Wayne bridge unavailable for england

sorry but isnt it a team? remove terry & you have a team .
Why should bridge suffer? hes done nothin wrong?
this is so they can keep 1 man &it sucks worse than last nights ref!
hope theres a protest at the cheatsea game
I'd also like to add that John Terry is a reprehensible disgusting example of humanity.

It's okay to urinate on a dancefloor, It's okay to cheat with your TEAM-MATE'S girlfriend and then there is the allegations of racism, not to mention the shoplifting thing that his rat-pack brood was involved in.

I honestly think it's time someone gave karma a helping hand and ended this horrible man's career.
Pigeonho said:
bugsyblue said:
I want to be a macho man, macho, macho man. All together now, I want to be a macho man...

Not macho, my piss taking little friend. Just the way i would deal with it. Bridge needs to grow up, get a set of bollocks and pull his socks up.

Fair enough mate but would you at least not bang on the bodyguard sound track, and sit down in the corner of the room with her knickers held right up to your nose and have a good old cry?! Come on you know you would.
Timmmmahhhh said:
Godfather said:
Pigeonho, i dont want to get into a slanging match with you, so ill just say i would HATE to have you as a mate. You seem so dismissive of what is quite a hard time for Bridge, even if you are a real man and wont let anything effect you, wayne obviously is affected by this, so stop having a go.

I'm sure Pigeonho would have different views if it was one og his mates, Bridge isn't!!

(I presume Bridge isn't?)

Right now, if Bridge was my mate I would having a word in his ear and informing him of how I see it. I would tell him that by doing this, Terry is the winner here and that hs, (Bridge), is denying himself of a chance in a lifetime tournament just cos he can't stand the sight of someone. I'm sure that off the pitch, there would be plenty for Bridge and Terry to do to keep themselves apart and preoccupied, but on the pitch proffesionalism has to enter the fray.
bugsyblue said:
Pigeonho said:
Not macho, my piss taking little friend. Just the way i would deal with it. Bridge needs to grow up, get a set of bollocks and pull his socks up.

Fair enough mate but would you at least not bang on the bodyguard sound track, and sit down in the corner of the room with her knickers held right up to your nose and have a good old cry?! Come on you know you would.

Only if they were stained.
Pigeonho said:
bugsyblue said:
Fair enough mate but would you at least not bang on the bodyguard sound track, and sit down in the corner of the room with her knickers held right up to your nose and have a good old cry?! Come on you know you would.

Only if they were stained.

Ha ha I knew it!
Matty said:
Pigeonho said:
Its just cutting his nose off to spite his face, like a kid in a sweet shop who wants one thing but isn't willing to compromise on it. Now England suffer, potentially, because of this. There is nothing stopping Bridge joining up with England, kicking shit out of Terry and putting the issue to bed.

Saturday will be interesting as the reports today say he won't shake Terry's hand and you just know the Sky cameras will be focussed right on that moment.

Acting like a woman in my view.

If you mate had been shagging your ex-girlfriend (potentially whilst she wasn't an ex) would you be "acting like a woman" if you gave him a smack? No imagine you're a high profile figure and simply don't have the option to give him a smack, what do you do? Bridge has decided he simply can't be around Terry, and certainly can't be work colleagues with him. I for one back his decision.

Here, here Matty - seconded pal!

IMO Wayne was taken the moral high road on this (unlike the lowlife Terry!) and deserves total respect for doing so, not villified for doing so by some people! Just put yourselves in his shoes before casting the first stone, what Terry did was dispicable to all concerned and i despise the low life for it!
If Wayne's reasons really were as he stated, it's quite a brave decision. To pull himself out of the team to try to keep distractions out of the England camp as much as possible actually shows to me he is putting country first, moreso than even playing would do. Of course I'm not English so maybe I have a different perspective of the situation.
fair dues to wayne for doing this - if terry had any morals he'd pull out of the squad. proud to have wayne as a Blue.

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