Wayne bridge unavailable for england

Danamy said:
Pigeonho said:
Whilst i see your point, its slightly different to being on a football pitch. i mean what are they going to do, not pass to each other? Ok don't talk, don't interact or do anything together and its up to thte management to ensure that happens off the pitch, but on it I can't see why proffesionalism can't come into play. Regarding Sawyer though, what the fuck is that all about? He must be funny as fuck or have a right big cock on him Mr Matterface!

Players live in each others pockets whilst there away on International duty so it's more than just being on a pitch together.
Bridgey and his advisors have played a blinder on this one and i for one think that he has coducted himself in a very professional manner over the last few weeks, considering the circus that has been going on around him.

And the fact you are a mate!

Seriously, Dan, tell Bridgey to go out there on Saturday with his held high, don't even shoot that cnut a glance in the handshakes, and then bust his balls to get us a result of some sorts.

I'd love for us to get a penalty in the final minute and Bridge to step up and fire it home for a win - footballing poetry.
well played wayne bridge. it takes more guts to stick to your principles and give up what would be his last world cup for the sake of the squad, than to actually put it to one side and actually go.

scum like terry along with twats like cashley, ferdinand and gerrard playing for england are the reason my support has diminished for england over the years.
Big G said:
Well done Bridge,
He has kept out of the media when all the shit was flying, when he probably had numerous chances to say his piece, And he's probably thought he cant stand in battle next to a bloke he has probably zero respect for,
Good on you Bridge, fuck what people say, look after number 1 because as the recent weeks have shown, no fucker will look after you.

Spot on mate. Team Bridge all the way. I hope he breaks Terry's nose in the tunnel on Saturday.
Hughes_head_scout said:
what it says on the tin. Btw he chose to make him self unavailable it wasn't injury


i think its pretty f*cking stupid that they took terry off as captain of england despite what he did and that its stupid that wayne bridge left his position in the england squad, there are players out there who would do almost anything to get into the england squad...
The pint being throw back in Bridge's face before this week was that terry is more valuable to the team, that we'd have a better chance with him in it.

Is that still the case nationwide I wonder? An England squad with Terry included and an untried left back, or an England squad with Bridge at LB and Wio, Lescott or similar in the middle? Putting aside the obvious morals question here, does this arguments still have that much weight I wonder?

examples - which would you rather have?

Johnson - Terry - Wio - Baines


Johnson - Wio - Lescott - Bridge

I don't think the first one has any benefits over the second personally. Which in my book should bring it back to making the right moral choice.

Now, Ashley Cole is a major doubt and his head is hardly in the right place, and Terry could prove himself a major liability in South Africa. I'd happily take Wio, Lescott, Jagielka, Upson and (dare I say it) Wes Brown.

So, in conclusion, F*** Terry. Bridge is missing out on a career highlight because of this Twunt. And he's not nearly as essential as he thinks - in fact, Chelsea fan in our office has suggested that he always suffers in non-English games as foreign refs don't like his man-handling style of defending. Well done Wayne, and sorry that the FA aren't doing the right thing for you.

Now, with Team Bridge in place do we also face the prospect of Barry and Lescott having issues with Terry? Answer is simple, bin Terry. Right thing to do.
Pigeonho said:
Unknown_Genius said:
I know this sounds harsh, but....

He should just man up, and get on with it. He doesn't have to talk to Terry, hang around with him, or even look at him. He can just avoid him and steer clear of him. By doing this he is only making the situation in the dressing room worse, being unfair to Capello, and ruining his own hopes of playing in a World Cup, which alot of footballers out there would give their right hand to play in. Do you think that everyone in the England team are bosom pals? Bridge is hardly whiter than white himself, he gets no sympathy from me.

This times 10
I don't agree. Like you said, most footballers would give their right hand to play for England, so the fact that Bridge is opting not to probably highlights just how devastated he is over what happened.

He's certainly not being unfair to Capello. Terry is 100% responsible for what's happened, so any decision by Bridge to not play, is perfectly justified. He might change his mind in a few months but for now, he clearly see's it as too soon.

I don't get why people are acting like he's giving it the big 'look at me' either. He's avoided the limelight, and he's simply opting to not play alongside Terry.
can't believen anyone's having a pop at him. He's given up a place for a world cup, even IF he and terry could get along he knows their presence will be a distraction because of the scum media frenzy throughout the entire event. The bottom line is he put country first, something I can never imagine Terry doing.
I see it as a very selfless decision. He knows that if he continues playing for England that there will be more focus on Bridge vs Terry than there will be on the football and this will clearly have a negative effect on the team in South Africa.

In my opinion he's pulled out for the good of the team and he's missing a World Cup so England have a better chance of winning it.
Well done Bridge. Fully support his decision to stand up in the name of morals and what is right. It says a lot about a man who is prepared to turn down the opportunity to represent his country on the biggest footballing stage because of his disgust at the actions of one of his team mates. Perhaps if more people were prepared to do this, then these so called "stars" might, just might think before they act like idiots....there are a few in the England team that fall into that category.

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