we are 8-1 4th favourite for the drop..

city diehard said:
de niro said:
city diehard said:
The funny thing is, that you wanted Hughes to remain in his post, if that had of happened we wouldn't of won any major honours like we have now under Mancini. Yeah, that's fcukin hilarious.

you dont know that, i reckon we would have won the carling cup that season, ok that means fuck all now but up to that point we'd won fuck all for 34 years. the reason i wanted the manager left in place was because i was and would still be against chopping and changing the manager. you have to remember i'm old and i have seen this for 40 years, 40 fucking years of fuck all except underachieving. thats not cos it was hughes i would be that way with any manager.i was paticually against the sven sacking. also the way we did the dirty on hughes was a toital embarrassment to our club. now some fans want sucess under any circumstances but i want our club respected and behave in an honourable manner.
i am well aware that mancini is a much better coach/manager and i also am aware that hughes(or most other managers) would not attract kun, yaya and silva to our club. that doesn't mean we should berate and ridicule hughes like spoilt fucking brats, brats too biased and bitter due entirely down to his rag roots. people should be grateful of where we are rather than dwell on the past and stop posting pathetic posts comparing our squad with qpr and citing hughes as not doing as good a job as mancini, look at the squads ffs.

Respected by who? The biased rag media or 'The Agenda' (which I partially agree with) you bang on about to respect us. Why the fcuk would I or any other fan give two shiny shits what they think about our club.

The simple facts are that Leslie spent about £150 Mil in which he delivered us 1 place downgrade from the season before. That says to me a shite manager, with particular highlights being Fulham, Burnley and Hull draws at Home, never mind the tactical naivety which he showed on numerous occasions, No plan B Hughes he was labelled at one point. If you can see past all of this, then yeah he was a cracking manger weren't he?

But Mancini had the same instruments to achieve these objective set by the board. Hughes failed, Mancini succeeded, people are just comparing there performance based on what they had at their disposable.

The media line which you tow, of an 'unethical' sacking even old Whiskey nose utilised it in May is just pathetic. Manager was under performing a replacement was found simple as, it leaked but that's just the nature of the beast. You would have berated the club if we hadn't of had a man lined up and we were waiting for weeks. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Simply, Leslie was shite.

i was told mancini was coming in the july, thats before a ball was kicked, so truth is it had nothing to do with results, it was always going to happen.

oh and i do care how our club is percieved.
de niro said:
city diehard said:
de niro said:
you dont know that, i reckon we would have won the carling cup that season, ok that means fuck all now but up to that point we'd won fuck all for 34 years. the reason i wanted the manager left in place was because i was and would still be against chopping and changing the manager. you have to remember i'm old and i have seen this for 40 years, 40 fucking years of fuck all except underachieving. thats not cos it was hughes i would be that way with any manager.i was paticually against the sven sacking. also the way we did the dirty on hughes was a toital embarrassment to our club. now some fans want sucess under any circumstances but i want our club respected and behave in an honourable manner.
i am well aware that mancini is a much better coach/manager and i also am aware that hughes(or most other managers) would not attract kun, yaya and silva to our club. that doesn't mean we should berate and ridicule hughes like spoilt fucking brats, brats too biased and bitter due entirely down to his rag roots. people should be grateful of where we are rather than dwell on the past and stop posting pathetic posts comparing our squad with qpr and citing hughes as not doing as good a job as mancini, look at the squads ffs.

Respected by who? The biased rag media or 'The Agenda' (which I partially agree with) you bang on about to respect us. Why the fcuk would I or any other fan give two shiny shits what they think about our club.

The simple facts are that Leslie spent about £150 Mil in which he delivered us 1 place downgrade from the season before. That says to me a shite manager, with particular highlights being Fulham, Burnley and Hull draws at Home, never mind the tactical naivety which he showed on numerous occasions, No plan B Hughes he was labelled at one point. If you can see past all of this, then yeah he was a cracking manger weren't he?

But Mancini had the same instruments to achieve these objective set by the board. Hughes failed, Mancini succeeded, people are just comparing there performance based on what they had at their disposable.

The media line which you tow, of an 'unethical' sacking even old Whiskey nose utilised it in May is just pathetic. Manager was under performing a replacement was found simple as, it leaked but that's just the nature of the beast. You would have berated the club if we hadn't of had a man lined up and we were waiting for weeks. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Simply, Leslie was shite.

i was told mancini was coming in the july, thats before a ball was kicked, so truth is it had nothing to do with results, it was always going to happen.

oh and i do care how our club is percieved.

So your basing our clubs conduct on speculative murmurs which you have come across. So it still doesn't change anything. Secondly, by who?
city diehard said:
de niro said:
city diehard said:
Respected by who? The biased rag media or 'The Agenda' (which I partially agree with) you bang on about to respect us. Why the fcuk would I or any other fan give two shiny shits what they think about our club.

The simple facts are that Leslie spent about £150 Mil in which he delivered us 1 place downgrade from the season before. That says to me a shite manager, with particular highlights being Fulham, Burnley and Hull draws at Home, never mind the tactical naivety which he showed on numerous occasions, No plan B Hughes he was labelled at one point. If you can see past all of this, then yeah he was a cracking manger weren't he?

But Mancini had the same instruments to achieve these objective set by the board. Hughes failed, Mancini succeeded, people are just comparing there performance based on what they had at their disposable.

The media line which you tow, of an 'unethical' sacking even old Whiskey nose utilised it in May is just pathetic. Manager was under performing a replacement was found simple as, it leaked but that's just the nature of the beast. You would have berated the club if we hadn't of had a man lined up and we were waiting for weeks. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Simply, Leslie was shite.

i was told mancini was coming in the july, thats before a ball was kicked, so truth is it had nothing to do with results, it was always going to happen.

oh and i do care how our club is percieved.

So your basing our clubs conduct on speculative murmurs which you have come across. So it still doesn't change anything. Secondly, by who?

murmurs? the kid had it spot on. btw based on RESULTS ALONE i would have changed the manager, reluctantly cos as stated i hated the chopping and changing habit that had won us precisly fuck all. they should have got rid of hughes the day they took over but they couldn't cos mancini wasn't available, hughes was a dead man walking, everybody knew it including hughes himself, he then continued to act in a totally professional manner untill the very last game, yes results went against him but we should at least have the good grace to acknowledge he tried his best, this vendetta bluemoon has against him is quite bluntly pathetic. yes we had to make a change, the difference being i'd have gone about it the right way.
de niro said:
Shaelumstash said:
de niro said:
not bad, probably the most comical post ever on bluemoon.
i would enlighten you but some are unteachable.

and fwiw its the hughes haters that keep bringing hughes up (and we call the rags obsessed)

agree about the last part, we should leave it in the past, sadly the hughes outers can't seem to do that. me i'm just glad to be where we are.

It's the Hughes inners that keep this absurd debate going. He has left, Mancini has led us to the FA Cup and Premier League title in the 2 seasons since. Hughes has just finished 4th bottom with QPR. The Hughes inners should have a bit of dignity and grace and admit they got it wrong.

another laughable post, keep em coming its making my day just how many people on here dont know what they are talking about.

i've heard some crackers but comparing qpr's squad and finishing place with city's 400m team. lol. no, please, stop it, too funny.

Who has compared QPR's squad to ours? You are missing the point. I'm not saying Lesley should be doing better with QPR's squad. I'm saying the reason he is at QPR is because no one who's any better wants him because he's not very good at his job!
de niro said:
city diehard said:
de niro said:
yeh he bought so poorly didn't he.

Roque? Bridge? Jo? to name a few were all worldies in your opinion then? The good players which he did purchase never flourished under him and only started to under Mancini. So, not his actual purchasing of the players but the way he managed them was piss poor. I know you've go this illogical affinity for Sparkless but come on.

jo wasn't his signing but lets not allow the truth to spoil a hughes bashing.
sparky did well for us, the shit he faced when he arrived at city was unbelievable. we were a joke, a complete shambles. apart from the way it was done i had no quarms in hughes being replaced by mancini, further progress was needed.
i can tell you one thing though, mancini would'nt have touched us with a bargepole had he seen the place before hughes tidied it up.

oh and for the record big sam would win stuff with these players.

A brave and accurate comment, this, dn
And just imagine what soeone like O'Neill could do with them!
Shaelumstash said:
de niro said:
Shaelumstash said:
It's the Hughes inners that keep this absurd debate going. He has left, Mancini has led us to the FA Cup and Premier League title in the 2 seasons since. Hughes has just finished 4th bottom with QPR. The Hughes inners should have a bit of dignity and grace and admit they got it wrong.

another laughable post, keep em coming its making my day just how many people on here dont know what they are talking about.

i've heard some crackers but comparing qpr's squad and finishing place with city's 400m team. lol. no, please, stop it, too funny.

Who has compared QPR's squad to ours? You are missing the point. I'm not saying Lesley should be doing better with QPR's squad. I'm saying the reason he is at QPR is because no one who's any better wants him because he's not very good at his job!

i happen to think he's very good at his job, just not good enough for our owners, to be fair they could not have chosen better than mancini.
de niro said:
city diehard said:
de niro said:
i was told mancini was coming in the july, thats before a ball was kicked, so truth is it had nothing to do with results, it was always going to happen.

oh and i do care how our club is percieved.

So your basing our clubs conduct on speculative murmurs which you have come across. So it still doesn't change anything. Secondly, by who?

murmurs? the kid had it spot on. btw based on RESULTS ALONE i would have changed the manager, reluctantly cos as stated i hated the chopping and changing habit that had won us precisly fuck all. they should have got rid of hughes the day they took over but they couldn't cos mancini wasn't available, hughes was a dead man walking, everybody knew it including hughes himself, he then continued to act in a totally professional manner untill the very last game, yes results went against him but we should at least have the good grace to acknowledge he tried his best, this vendetta bluemoon has against him is quite bluntly pathetic. yes we had to make a change, the difference being i'd have gone about it the right way.

Yes; and not just Hughes, but every player that Roberto has rejected, All of a sudden Bellamy is crap, Adebayor, too. Only people with closed eyes could have missed what they have done since - not to mention Petrov, who is still, two years older, a star at Bolton, and Ireland, fan's Player of the Year at Aston Villa (beating Shay Given for that honour).
de niro said:
that doesn't mean we should berate and ridicule hughes like spoilt fucking brats, brats too biased and bitter due entirely down to his rag roots.
I think that does a lot of us a disservice mate, I never wanted him in the first place, but nothing to do with his previous club(s), couldn't give a rats @rse about that.

I just thought he was an average manager, who took a poor backroom staff with him wherever he went, (he still does). He was brought to us at a time we had no money, Thaksin knew that, yet promised him the world, mortgaging our future on hopeful buys like Jo (who I thought MH ruined), he was brought to do a job on a small budget, he just didn't know that though.

I agree the new owner should have said no thanks right away, but as an honourable fella he decided to give him a go, and I supported that, but by christmas it was obvious he was out of his depth given the money we had available, but our honourable owner stuck with him till the summer at least. In May he should have gone, why he didn't I don't know (Cook ??). You say you knew Mancini was coming in the summer, maybe your source was right, or just lucky, who knows ?

The fact is, he wasn't good enough to take us where we wanted to be, but, and I said it earlier in the thread (ignored), he wasn't solely responsible for the signings, and some of them were at the time the best we could manage, and no matter what some say, did take us forward and do a job.

Mancini didn't decide they weren't good, he decided they weren't good enough for where the club wanted to be, and they weren't, as our current squad shows, none of them would get in it now, but they were the ones that bridged (no pun intended) the gap between mid table city and top of league city, and we had to pay daft wages and fees to ensure we bridged that gap. If any fault lies anywhere with the bridge, adebayor, etc signings its with the board for sanctioning them. Personally I think they were necessary to make us what we are now, Champions of England, but we would never have been that with MH in charge, in my opinion of course.

Its an argument that is now very pointless, we are what we are, and MH is what (and where) he is. I still think he is a very average manager, and imho he's shown it at both Fulham and QPR.
robbieh said:
Let's get this right. Mark Hughes is a better manager than Steve Bruce.

But not a lot.

He's doing the rounds of clubs. Blackburn, City, Fulham. and now QPR.

Prediction. He'll get sacked from there next year and reappear at Norwich after they sack whoever their manager is now.

The idea that this guy is a top manager is simply laughable.

The difference, until this year with QPR where his sole responsibility was to keep them up to provide a base for the future (which he did) - Hughes hadn't been sacked by either Blackburn nor Fulham, in fact he established Blackburn as a consistent top half team and got them into Europe a couple of times. We've been the only club to sack him and that's only because of our unique situation. Bruce has an eye for a player but hasn't shown the ability to keep team playing well and in the top half as the tailing off of results at Sunderland and Wigan showed.

Hughes hasn't proven himself as a top manager yet but has certainly showed himself to be better than the likes of Bruce or Keane or the other former rag managers he's always compared to on here.
remoh said:
de niro said:
city diehard said:
Roque? Bridge? Jo? to name a few were all worldies in your opinion then? The good players which he did purchase never flourished under him and only started to under Mancini. So, not his actual purchasing of the players but the way he managed them was piss poor. I know you've go this illogical affinity for Sparkless but come on.

jo wasn't his signing but lets not allow the truth to spoil a hughes bashing.
sparky did well for us, the shit he faced when he arrived at city was unbelievable. we were a joke, a complete shambles. apart from the way it was done i had no quarms in hughes being replaced by mancini, further progress was needed.
i can tell you one thing though, mancini would'nt have touched us with a bargepole had he seen the place before hughes tidied it up.

oh and for the record big sam would win stuff with these players.

No, Sparky did not do well for us. He took us backwards in his first season from 9th to 10th and was sacked in his second season after 2 wins from 11. He did a terrible job, and that's why he was rightly dismissed.

Big Sam would not have these players because he would have bought Kevin Nolan, John Terry, Andy Carroll and Wilson Palacios.

We made more passes and had more possession than any other team in the country last season. This resulted in the fewest goals conceded and most goals scored in the league. If you think Sam Alladyce would set City up in the same way and achieve the same results, then maybe you know even less about football than I thought.

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