. This is their hooligan groups in training. And you wonder why they ran amok..English fans have done themselves no favours in the past but on this occasion for its clear who the perpetrators are. They should be banned already.

They're shit at counting as well. That's not 10 v 10.....!
After the terrorist attacks in France over the last few years and after repeatedly hearing about the step up in already heightened security measures, I'm wondering what level of checks were made upon entry to the stadium and just how you can sneak flares/smoke bombs passed officials who are supposedly just waiting for another terrorist attack?
With that in mind and this all of this fan violence it almost appears as if the French authorities actually couldn't give a shit about fan safety.

If you've noticed this then you can be sure that the terrorists also have. The French aren't up to running this tournament.
Can't stop laughing at our fans getting a good fuckin pasting. What comes around goes around. Our fans thought they was 10 men smashing up a cafe and chucking bottles at everyone. Then the ruskies turned up and shown our scrotes what being a proper hooligan was and our fans shit their stone Island pants. Fuckin English hooligans? Please!!


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