We should sell out against Everton

BlueBoy2010 said:
The gap isn't getting bigger. Man City, Spurs and Villa don't have bigger fanbases either. Are you for one minute suggesting had we had Arteta, Jagielka, Pienaar, Saha and Fellaini for the run in that would not of made a difference if you do you're fuckig deluded
You know the thing with football is we all have players out, yet the likes of City, Spurs and Villa don't have the victim mentality(for example we have an England U21 player that pretty much hasn't played in 2 season)that Everton seem to breed. As for the Fanbase thing, you really must me kidding right, you have a fanbase as big as any of those teams, even the most deluded of dippers can believe that?
BlueBoy2010 said:
mancityvstoke said:
I really hate Everton and their fans
We hate you lot too and were going to beat you on Wednesday

have you not got your own forum?

your going to look silly if you lose on wednesday aren't you.
First post:

For starters, I must apologise for the stupidity of some of our fans. Some of his arguments are laughable. He's probably been banned from most of our forums for being a prick and now spends his time going from forum to forum trying to wind other teams up, with little success.

On the game, I think its going to be a cracker. We laboured a bit against Bolton on Saturday but you could count on 1 hand the number of times they had 2 players ahead of the ball, you will play football. I think it will be an open game and I wouldnt be surprised if we won it. The plus side for us however is if you win, it fuck's the RS up a bit more.

On Lescott, I'd rather just forget him now.
EFC123 said:
First post:

For starters, I must apologise for the stupidity of some of our fans. Some of his arguments are laughable. He's probably been banned from most of our forums for being a prick and now spends his time going from forum to forum trying to wind other teams up, with little success.

On the game, I think its going to be a cracker. We laboured a bit against Bolton on Saturday but you could count on 1 hand the number of times they had 2 players ahead of the ball, you will play football. I think it will be an open game and I wouldnt be surprised if we won it. The plus side for us however is if you win, it fuck's the RS up a bit more.

On Lescott, I'd rather just forget him now.[/quote]
Arite mate and welcome, could you tell Gollom to let the Lescott thing go now? i mean, you got a good deal for the lad and if memory serves me, old Gollom has done his fair share of tapping up players has he not? pot, kettle....

There were fans spat at and verbally abused(women and kids)at your place and an all round discusting undercurrent, now i'm all for a bit of intimidation and hostilities during the 90mins but what happened outside(and half time by the dibble) was a disgrace and imo, stirred up big time by Gollom, he should have been held into account. Just because we've had the luxury of a bit of wonga does not give any opposing fans the right to treat us the way that certain fans think they can, and Gollom should be held into account, let it go.

BTW, the article below was nicely swept under the carpet was'nt it? i mean, can't go annoying the next Rag manager now can we? :)

It looks like Chairmen Ken got his way then, as the Blues will have to potentially fork out to Leeds a million big ones for the services of 16yr old Luke Garbutt. Luke was signed from Leeds in the Summer, but Chairman Ken was scathing as he believed Everton had poached (his words not ours) Luke from his club.

The Tribunal heard from all sides today, and Everton's offer of £200k was dismissed out of hand. They will have to pay half a million up front, and with add on for appearances and International honours that could rise to the million mark. Lets hope it does then, as we will have signed a good un. (07/09/09)

Shut Up Knob 'ed

Leeds United Chairman Ken Bates is seeking punishment for Everton similar to Chelski's, when a tribunal meets on Monday over the matter of Luke Garbutt's transfer from Dirty Leeds to the Wonderful Blues.

Instead of waiting to Monday for his say, Bates is doing what he does best and gobbing off in the media. He claims Everton 'poached' Garbutt from Leeds in the Summer, and he wants the Blues to have a transfer ban for the next two windows. May not be a problem that Ken, as we normally have not got a pot to piss in anyhow. COYB

Bates Rants: "On Monday we have a tribunal for Garbutt, who Everton nicked from us. I hope the ruling that has been handed down from FIFA on Chelsea will set the scene. It certainly sends a message to the Football League compensation tribunal about compensation. I'm not just talking about Leeds. Lots of smaller clubs than us have been stripped of their best kids and they should be adequately compensated.

The days of nicking Leeds players and paying peanuts are over. We are determined to be adequately compensated for the work we are doing in our academy."
EFC123 said:
First post:

For starters, I must apologise for the stupidity of some of our fans. Some of his arguments are laughable. He's probably been banned from most of our forums for being a prick and now spends his time going from forum to forum trying to wind other teams up, with little success.

On the game, I think its going to be a cracker. We laboured a bit against Bolton on Saturday but you could count on 1 hand the number of times they had 2 players ahead of the ball, you will play football. I think it will be an open game and I wouldnt be surprised if we won it. The plus side for us however is if you win, it fuck's the RS up a bit more.

On Lescott, I'd rather just forget him now.[/quote]
Arite mate and welcome, could you tell Gollom to let the Lescott thing go now? i mean, you got a good deal for the lad and if memory serves me, old Gollom has done his fair share of tapping up players has he not? pot, kettle....

There were fans spat at and verbally abused(women and kids)at your place and an all round discusting undercurrent, now i'm all for a bit of intimidation and hostilities during the 90mins but what happened outside(and half time by the dibble) was a disgrace and imo, stirred up big time by Gollom, he should have been held into account. Just because we've had the luxury of a bit of wonga does not give any opposing fans to treat us the way that certain fans think they can, and Gollom should be held into account, let it go.

BTW, the article below was nicely swept under the carpet was'nt it? i mean, can't go annoying the next Rag manager now can we? :)

It looks like Chairmen Ken got his way then, as the Blues will have to potentially fork out to Leeds a million big ones for the services of 16yr old Luke Garbutt. Luke was signed from Leeds in the Summer, but Chairman Ken was scathing as he believed Everton had poached (his words not ours) Luke from his club.

The Tribunal heard from all sides today, and Everton's offer of £200k was dismissed out of hand. They will have to pay half a million up front, and with add on for appearances and International honours that could rise to the million mark. Lets hope it does then, as we will have signed a good un. (07/09/09)

Shut Up Knob 'ed

Leeds United Chairman Ken Bates is seeking punishment for Everton similar to Chelski's, when a tribunal meets on Monday over the matter of Luke Garbutt's transfer from Dirty Leeds to the Wonderful Blues.

Instead of waiting to Monday for his say, Bates is doing what he does best and gobbing off in the media. He claims Everton 'poached' Garbutt from Leeds in the Summer, and he wants the Blues to have a transfer ban for the next two windows. May not be a problem that Ken, as we normally have not got a pot to piss in anyhow. COYB

Bates Rants: "On Monday we have a tribunal for Garbutt, who Everton nicked from us. I hope the ruling that has been handed down from FIFA on Chelsea will set the scene. It certainly sends a message to the Football League compensation tribunal about compensation. I'm not just talking about Leeds. Lots of smaller clubs than us have been stripped of their best kids and they should be adequately compensated.

The days of nicking Leeds players and paying peanuts are over. We are determined to be adequately compensated for the work we are doing in our academy."
BlueBoy2010 said:
Except Tottenham have a smaller average, tit head
But they are restricted by the small ground. Spurs sell their ground out every week.
One things for sure , City won't play as badly on Wednesday night as they did at Goodison , and it's important that we don't ...... although the game will no doubt be a tough one for us

this game , and the Villa and Spurs home matches are , at present , must-win games.
[quote="buzzer1Arite mate and welcome, could you tell Gollom to let the Lescott thing go now? i mean, you got a good deal for the lad and if memory serves me, old Gollom has done his fair share of tapping up players has he not? pot, kettle....

There were fans spat at and verbally abused(women and kids)at your place and an all round discusting undercurrent, now i'm all for a bit of intimidation and hostilities during the 90mins but what happened outside(and half time by the dibble) was a disgrace and imo, stirred up big time by Gollom, he should have been held into account. Just because we've had the luxury of a bit of wonga does not give any opposing fans the right to treat us the way that certain fans think they can, and Gollom should be held into account, let it go.

BTW, the article below was nicely swept under the carpet was'nt it? i mean, can't go annoying the next Rag manager now can we? :)

It looks like Chairmen Ken got his way then, as the Blues will have to potentially fork out to Leeds a million big ones for the services of 16yr old Luke Garbutt. Luke was signed from Leeds in the Summer, but Chairman Ken was scathing as he believed Everton had poached (his words not ours) Luke from his club.

The Tribunal heard from all sides today, and Everton's offer of £200k was dismissed out of hand. They will have to pay half a million up front, and with add on for appearances and International honours that could rise to the million mark. Lets hope it does then, as we will have signed a good un. (07/09/09)

Shut Up Knob 'ed

Leeds United Chairman Ken Bates is seeking punishment for Everton similar to Chelski's, when a tribunal meets on Monday over the matter of Luke Garbutt's transfer from Dirty Leeds to the Wonderful Blues.

Instead of waiting to Monday for his say, Bates is doing what he does best and gobbing off in the media. He claims Everton 'poached' Garbutt from Leeds in the Summer, and he wants the Blues to have a transfer ban for the next two windows. May not be a problem that Ken, as we normally have not got a pot to piss in anyhow. COYB

Bates Rants: "On Monday we have a tribunal for Garbutt, who Everton nicked from us. I hope the ruling that has been handed down from FIFA on Chelsea will set the scene. It certainly sends a message to the Football League compensation tribunal about compensation. I'm not just talking about Leeds. Lots of smaller clubs than us have been stripped of their best kids and they should be adequately compensated.

The days of nicking Leeds players and paying peanuts are over. We are determined to be adequately compensated for the work we are doing in our academy."[/quote]

I think the fact that its Ken Bates doing the ranting says it all, and you are correct we did get a good price for Lescott. IMO the reason Moyes was upset was it was done publically, not privately. If Hughes had just made bids in private and not talked about them to the press then I don't think their would have been a problem, he obviously still would have gone. I think the fact that he had an open cheque book went to his head. I also think you made a mistake sacking him.

As for the spitting on women and kids, what can I say? There is scum everywhere. I took my missus to the RS pit a few weeks ago ans she got spat on from above. It happens.

Back to the game, Think you'll win?
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Everton - 14,000 for a league game when Mike Walker was in charge.


Now get back to your GM modified sausage rolls, about the only thing Everton can claim to be the biggest in!

We had 13000 in 1983.


You lot were in the 3rd division not long ago.


So fucking what?

I really dont think it bothers Evertonians too much to see you getting a bit of success, its long overdue and you have suffered more than most over the years.

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