Wayne Bridge

kippaxchris said:
forevermancity said:
kippaxchris said:
Just wondered because if you were 14/15 it might be understandable why you have the viewpoint.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but fuck me that is a strange one, considering some of the shit you have supposedly watched!

Only on the Internet!

It probably is a strange view but i'm a left back and have played semi-professional and its hard to compare players in other positions but still even as a left back since i have watched us hes the worst i have seen, Terry Phelan, Javier Garrido, Michael Tarnat, Danny Tiatto, Gael Clichy even Kolarov are all better but to be fair i forgot about Stephen Jordan and Michael Ball but they didn't cost as much as him though so maybe you were right yesterday when you said i mean worst buy! But for the price we payed we got an awful player. I don't know what you mean with the only on the internet bit.
Only semi?

Only the Internet comment because if you told a fellow city fan that Wayne bridge is the worst player you have ever seen you would get laughed at.

Anyway, I'm out.

kippaxchris said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
In no way is he even close to the worse player to ever play for us

Danny Mills by a country mile.

But to the OP let me ask, your employer offers you X amount per week on a 5 year contract beyond your wildest dreams. You accept.
After 18 months your employer realises you need replacing but you can only find work else where for a lot less. Would you take the vast reduction and go elsewhere or say ''I have a 5 year contract at X amount regardless if you want me or not?''

I know which one I would do!

That's why i said in my post "which is fair enough" but he's still a money player and thats clearly all he cares about and in my honestly i would have moved to Celtic

cool story bro<br /><br />-- 26 Jun 2013, 17:05 --<br /><br />Wayne Bridge haters are nothing more than jealous cocks. He signed a fucking contract and he was due a certain wage for a certain length of time. I'm so very sure many of you would take 33%-50% paycuts from your current jobs.
minnesota blue said:
kippaxchris said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
Danny Mills by a country mile.

But to the OP let me ask, your employer offers you X amount per week on a 5 year contract beyond your wildest dreams. You accept.
After 18 months your employer realises you need replacing but you can only find work else where for a lot less. Would you take the vast reduction and go elsewhere or say ''I have a 5 year contract at X amount regardless if you want me or not?''

I know which one I would do!

That's why i said in my post "which is fair enough" but he's still a money player and thats clearly all he cares about and in my honestly i would have moved to Celtic

cool story bro

-- 26 Jun 2013, 17:05 --

Wayne Bridge haters are nothing more than jealous cocks. He signed a fucking contract and he was due a certain wage for a certain length of time. I'm so very sure many of you would take 33%-50% paycuts from your current jobs.

I understand you . But he was ,and is, dross . Fact. Regarding footballing matters. Not his wealth or status regarding pretty women.He seems to be able to handle that side. When playing for us he let many sneak in on the left side. Probably too busy watching you know who...
minnesota blue said:
kippaxchris said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
Danny Mills by a country mile.

But to the OP let me ask, your employer offers you X amount per week on a 5 year contract beyond your wildest dreams. You accept.
After 18 months your employer realises you need replacing but you can only find work else where for a lot less. Would you take the vast reduction and go elsewhere or say ''I have a 5 year contract at X amount regardless if you want me or not?''

I know which one I would do!

That's why i said in my post "which is fair enough" but he's still a money player and thats clearly all he cares about and in my honestly i would have moved to Celtic

cool story bro

-- 26 Jun 2013, 17:05 --

Wayne Bridge haters are nothing more than jealous cocks. He signed a fucking contract and he was due a certain wage for a certain length of time. I'm so very sure many of you would take 33%-50% paycuts from your current jobs.

For starters Cool story bro went out months ago and its nothing to do with the contract i said hes entitled to sit that out so you obviously didn't read the full post.

-- Thu Jun 27, 2013 12:08 am --

forevermancity said:
kippaxchris said:
forevermancity said:
Just wondered because if you were 14/15 it might be understandable why you have the viewpoint.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but fuck me that is a strange one, considering some of the shit you have supposedly watched!

Only on the Internet!

It probably is a strange view but i'm a left back and have played semi-professional and its hard to compare players in other positions but still even as a left back since i have watched us hes the worst i have seen, Terry Phelan, Javier Garrido, Michael Tarnat, Danny Tiatto, Gael Clichy even Kolarov are all better but to be fair i forgot about Stephen Jordan and Michael Ball but they didn't cost as much as him though so maybe you were right yesterday when you said i mean worst buy! But for the price we payed we got an awful player. I don't know what you mean with the only on the internet bit.
Only semi?

Only the Internet comment because if you told a fellow city fan that Wayne bridge is the worst player you have ever seen you would get laughed at.

Anyway, I'm out.


Well you couldn't be further from the truth with that statement and i have said it to other City fans maybe some have disagreed but i can assure you i haven't been laughed at for saying it and why on earth would that internet comment be relevant it actually makes no sense? feel free to carry on talking rubbish trying to prove a point or change my mind but it won't work.
I know there have been some clowns play for us over the years, but most of them have been honest and have at least tried to do their best, but I'm disgusted that, apart from one mention, nobody has said Steve McMinimum.

I detested that floppy haired twat with a passion. He is the only waste of oxygen wearing the shirt I have yelled at to fuck off.

My God, he got my blood boiling. He was utterly useless, a complete waste of space, and other than standing still and pointing, all he did was pick up his wages, and he couldn't give a stuff about it.

I have said it before that I can forgive most of the crap we had to contend with over the years, but not that piss taking twat.
minnesota blue said:
Wayne Bridge haters are nothing more than jealous cocks. He signed a fucking contract and he was due a certain wage for a certain length of time. I'm so very sure many of you would take 33%-50% paycuts from your current jobs.

That's fine,however,in return for that amazing contract surely we were entitled to a consistent level of effort? Bridge quite obviously never wanted to be here and didn't give a fuck about us.

That simple notion has nothing to do with jealousy,just expectation.
"Bridge quite obviously never wanted to be here and didn't give a fuck about us."

Hang on, you've lost me. I thought the complaints about Bridge were that he wouldn't bugger off when we wanted him to .... but you reckon he couldn't wait to get away? Must confess, that's a new twist to the tale :)
stevemcgarry said:
I honestly don't get the vitriol against Wayne Bridge. He did fuck all wrong as far as I can see.

He was an England international who went to two World Cups, won the league and FA Cup with Chelsea and was unlucky to lose his place in both teams to Ashley Cole. It was our idea to sign him. Hughes paid something like £10 million to bring him to City in early 2009, and we offered him top money and a 5 year deal. At that point, he uproots himself from London, leaving his missus to be comforted by EB&L JT and his little lad 200 miles up the motorway.

But before the end of the year, Sparky gets the tin-tack and Roberto comes in. Suddenly, Bridge is surplus to requirements. He doesn't moan or woman, no toys out of the pram … just gets on with it, trains and is available for selection. Except that come the summer, RM brings in Kolarov and its obvious that Bridge isn't going to get a look-in at all.

Meanwhile, because of the Terry situation, he's retired from the England set-up, even though he's a squad regular. Not having the best of luck at this point, is he?

We try to sell him to Celtic … but he doesn't want to go. Maybe he doesn't fancy playing for Lennon or doesn't fancy the SPL and what was then a two-horse race (now it's a one horse procession.) Maybe he doesn't fancy Glasgow. Maybe he doesn't want to be even further away from his kid. He's just started dating a pop star and maybe thinks that a banishment to the frozen north will fuck up his lovelife … and all that for less wages! Fuck that, he thinks and hunkers down to wait for a better exit route.

Except that, next we know, he's being touted to some Russian outfit … and who the fuck wants to go and live in Russia? Wreck his private life, because the poster girlfriend isn't upping sticks with him, is she? And he won't be having the kid every other weekend and Boxing Day either. Stuck in Siberia for less dough? Who would be fucking daft or desperate enough to do that???

So he decides to wait and see what else is on offer. Except that's not good enough for Roberto, who does the unforgivable and starts briefing against Bridge in the press. Starts taking the piss in public and slagging off one of his own players … all because he won't fuck off to Siberia on less money. Let's be honest - that was more than a bit snidey.

Finally, two years after he joins us, West Ham come in for him on loan and he's off back to London like a shot. Unfortunately, the Hammers end up going down at the end of the season … and any chance of a permanent move goes out the window. Back to Manchester, and training with the kids.

He sticks it out until January and Sunderland come in with a loan offer, so off he goes to the North-East. Not ideal, but he makes the best of a bad do.

And that's the last we see of Wayne … because that summer he joins Brighton on a year-long loan. By all accounts, he has a storming season for them and is voted onto the Championship Team of the Year. Hardly the fucking donkey that some of us would have the others believe.

We had a deal with Bridge. It was our idea and we set the terms. He held up his end of the bargain. When we changed our minds, we treated him like a pariah, stuck him training with the kids and our manager took the piss out of him in pubic.

Bridge didn't woman or whine. He spent more than half his time on our books out on loan at three different clubs - so why all this bollocks about him sitting round, counting the cash and doing bugger all?

All he refused to do was fuck off to Siberia and rip up his contract because we had changed our minds about him. The same as any fucking one of us would do in the same situation.

Fair play to the lad. Now he's signed for Reading, I hope he has another cracking season in the Championship and all goes well for him and his girlfriend with the new baby.

Bang on with that... Met his mum and dad a few times and they said all he wanted to do was play. never caused a problem, never complained about his treatment and well liked by his colleagues
My sister saw him pissed in Brassingamans in Alderley Edge several times, he only appeared to be interested in the dough. We've managed to get rid of a bit of dead wood this preseason, let's get some hungry ones in. I think the first two signings are a step in the right direction, Lewandowski next please!

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