Wayne Bridge

OxBlue said:
I enjoy my job and I'm pretty good at it, but I'm not one of the very top people in the world in my profession, never mind I still do well.

Now if a company took me on to do something I enjoy doing, on a very good salary, and with a 5 year contract then I'd be very pleased and I'd do my best.

But if my best wasn't good enough and the company turned around to me and said "actually we need better than you. Can you please leave us to go and work at a company where the product isn't as good, in a different part of the country and take a 50% pay cut", I'd tell them to go and f**k themselves and I'm sure most right thinking people would to.

Your argument falls apart comparing being an international footballer to any other job in the world bar rockstar, astronaut or top dollar actor.
Glad hes off the payroll, but cant harbour any ill will towards the fella. Put in the same boat a lot of people would have done exactly the same, especially if you are in a business where your career has such a short lifespan.

Not hard to see how the Spanish lads favour incentive based contracts.
TFC said:
Glad hes off the payroll, but cant harbour any ill will towards the fella. Put in the same boat a lot of people would have done exactly the same, especially if you are in a business where your career has such a short lifespan.

Not hard to see how the Spanish lads favour incentive based contracts.

I'd do the same after all it's only a job.
BadApple said:
TFC said:
Glad hes off the payroll, but cant harbour any ill will towards the fella. Put in the same boat a lot of people would have done exactly the same, especially if you are in a business where your career has such a short lifespan.

Not hard to see how the Spanish lads favour incentive based contracts.

I'd do the same after all it's only a job.

No doubt thats the way he looked at it, set himself up for retirement thanks to Hughes, Cook, whoever the f__k was daft enough to give him that contract. Live and learn City :D
JK91 said:
kippaxchris said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
In no way is he even close to the worse player to ever play for us

Obviously we have played at lower levels and have had some terrible players but at the time we were challenging for top 4 and he couldn't even make a tackle and always backed off from the winger and occasionally moved out the way of the ball like he did when that cross came in and Crouch put Spurs 4th so i would say for the level we were at he is a fair shout for worst City player of all time along with many others

He had many good games for us. To say he is up there with the worst city players ever is unjustifiable.

I could agree with this on a "level of play for amount paid" basis, although RSC and Robinhio and Balotelli in their second seasons could have something to say about that.
I honestly don't get the vitriol against Wayne Bridge. He did fuck all wrong as far as I can see.

He was an England international who went to two World Cups, won the league and FA Cup with Chelsea and was unlucky to lose his place in both teams to Ashley Cole. It was our idea to sign him. Hughes paid something like £10 million to bring him to City in early 2009, and we offered him top money and a 5 year deal. At that point, he uproots himself from London, leaving his missus to be comforted by EB&L JT and his little lad 200 miles up the motorway.

But before the end of the year, Sparky gets the tin-tack and Roberto comes in. Suddenly, Bridge is surplus to requirements. He doesn't moan or woman, no toys out of the pram … just gets on with it, trains and is available for selection. Except that come the summer, RM brings in Kolarov and its obvious that Bridge isn't going to get a look-in at all.

Meanwhile, because of the Terry situation, he's retired from the England set-up, even though he's a squad regular. Not having the best of luck at this point, is he?

We try to sell him to Celtic … but he doesn't want to go. Maybe he doesn't fancy playing for Lennon or doesn't fancy the SPL and what was then a two-horse race (now it's a one horse procession.) Maybe he doesn't fancy Glasgow. Maybe he doesn't want to be even further away from his kid. He's just started dating a pop star and maybe thinks that a banishment to the frozen north will fuck up his lovelife … and all that for less wages! Fuck that, he thinks and hunkers down to wait for a better exit route.

Except that, next we know, he's being touted to some Russian outfit … and who the fuck wants to go and live in Russia? Wreck his private life, because the poster girlfriend isn't upping sticks with him, is she? And he won't be having the kid every other weekend and Boxing Day either. Stuck in Siberia for less dough? Who would be fucking daft or desperate enough to do that???

So he decides to wait and see what else is on offer. Except that's not good enough for Roberto, who does the unforgivable and starts briefing against Bridge in the press. Starts taking the piss in public and slagging off one of his own players … all because he won't fuck off to Siberia on less money. Let's be honest - that was more than a bit snidey.

Finally, two years after he joins us, West Ham come in for him on loan and he's off back to London like a shot. Unfortunately, the Hammers end up going down at the end of the season … and any chance of a permanent move goes out the window. Back to Manchester, and training with the kids.

He sticks it out until January and Sunderland come in with a loan offer, so off he goes to the North-East. Not ideal, but he makes the best of a bad do.

And that's the last we see of Wayne … because that summer he joins Brighton on a year-long loan. By all accounts, he has a storming season for them and is voted onto the Championship Team of the Year. Hardly the fucking donkey that some of us would have the others believe.

We had a deal with Bridge. It was our idea and we set the terms. He held up his end of the bargain. When we changed our minds, we treated him like a pariah, stuck him training with the kids and our manager took the piss out of him in pubic.

Bridge didn't woman or whine. He spent more than half his time on our books out on loan at three different clubs - so why all this bollocks about him sitting round, counting the cash and doing bugger all?

All he refused to do was fuck off to Siberia and rip up his contract because we had changed our minds about him. The same as any fucking one of us would do in the same situation.

Fair play to the lad. Now he's signed for Reading, I hope he has another cracking season in the Championship and all goes well for him and his girlfriend with the new baby.
kippaxchris said:
So glad hes gone as in my opinion he was the worst player i have seen in a City shirt and he is obviously a money grabber. He stayed at City and let his huge wages run out which is fair enough but he went on loan to teams like Sunderland, West Ham & Brighton when he could have lowered his wages and signed for a big club like Celtic and played Champions league football against Barcelona and Juventus then to top it off he has clearly turned Brighton down and joined Reading who have just received a lot of money from Premier League relegation for money! He was in no way worth £12 Million or the 90k a week we gave him for 4 years and i have honestly never been happier to see a player leave our club.

I've seen some stuff at Maine Road and The Etihad and WB might be in the worst 200, but definitely not the worse.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
In no way is he even close to the worse player to ever play for us

He isn't but his attitude as a pro footballer should be called into question, the amount of teams willing to give him a chance all turned down as he would rather park his cock up a saturday than play football on a saturday.

Nearly as bad as Mills the utter money grabbing twat.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
In no way is he even close to the worse player to ever play for us

Have to agree , there have been others who have been worse .....

Gerry Taggart for one , definitely one of the clumsiest players we've had ..... but there have been many more.
Never rated him, probably had a handful of good games at City. Typical Hughes signing really, can't blame Bridge for being shit and getting paid stupid money for it..

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