we have visiting fans on our forum

as an away supporter who has been on here before and got banter/ abuse, i just feel i should be able to give it back within limits. most of my responses would only be in response to a thread about my team or birthplace. like most forums people can hide behind a username and dish out abuse. have had a few city fans message me off site and communicate, which is respected. like most city fans i love my team and have spent my team following them through thick and thin...packing for lisbon as we speak- cue loads of bindipper jokes
shackattack said:
as an away supporter who has been on here before and got banter/ abuse, i just feel i should be able to give it back within limits. most of my responses would only be in response to a thread about my team or birthplace. like most forums people can hide behind a username and dish out abuse. have had a few city fans message me off site and communicate, which is respected. like most city fans i love my team and have spent my team following them through thick and thin...packing for lisbon as we speak- cue loads of bindipper jokes

About stealing planes and stuff? I think that would be a poor joke but can't think of any others?
stealing planes???? will it fit in a head bag then! as for only hating everton and united- expand your mind, theres loads to hate.
manchester_blue said:
If opposition supporters come into our end at the ground and start giving out then what do you expect?

There are sad rags coming on here, maybe others, who are adopting the same nonsense you sometimes get on the radio pretending to be City fans and their opinions don't mean nothing. When sussed get them banned I say. Developing daft ideas is how they got in that debt, Fergie with Rock of Gibraltar et al, don't be inviting their cancer in here.

If having away fan opinions are so necessary suggest creating a forum area where the away fans can have their say if it so important and / or keep a forum section for City fans only. I know which part of the site will do the best and have the most fans in it.

Pandering to people who give it out and then can't take it is pansie. We aren't going to win nothing being pansies. Pansie attitudes are the reason Petrov / Ireland don't get stuck in and look where that's get us.

Did you people stand on the Kippax St or was it tucked in the Main Stand?

Having a chat with away fans is great but having a staunchly City orientated forum sounds spot on to me.


please define "you people"
shackattack said:
stealing planes???? will it fit in a head bag then! as for only hating everton and united- expand your mind, theres loads to hate.

I know, poor joke, it's best I can some up with, I apologise!!
de niro said:
manchester_blue said:
If opposition supporters come into our end at the ground and start giving out then what do you expect?

There are sad rags coming on here, maybe others, who are adopting the same nonsense you sometimes get on the radio pretending to be City fans and their opinions don't mean nothing. When sussed get them banned I say. Developing daft ideas is how they got in that debt, Fergie with Rock of Gibraltar et al, don't be inviting their cancer in here.

If having away fan opinions are so necessary suggest creating a forum area where the away fans can have their say if it so important and / or keep a forum section for City fans only. I know which part of the site will do the best and have the most fans in it.

Pandering to people who give it out and then can't take it is pansie. We aren't going to win nothing being pansies. Pansie attitudes are the reason Petrov / Ireland don't get stuck in and look where that's get us.

Did you people stand on the Kippax St or was it tucked in the Main Stand?

Having a chat with away fans is great but having a staunchly City orientated forum sounds spot on to me.


please define "you people"
I don't understand the attraction in going on another team's forum. What's the point? It will invariably turn into a slanging match because of the tribal mindset we all have regarding the club we support.
You might get a Stoke fans, or an Everton fan or whatever coming on here and all will be well for a day or two but, but eventually the sniping will begin and the childish digs at one another will follow, and before you know where you are it's descended into open hostility - yet again.

It's the natural order of things. For every one decent opposition fan there will be twenty total douchebags. And we're no better or worse than any other club for having a few knobhead supporters.

By all means let them come. Let them join in a healthy good-natured debate on the game we all love. But if you think it will stay like that you're fooling yourself.
no need to apologise, duty free will be robbed rotten, but reckon i would get stopped through " nothing to declare" with a plane in me coat!! hatred of everton seems to have risen since the lescott/moyes saga- i myself ,am so grateful to city for paying the extortionate fee...if you wish to buy sylvan dustbin for same amount feel free !!

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