Wayne Rooney twitter comment (regarding Mancini)

meeesh said:
Tricky Dickys Right Foot Shot said:
meeesh said:
Am not on or into this twitter lark,but would he get the replies in his inbox ? and be able to read em all ?

Yeah they would appear on his main wall.... He's probably still trying to read his first responce from 2 hours ago....

thats class if he reads em all,fuckin class,can he not delete you as a follower or somert though ?

Yeah anyone can block you, but given the amount of people he must have I doubt he'll waste time and click block on everyone, I guess it just depends how far the abuse gets for him to actually block you, some footballers take the abuse on the chin to be fair to them.... Alex Nimley on the other hand had a twitter account but was forced to delete it because a rag were being a dirty racist twat to him.
TheMightyQuinn said:
My reply

Fuck off you fat, bald, scouse fucking ****. At least Mancini wasn't shagging a brass whilst his kids were being pushed out of your rancid wife's scouse minge you wig wearing fat sack of twat.

I don't have Twitter though.

I am sitting at work laughing my ass off. Thank you sir....
Tricky Dickys Right Foot Shot said:
meeesh said:
Tricky Dickys Right Foot Shot said:
Yeah they would appear on his main wall.... He's probably still trying to read his first responce from 2 hours ago....

thats class if he reads em all,fuckin class,can he not delete you as a follower or somert though ?

Yeah anyone can block you, but given the amount of people he must have I doubt he'll waste time and click block on everyone, I guess it just depends how far the abuse gets for him to actually block you, some footballers take the abuse on the chin to be fair to them.... Alex Nimley on the other hand had a twitter account but was forced to delete it because a rag were being a dirty racist twat to him.

even better than I thought then this twitter lol,but as a previous poster put,I would end up in jail as well if I joined !!! hahaha
meeesh said:
Tricky Dickys Right Foot Shot said:
meeesh said:
thats class if he reads em all,fuckin class,can he not delete you as a follower or somert though ?

Yeah anyone can block you, but given the amount of people he must have I doubt he'll waste time and click block on everyone, I guess it just depends how far the abuse gets for him to actually block you, some footballers take the abuse on the chin to be fair to them.... Alex Nimley on the other hand had a twitter account but was forced to delete it because a rag were being a dirty racist twat to him.

even better than I thought then this twitter lol,but as a previous poster put,I would end up in jail as well if I joined !!! hahaha

Haha it really does depend how far you go but you would have to go to some extream lengths for them to even bother taking legal action..... I tend to give Piers Morgan shit because no court Judge on this gods green earth would give that twat the time of day...

Michael Owen got some stick a few weeks ago and cried about it asking people to unfollow him lets just say that didn't help his cause PMSL!!

Most footballers are pretty sound with the whole banter lark though and like I said take it on the chin.... Piers Morgan is actually the worse for giving the likes of Rio, Rooney and Owen shit to be fair.<br /><br />-- Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:16 pm --<br /><br />
TheMightyQuinn said:
Tricky Dickys Right Foot Shot said:
danebanksheik said:
shame, that would have made a good un
dont get all that hash shit myself either but that was just about to the point.

The hash tags allows people to view the same comment with said tag, so say if you put "#StupidFatScouseGrannyShagger" on the end of a comment if other people have used the same tag as you once you click on it, it will then show all related comments with that tag on it...

P.S.... TMQ get twitter and add me I would gladly read your abusive comments to Wio whilst at work it would make the day go so much quicker!!

I'd end up in prison.

Abusing Wayne and Wio would become my full time job. There's no good that could come of it although my ambition would be to force one, or both, of them into suicide like Hannibal Lecter did with Multiple Miggs.

You can't tease me with these potentially brilliant tweets and not deliever it's almost like having Natalie Portman naked in your bed but telling you not to brush up against her!!
Tricky Dickys Right Foot Shot said:
You can't tease me with these potentially brilliant tweets and not deliever it's almost like having Natalie Portman naked in your bed but telling you not to brush up against her!!

Lol, now there's a mental image!

If other posters want to post my insults to him on my behalf, I'm fine with that, no copyright on my insults!
TheMightyQuinn said:
marios stress ball said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
My reply

Fuck off you fat, bald, scouse fucking ****. At least Mancini wasn't shagging a brass whilst his kids were being pushed out of your rancid wife's scouse minge you wig wearing fat sack of twat.

I don't have Twitter though.

Get it.

I'd end up spending 12 hours a day insulting Rio Ferdinand to the point he had to get the police involved. It's for my own good that I stay away.

Seriously, I know you think twitter is gay but you should sign up, you'd fucking love giving the likes of Rooney shit.
My reply: Not like you'd ever do anything like that would ya @WayneRooney .. you petty scouse twat #pubesonyahead

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