Wayne Rooney twitter comment (regarding Mancini)

TheMightyQuinn said:
allan harper said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I already have too many distractions preventing me from a normal life, Twitter would be the end of me.

You're wrong, you'd own twitter and the way you have with words you would have the twitter world in stitches. Honestly as the poster above says you was made for twitter.

Stop massaging my fragile ego!

The idea is with me now, next time I let myself go and have a smoke, I'll probably end up on Twitter...

HAHA!! Have a smoke and think about it TMQ ;-)
@Blumoonrisin @WayneRooney How on earth can you see the colour of an imaginary card..?!! Mind your own business and go bum a pensioner.<br /><br />-- Tue Jan 17, 2012 12:46 am --<br /><br />
TheMightyQuinn said:
allan harper said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I already have too many distractions preventing me from a normal life, Twitter would be the end of me.

You're wrong, you'd own twitter and the way you have with words you would have the twitter world in stitches. Honestly as the poster above says you was made for twitter.

Stop massaging my fragile ego!

The idea is with me now, next time I let myself go and have a smoke, I'll probably end up on Twitter...

Go 4 it..! it is actually surprisingly good..
TheMightyQuinn said:
allan harper said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I already have too many distractions preventing me from a normal life, Twitter would be the end of me.

You're wrong, you'd own twitter and the way you have with words you would have the twitter world in stitches. Honestly as the poster above says you was made for twitter.

Stop massaging my fragile ego!

The idea is with me now, next time I let myself go and have a smoke, I'll probably end up on Twitter...

Mate I'd even pay for your smoke, it would be worth it reading your tweets after you've had a few joints !

Some funny fuckers on twitter but they wouldn't compare to you !
@WayneRooney What about sticking two fingers up at the ref to get someone sent off .... What's the difference?? #clueless

@WayneRooney Learn to spell *holds up card stating the correct spelling* Mancini...
Btw it was a red card #clueless

My replies...
Mr Partridge said:
Does any other Premier League manager ever get as much disrespectful treatment by so called fellow pros as ours has been subjected to recently?
To be honest I don't know if that's right. I've not seen another manager wave the 'card' before. Roberto needs to cut it out. He's better than that, and unfortunately it's giving ammunition to those that are just looking for it.
Stop singing from the hysterical media hymn shit. Waving an imaginary card is a none issue. I'm glad he did it again after the over the top shit he took the last time he did it. Seems it's okay for Fergie to regularly scream in the fourth official's face and throw hissy fits left right and centre but God forbid he should waved an imaginary card. I'm not going to let the media tell me I should be outraged by something as innocuous as this. People are mugs for repeating it like brain-washed parrots. Some people are being told what to think and are swallowing it.
So annoying.
Saw this a while ago, had to laugh.

Why are people wasting their time writting back to him when he's not going to waste his time reading them.

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