We should sell out against Everton

BlueBoy2010 said:
On our last visit to City when we scored bottles got thrown over hitting women, bricks thrown at coaches etc pot, kettle black. You're not simply a better side at all hence why you usually never finish above us and should we win on Wednesday we go a five points behind you with you shit having to play Arsenal, Man Utd, Spurs, Villa so don't go counting your chickens yet you cocky bastards
'You shit'? 'You cocky bastards'? What's your problem? Feeling a bit 'sick' or something? Time for a jolt of smack, is it? Give your head a wobble and keep your vulgar language in your redundant dockyards, where such conduct belongs
m27 said:
BlueBoy2010 said:
I'm on my phone it is pre-texting words. I'm loving these remarks of aeverton having no money, you lot have suddenly forgotten what your club was like. You're the equivelent to a tramp winning the lotto.

You're the equivalent of a tramp not winning the Lotto.

You're a tramp basically.

Hahaha best comeback ever.
when these twots finished 4th they got beat in play off,s and got beat in euefa 1st round. so calm down soft lad and go nick some cars u bindipper wanabe?
Not gone through the whole thread but what do the seat counters think!!!

Havent heard from them for along time are they now extinct? ;)
nashark said:
Wrighty Wrexham said:
Not gone through the whole thread but what do the seat counters think!!!

Havent heard from them for along time are they now extinct? ;)

We are a dying breed.

Ha ha are u one of the last popping your head up!!

U need to find a mate and breed!!

If we get a new stadium its going to be a massive job counting those seats!!
Love games against Everton, it brings out all the silly scousers who provide me with plenty of laughs.

"Fucking boss init larrrr"
mancityvstoke said:
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum "nothing but the best is good enough"



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