I'm delighted but, reality check, does anyone think we can play like that on Saturday and win?

Seriously, it was embarrassing that we had to resort to tactics like that against a Spurs side that was clearly shot to pieces.

Play those dire tactics on Saturday and we will lose.

Mancini has to play Tevez and he has to play Silva in the middle three if we are going to win.
Well were there, can't say I'm deliriously happy, what does 4th mean? not wishing to p@$s on any ones chips, but we need to improve big time from our Europa performances this season.

The other thing is that I can't quite erase the memory of Fenerbache out of my system (I am old enough), that year we qualified as champions in the proper European Cup, absoluteley battered them over two legs, and lost 1-0.....

On the other hand I expect us to batter Stoke on Saturday.... even if we gob a 1-0, then I will be delirious....
DD said:
I'm delighted but, reality check, does anyone think we can play like that on Saturday and win?

Seriously, it was embarrassing that we had to resort to tactics like that against a Spurs side that was clearly shot to pieces.

Play those dire tactics on Saturday and we will lose.

Mancini has to play Tevez and he has to play Silva in the middle three if we are going to win.
HE will play Tevez and Silva, its a case of making sure Tevez was`nt injured against THFC, also think Gaz Baz will be back too in the starting 11.
bigf42 said:
Well were there, can't say I'm deliriously happy, what does 4th mean? not wishing to p@$s on any ones chips, but we need to improve big time from our Europa performances this season.

The other thing is that I can't quite erase the memory of Fenerbache out of my system (I am old enough), that year we qualified as champions in the proper European Cup, absoluteley battered them over two legs, and lost 1-0.....

On the other hand I expect us to batter Stoke on Saturday.... even if we gob a 1-0, then I will be delirious....

TBF in the Europa games we often didn't play our strongest team. I'm not as confident as Big Mal but I think we could do well. We have the basis - a strong defence.
well done everyone, players, supporters, been a fantastic night, now its just saturday to enjoy even more

common city CTID

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