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gio's side step said:
SWP's back said:
Yeah well funny. Like aids.

Get a fucking grip. Comparing some neo liberal coroporate shit which has fuck all to do with football and real hard working people to aids?

We are better off without a tournament associated with those corrupt twats

You keep telling yourself that.
cookster said:
Hope our press go into overdrive! Out the corrupt f*ckers!

Now I hope our press, investigators, fuck it MI5 go to town on these corrupt twats. Every fucking bank statement, every fucking 'gift' they have recieved during their tenure, every fucking relation who has won cosy contracts, investigate how these vermin live lifestyles way above their declared income and ask the prostitutes that they fucked who fucking actually was it who paid them.

I want the gloves to be off and track them down and expose the level of corruption at FIFA.
*singingtheblues* said:
Russia and Qatar.

Fucking unbelievable

Breaking news on SSN...double celebration in Qatar...theyve been awarded the winter olympics as well.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
SWP's back said:
Not really.

If they are corrupt then they need outing. Free press and democracy and I wouldn't stop that just to arse lick these *****.

You know its really gonna kick off now though. All the papers will have stories that they wouldnt release if we won the world cup.
This will end in us never having a WC ever again but the press and media of England will try to fuck FIFA to death

something to look forward to atleast.

I'm just glas all the cunts on the exec committe are old and likely to die in the next decade or so. But I suppose new cunts will rise up in their place.

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