We are lucky

BluePurgatory said:
nehe11 said:
BluePurgatory said:
Your second post concerning Tevez in 2 days (how sad). I think you have a very serious issue of obsession. You need to get out more, or could it be that you know exactly, what you are doing. Why? Because you have a hidden ajenda?
Fact: The owner, the Manager, the players and majority of blues have moved on. It does not really matter how much you, the rags or the boo boys rant or think, because for now he is staying, until the owner and the Manager say other wise!
But like I said perhaps you cant because you have a hidden agenda

PS serious question. Is your hate so much that you would have rather have not won the title if it meant playing Tevez?
You are taking it personal arent you? I don´t hate the lad, nor have I an agenda. Just don´t like him, nothing wrong with that. If he´s staying then he´s staying, nothing I can do about that. Don´t forget a forum is all about opinions!!

But Like I and others have pointed out its your second in two days. If you are ego is big enough to make a post then exspect the stick. Will you have a 3rd post tomorrow perhaps "How great the T lady makes her tea but mention in it how you dont like the tea made by Tevez. YCMIU. Have you made any post yet that does not mention Tevez???
Hahaha...You are quite fond of Tevez arent you? 2 post in 2 days is not alot about a player who went AWOL, is it?

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