Wayne bridge unavailable for england

Well done Bridge,
He has kept out of the media when all the shit was flying, when he probably had numerous chances to say his piece, And he's probably thought he cant stand in battle next to a bloke he has probably zero respect for,
Good on you Bridge, fuck what people say, look after number 1 because as the recent weeks have shown, no fucker will look after you.
Pigeonho said:
Timmmmahhhh said:
I'm sure Pigeonho would have different views if it was one og his mates, Bridge isn't!!

(I presume Bridge isn't?)

Right now, if Bridge was my mate I would having a word in his ear and informing him of how I see it. I would tell him that by doing this, Terry is the winner here and that hs, (Bridge), is denying himself of a chance in a lifetime tournament just cos he can't stand the sight of someone. I'm sure that off the pitch, there would be plenty for Bridge and Terry to do to keep themselves apart and preoccupied, but on the pitch proffesionalism has to enter the fray.

Very naive. Silence is golden?

You would be able to cut the tension with a knife, irrespective of whether Bridge was somehow able to contain himself. As you so put it, you would knock a colleague sparko for doing likewise, then get on with it.

The difference is, you probably flip burgers, and Bridge was about to take part in football's biggest tournment.

I don't particularly rate Bridge as a top-class player, but he has played this one beautifully.

Terry will be stewing for 48 hours now ahead of the game on Saturday, in fact Ancelotti should see Terry's presence in the backline completely devisive in terms of Chelsea getting a postive result.

I'll give you a simple analogy. I'm a Sky Sports News presenter, I decide to smash Natalie Sawyer into the middle of next week for a few months, knowing her fiancee Sam Matterface is a colleague and does a regular shift alongside me.

Does he think it best to ask Sky Producers not to put him on the same shift as me, when he finds out I've got the buxom Natalie up the duff?
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Bullshit - Wayne Bridge has just gone up in my estimation.

Some things are more important than football. He has given up his entitlement to a nailed on England place, an appearance at the World Cup.

He has actually sacrificed himself because he knows his presence will disrupt England's chances of success.

If Terry had anything about him, he should quit and allow Bridge to go.

The timing is absolutely perfect. How do you think Wayne felt when he saw a back page in The Sun yesterday with smug Terry insisting he is going to win the World Cup for England.

Don't believe a fooking word about Terry carrying on after the supposed split, an all too convenient lie from Terry and his ex partner's mouthpieces.

But will his presence disrupt the team? To me, if chooses to carry on, its showing everyone that he and Terry can be in the same team, with no problems, and puts those questions to bed. By leaving, he's just going to make headlines, more media attention, and just disrupt the team more. Very unlikely I know, but what if SWP or Barry chooses to follow Bridge's lead and drop out, in protest of Terry? The problem just gets worse. Terry doesn't strike me as the sort of person, who would waste a minutes sleep, because Bridge has dropped out, if anything, he's probably relieved he's not around. Bridge being there, may give him more of a "guilt complex", so I think Terry has won here, and at the end of the day its Bridge who misses out.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Pigeonho said:
Right now, if Bridge was my mate I would having a word in his ear and informing him of how I see it. I would tell him that by doing this, Terry is the winner here and that hs, (Bridge), is denying himself of a chance in a lifetime tournament just cos he can't stand the sight of someone. I'm sure that off the pitch, there would be plenty for Bridge and Terry to do to keep themselves apart and preoccupied, but on the pitch proffesionalism has to enter the fray.

Very naive. Silence is golden?

You would be able to cut the tension with a knife, irrespective of whether Bridge was somehow able to contain himself. As you so put it, you would knock a colleague sparko for doing likewise, then get on with it.

The difference is, you probably flip burgers, and Bridge was about to take part in football's biggest tournment.

I don't particularly rate Bridge as a top-class player, but he has played this one beautifully.

Terry will be stewing for 48 hours now ahead of the game on Saturday, in fact Ancelotti should see Terry's presence in the backline completely devisive in terms of Chelsea getting a postive result.

I'll give you a simple analogy. I'm a Sky Sports News presenter, I decide to smash Natalie Sawyer into the middle of next week for a few months, knowing her fiancee Sam Matterface is a colleague and does a regular shift alongside me.

Does he think it best to ask Sky Producers not to put him on the same shift as me, when he finds out I've got the buxom Natalie up the duff?

Whilst i see your point, its slightly different to being on a football pitch. i mean what are they going to do, not pass to each other? Ok don't talk, don't interact or do anything together and its up to thte management to ensure that happens off the pitch, but on it I can't see why proffesionalism can't come into play. Regarding Sawyer though, what the fuck is that all about? He must be funny as fuck or have a right big cock on him Mr Matterface!
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Bullshit - Wayne Bridge has just gone up in my estimation.

Some things are more important than football. He has given up his entitlement to a nailed on England place, an appearance at the World Cup.

He has actually sacrificed himself because he knows his presence will disrupt England's chances of success.

If Terry had anything about him, he should quit and allow Bridge to go.

The timing is absolutely perfect. How do you think Wayne felt when he saw a back page in The Sun yesterday with smug Terry insisting he is going to win the World Cup for England.

Don't believe a fooking word about Terry carrying on after the supposed split, an all too convenient lie from Terry and his ex partner's mouthpieces.

Tolmie, you've just expressed everything I wanted to say far more eloquently than I can. Bridge's actions are the very epitomy of 'taking one for the team', withdrawing from the squad with dignity because. As his statement suggests:

"Sadly therefore I feel for the sake of the team and in order to avoid what will be inevitable distractions, I have decided not to put myself forward for selection. I have today informed the management of this decision. I wish the team all the very best in South Africa."

Bridge knows the whole thing would turn into a circus if he and Terry were in the same squad, particularly in South Africa. Far from being a sign of weakness, I actually think this is a terrifically brave move and with a degree of self-sacrifice. Casting aside the chance - if Cole remains injured - to be first-choice left-back at the World Cup wasn't a decision made lightly.

And in contrast we have that horrible, grasping, self-congratulatory **** John Terry carrying on regardless, as if his actions have had no consequences upon the team. Of the two, I know who the real man is, and it's not the erstwhile captain.
im crap at art-someone need 2 make a kin huge poster of some arab bloke shaftin terrys wife cartoon style& drape the fucker right where the cameras will see it all the game -.Im am biased cos i love city but bridge deserved his place BEFORE he came to city & has kept it on merit-im hopin this will cause a backlash & terry must go -he hasnt even apologised the dirty twat,shaggin that french pig in bridges bed-im sorry but i hope terry gets kneecapped on sunday ,preferably fallin over ashley cole in the bogs tekkin pix 2 send to the ugliest fuckin women ever,jesus christ man they were rhinockerdogs,all but 1 anyway.On thier way 2 hospital i hope they crash into that fuckin ref last nite too!!Only decent upstandin member of the football community is bridge ffs-the rest are rewarded fer doin what they do.
I trust my fellow fans will give terry hell on sunday,Though it does now make ya think that terry COULDNT sign for city last year.Chances are he wanted to come here but this would have been 50 times worse were they in the same team too....knowing it would eventually come out.
Pigeonho said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Very naive. Silence is golden?

You would be able to cut the tension with a knife, irrespective of whether Bridge was somehow able to contain himself. As you so put it, you would knock a colleague sparko for doing likewise, then get on with it.

The difference is, you probably flip burgers, and Bridge was about to take part in football's biggest tournment.

I don't particularly rate Bridge as a top-class player, but he has played this one beautifully.

Terry will be stewing for 48 hours now ahead of the game on Saturday, in fact Ancelotti should see Terry's presence in the backline completely devisive in terms of Chelsea getting a postive result.

I'll give you a simple analogy. I'm a Sky Sports News presenter, I decide to smash Natalie Sawyer into the middle of next week for a few months, knowing her fiancee Sam Matterface is a colleague and does a regular shift alongside me.

Does he think it best to ask Sky Producers not to put him on the same shift as me, when he finds out I've got the buxom Natalie up the duff?

Whilst i see your point, its slightly different to being on a football pitch. i mean what are they going to do, not pass to each other? Ok don't talk, don't interact or do anything together and its up to thte management to ensure that happens off the pitch, but on it I can't see why proffesionalism can't come into play. Regarding Sawyer though, what the fuck is that all about? He must be funny as fuck or have a right big cock on him Mr Matterface!

We'll have to agree to disagree on this one mate. The professionalism can't come in to play as the 90 minutes we see on the pitch is a small par of it, the dressing room, training etc.

Nobody has really mentioned a fundamental problem in that things might have been slightly alleviated if Bridge wouldn't be playing immediately to Terry's right.

A defensive unit needs cohesion and a lot of time and talking together. If you don't have respect for that person, the situation is indeed devisive in terms of the team collective.

As for Sawyer, I've not made my mind up completely yet. She has put a fair bit of meat on, she has been pregnant for about 12 months at this rate.

She is a looker, but fear if she stood up from behind that desk, we could be in for a shock. Matterface looks like he is on work experience from the Wacky Warehouse.

Now if it was Millie Clode, not even John Terry would stand between me and despicable acts.

p.s - the flipping burgers was also analogy, not a cheap shot, by the way. But just in case Pigeon, I prefer Canadian Charcoal Pit, rather than shitty McDonalds or Burger King, not eaten in one of them for about ten years.
Pigeonho said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Very naive. Silence is golden?

You would be able to cut the tension with a knife, irrespective of whether Bridge was somehow able to contain himself. As you so put it, you would knock a colleague sparko for doing likewise, then get on with it.

The difference is, you probably flip burgers, and Bridge was about to take part in football's biggest tournment.

I don't particularly rate Bridge as a top-class player, but he has played this one beautifully.

Terry will be stewing for 48 hours now ahead of the game on Saturday, in fact Ancelotti should see Terry's presence in the backline completely devisive in terms of Chelsea getting a postive result.

I'll give you a simple analogy. I'm a Sky Sports News presenter, I decide to smash Natalie Sawyer into the middle of next week for a few months, knowing her fiancee Sam Matterface is a colleague and does a regular shift alongside me.

Does he think it best to ask Sky Producers not to put him on the same shift as me, when he finds out I've got the buxom Natalie up the duff?

Whilst i see your point, its slightly different to being on a football pitch. i mean what are they going to do, not pass to each other? Ok don't talk, don't interact or do anything together and its up to thte management to ensure that happens off the pitch, but on it I can't see why proffesionalism can't come into play. Regarding Sawyer though, what the fuck is that all about? He must be funny as fuck or have a right big cock on him Mr Matterface!

Players live in each others pockets whilst there away on International duty so it's more than just being on a pitch together.
Bridgey and his advisors have played a blinder on this one and i for one think that he has coducted himself in a very professional manner over the last few weeks, considering the circus that has been going on around him.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Pigeonho said:
Whilst i see your point, its slightly different to being on a football pitch. i mean what are they going to do, not pass to each other? Ok don't talk, don't interact or do anything together and its up to thte management to ensure that happens off the pitch, but on it I can't see why proffesionalism can't come into play. Regarding Sawyer though, what the fuck is that all about? He must be funny as fuck or have a right big cock on him Mr Matterface!

We'll have to agree to disagree on this one mate. The professionalism can't come in to play as the 90 minutes we see on the pitch is a small par of it, the dressing room, training etc.

Nobody has really mentioned a fundamental problem in that things might have been slightly alleviated if Bridge wouldn't be playing immediately to Terry's right.

A defensive unit needs cohesion and a lot of time and talking together. If you don't have respect for that person, the situation is indeed devisive in terms of the team collective.

As for Sawyer, I've not made my mind up completely yet. She has put a fair bit of meat on, she has been pregnant for about 12 months at this rate.

She is a looker, but fear if she stood up from behind that desk, we could be in for a shock. Matterface looks like he is on work experience from the Wacky Warehouse.

Now if it was Millie Clode, not even John Terry would stand between me and despicable acts.

p.s - the flipping burgers was also analogy, not a cheap shot, by the way. But just in case Pigeon, I prefer Canadian Charcoal Pit, rather than shitty McDonalds or Burger King, not eaten in one of them for about ten years.

All good points!
Like someone said earlier, if it was a case of playing together for 90 mins at the WOrld Cup, then not seeing each other for days, then he would probably be alright.

But in a WOrld Cup squad, you eat together, train together, relax together, prepare together etc for a month. Somewthing which no man would be able to do with a bloke who had been fiddling with his mrs.

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