Violence at Euro 2016

Just watching a thing about the Mods and Rockers on BBC4 - Policing mobs in 1964 Brighton is reminiscent of French Policing in similar circumstances today. Shows how far UK policing and intelligence gathering has come I suppose.

Now it all makes sense @Mad Eyed Screamer to many bashes on the noggin you old hippy mod rocking bastard :-D

It was nice knowing you all folks this impending megaban was worth it, the Morrissey loving swine hehe :-D
Seriously winding me up now these dirty Russian cunts... If the French police wanted to nip this in the bud then they should let off a few bullets into the Russians, even if it's into their legs just clip a few of them and watch them scarper I tell you what they won't fancy coming back for seconds with a fire arm.
Perplexed at all the moral outrage due to the Russians doing exactly what English fans did all over Europe 30 odd years ago.
You can see the footage where Russians have come to an english pub and started to kick off.
Someone noted before the Russians have a t-shirt that marks them out as part of the organized group.

An associated free press snapper said English were peaceful until Russians started chucking chairs.

this is the main russian group there - lokomotiv moscow fans
Оrel Butchers Guest
Is this the first tournament where the Russians have been allowed out of their country to attend in fairly large numbers? I don't remember major problems from them before.
lille tonight
I'm sure i hear an england till i die briefly, but all shouts are foreign, possibly slovakia/russia
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You can see the footage where Russians have come to an english pub and started to kick off.
Someone noted before the Russians have a t-shirt that marks them out as part of the organized group.

An associated free press snapper said English were peaceful until Russians started chucking chairs.

Thanks for that, be interesting how the bbc (not even worth capital letters) report it if things get bad again
Is there anywhere you can see this feed where English and Welsh are together.
The glorious BBC have just reported on the news that the English and Welsh were taunting the Rusians.
That's not what has been reported on here, nothing happened apparently until the Rusians started throwing chairs. If this is true then it's another BBC report deliberately smearing England fans and now Welsh fans.
Be nice to see it in full, this is the internet if it's on here then people can see the truth.

Saw that myself. Really fucking had enough of the BBC, fucking disgrace. They're the 'impartial' broadcaster we pay for with our TV licences.

If they're not sticking it to the British citizens who are concerned about immigration, they're sticking it to British football fans abroad coming under sustained attacks from other countries hooligans and yobs.

Scum, they really are.
Perplexed at all the moral outrage due to the Russians doing exactly what English fans did all over Europe 30 odd years ago.

Most decent people were appalled by what the English hooligans did in the 80s so I'm not exactly sure why you are so perplexed.

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