we are 8-1 4th favourite for the drop..

BluessinceHydeRoad said:
All debate on this subject died at approximately 16.57, May 13, 2012. Roberto had taken all the flack, all the jibes, kept his mouth shut and built a team that won the title, showed mighty team spirit to win from 8 points down with 6 to play, 2-1 down in the second minute of stoppage time, having played some of the best football ever played in the PL. The owners got it right.

pretty much agree with this. Only real criticism I have of mancini is the waving of imaginary cards and hope we dont see that again.

like we are the onnly club to have "unfairly" sacked their manager. dont waste any time commenting on fergie; he's used every trick in the book this year to upset our applecart and none of it has worked. it wont be long before we see the back of him, and then a period of man u demise
seemedownkippaxstreet said:
In many ways the RSC signing epitomised why Hughes was inadequate. All the money and talent out there to choose from and he signed him? Not capable of taking us where we have now gone.

And here's a great article on the bollocks media reaction to the sacking of Hughes. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.wsc.co.uk/content/view/4798/38/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.wsc.co.uk/content/view/4798/38/</a>

Some favourite quotes:

The revisionism and positive spin at work in the aftermath of Hughes' departure was truly mind-boggling. Almost as mind-boggling as the ignorance and insularity shown when Mancini replaced him. "Roberto who?" said Hansen. "B-list manager" said Lawrenson. A B-list manager with seven major trophies to his name – the same number as Wenger has won at Arsenal, and seven more than Mark Hughes. Nothing in recent times has demonstrated quite so ably that British football exists in vacuum as the outrage over Hughes only being given a mere 77 matches to try and build a team capable of protecting leads against the likes of Burnley, Fulham and Hull .

I say this part was true in the main. Think it was talksport that said silva and yaya were "a barcelona reserve and david who.." and the merson said aguero would be this seasons flop. Thats not even getting a prediction wrong thats just a shocking lack of knowledge on european football.
Sleeping_Easy said:
seemedownkippaxstreet said:
In many ways the RSC signing epitomised why Hughes was inadequate. All the money and talent out there to choose from and he signed him? Not capable of taking us where we have now gone.

And here's a great article on the bollocks media reaction to the sacking of Hughes. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.wsc.co.uk/content/view/4798/38/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.wsc.co.uk/content/view/4798/38/</a>

Some favourite quotes:

The revisionism and positive spin at work in the aftermath of Hughes' departure was truly mind-boggling. Almost as mind-boggling as the ignorance and insularity shown when Mancini replaced him. "Roberto who?" said Hansen. "B-list manager" said Lawrenson. A B-list manager with seven major trophies to his name – the same number as Wenger has won at Arsenal, and seven more than Mark Hughes. Nothing in recent times has demonstrated quite so ably that British football exists in vacuum as the outrage over Hughes only being given a mere 77 matches to try and build a team capable of protecting leads against the likes of Burnley, Fulham and Hull .

I say this part was true in the main. Think it was talksport that said silva and yaya were "a barcelona reserve and david who.." and the merson said aguero would be this seasons flop. Thats not even getting a prediction wrong thats just a shocking lack of knowledge on european football.

I think they knew Silva, Yaya and Aguero were all fine players, I just think it was them trying not to take us seriously, it's like Thompson predicting at least a top four finish for the dippers ever year. There is no logic to that at all he just hoped that would happen, therfore he needs to talk up the dippers and discredit City and any other competitor. that is what they've been doing on Soccer Saturday, any neutral with a brain would see that City are a club on the up and would be challenging for honours but they all have their own agenda's to promote, hence why they love anything rag and discredit us in any way they can.

The funny thing is that in a few years if we continue to fight "at the top table" as they love to say, it will come full circle, we could sign a Bebe for £20M and they'll say he is "an exciting prospect." They just say what they THINK the general public want to hear, when they think opinions are changing they backtrack and change everything they say. It is pretty pathetic really, Sky Sports is just like a tabloid newspaper.
Wexford Blue said:
Good bump. Above all the reasons for Hughes sacking, just think of the Santa Cruz transfer... think of it and f##king weep.. Chasing him all year, signing him injured with a horrible injury record, for a huge fee, mental wages, and a long term deal... Possibly one of the worst value transfers in the history of football?

You'd have to say it's significantly worse than paying £35m for Andy Caroll. And when you put it into that perspective, I would say it has to be THE worst transfer deal EVER.

Clueless really was completely clueless.
BluessinceHydeRoad said:
All debate on this subject died at approximately 16.57, May 13, 2012. Roberto had taken all the flack, all the jibes, kept his mouth shut and built a team that won the title, showed mighty team spirit to win from 8 points down with 6 to play, 2-1 down in the second minute of stoppage time, having played some of the best football ever played in the PL. The owners got it right.

This - spot on, pal.................what a f*****g manager ( and gentleman ); handled himself with pride and dignity most of the time in face of some fierce and unfair critisizm.....all what you say above plus the Carlos affair, Balo, talk of players/dressig room split.........last year when it was rumoured he'd go, I said there is only 1 person I'd rather have..............Moriniho - he can do one, now.................
seemedownkippaxstreet said:
In many ways the RSC signing epitomised why Hughes was inadequate. All the money and talent out there to choose from and he signed him? Not capable of taking us where we have now gone.

And here's a great article on the bollocks media reaction to the sacking of Hughes. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.wsc.co.uk/content/view/4798/38/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.wsc.co.uk/content/view/4798/38/</a>

Some favourite quotes:

The revisionism and positive spin at work in the aftermath of Hughes' departure was truly mind-boggling. Almost as mind-boggling as the ignorance and insularity shown when Mancini replaced him. "Roberto who?" said Hansen. "B-list manager" said Lawrenson. A B-list manager with seven major trophies to his name – the same number as Wenger has won at Arsenal, and seven more than Mark Hughes. Nothing in recent times has demonstrated quite so ably that British football exists in vacuum as the outrage over Hughes only being given a mere 77 matches to try and build a team capable of protecting leads against the likes of Burnley, Fulham and Hull .

Scouse c***s - Hansen is a Scottish/Scouse rag and Lawrenson is a puppet......
Shaelumstash said:
Hope SquirtyFlower doesn't see the title of this thread, he'll probably delete it for being "mis-leading", "Pro rag" and "fucking shite".

It's only with hindsight you can actually see what a terrible job Hughesless did, and by contrast what an incredible job Mancini is doing. To take us from 10th to title winners in 2 full seasons is an astonishing achievement, however much he's spent.

I'm still awaiting Dismal Dave's public apology.


What the hell were you watching all that time?!! The odd 6-0 win did nothing to diminish my thoughts on the man, but it merely served to keep me quiet for a week or so. But, sure as eggs are eggs, the same pallet of sh*t was served soon after(I guess I was doing a 'Didsbury Dave' in that sense!).

Tell when there was ever a time you saw his tactical thinking when we were up against it? Or such with the players inclusion/ positioning? I found that players were seemingly 'doing what they did best' anyway in the team.

Shocking sh*te of a 'manager'.
Bigga said:
Shaelumstash said:
Hope SquirtyFlower doesn't see the title of this thread, he'll probably delete it for being "mis-leading", "Pro rag" and "fucking shite".

It's only with hindsight you can actually see what a terrible job Hughesless did, and by contrast what an incredible job Mancini is doing. To take us from 10th to title winners in 2 full seasons is an astonishing achievement, however much he's spent.

I'm still awaiting Dismal Dave's public apology.


What the hell were you watching all that time?!! The odd 6-0 win did nothing to diminish my thoughts on the man, but it merely served to keep me quiet for a week or so. But, sure as eggs are eggs, the same pallet of sh*t was served soon after(I guess I was doing a 'Didsbury Dave' in that sense!).

Tell when there was ever a time you saw his tactical thinking when we were up against it? Or such with the players inclusion/ positioning? I found that players were seemingly 'doing what they did best' anyway in the team.

Shocking sh*te of a 'manager'.
Agreed, people always give examples of players that he bought that have done well for us. Such as Kompany, Zabaleta, DeJong etc. But it's a credit to Mancini that he's got these players playing well for him. What did Hughes do when he arrived? Get rid of every single player that Sven bought whether they were good enough or not in order to bring in his own players. Mancini's bigger than that and if you're good enough, you're good enough.
Bigga said:
Shaelumstash said:
Hope SquirtyFlower doesn't see the title of this thread, he'll probably delete it for being "mis-leading", "Pro rag" and "fucking shite".

It's only with hindsight you can actually see what a terrible job Hughesless did, and by contrast what an incredible job Mancini is doing. To take us from 10th to title winners in 2 full seasons is an astonishing achievement, however much he's spent.

I'm still awaiting Dismal Dave's public apology.


What the hell were you watching all that time?!! The odd 6-0 win did nothing to diminish my thoughts on the man, but it merely served to keep me quiet for a week or so. But, sure as eggs are eggs, the same pallet of sh*t was served soon after(I guess I was doing a 'Didsbury Dave' in that sense!).

Tell when there was ever a time you saw his tactical thinking when we were up against it? Or such with the players inclusion/ positioning? I found that players were seemingly 'doing what they did best' anyway in the team.

Shocking sh*te of a 'manager'.

Wait wait wait, you've completely mis-understood my post. I thought Hughes was an absolutely appalling manager, at the time, and ever since he got sacked. Check my previous posts, I've never had a good word to say about him. He took Sven's team, spent 150mil and finished lower in the table with lower points, I always thought Hughes was appalling.

The point I was making about "hindsight" is that I didn't realise we were 8-1 4th favourite's for the drop at one point, and I forgot we were in the bottom 3 at xmas. I always knew Hughes was absolutely appalling, but the "hindsight" I am talking about is that he might actually be in Alan Ball's class.

Again, regarding Dismal Dave, I have had numerous arguments on here last year where I tried to educate him about what a fantastic job Mancini is doing, despite his ludicrous 'Mancini Out' campaign.

I even started a thread offering a bet with him where he would have to quit Bluemoon if we won the league this year under Mancini, and I would quit if we didn't. The thread mysteriously got deleted, and I am still awaiting Dismal's public apology that he got it so wrong about Mancini.

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