We Will Be A Disgrace...

Why are some posters so intent on driving wedges between our own support.
Sometimes I get the impression that certain people want Mancini to fail just so they can score points on the internet. It's pathetic.
forevermancity said:
mike winterwasp said:
The owners set targets. He meets them. He stays (unless he gets sick of all the moaning so called fans on here).

Can he manage a title winning side? Well the special one, like Mancini, would take a 1-nil win most games and hasn't pulled up any trees in Madrid. So who could deliver - Ancoletti - obviously not - Italian, not good enough for Chelsea, Pep? - won't leave Barca. Fergie? too late - he'd tell you it takes time to build a title winning team. So if we get rid tell me who can deliver a title even if he's given five years and unlimited money?

moaning 'so called fans'?

so posters like de niro (been to every game i think)
me (missed 4 games all season, home and away and in europe)
didsbury dave (pretty sure he goes to every game)
prestwich- the same

what a disgrace we are. maybe we should be like mancio, support the club soley because of the manager, never go to a game, but hey, at least he speaks well of the manager eh.

moaning so called fans eh.

i was thinking the same, perhaps we should tow the party line and sit at home a watch edited highlights.........but then there would be no club of course.

just bought these in readiness.
Kazzydeyna said:
Bluemoon115 said:
Answer the question, what will you think of Mancini if, and read this next part very carefully, HE CHOOSES TO LEAVE THE CLUB?

I'll answer that..

I'd think we'd lost a geat manager. Our first since Booky.

I'd apologise to him for the way he's neen treated by so many city fans (on here at least) that get their football knowledge and opinions from the tabloids and Sky.

I'd send him on hi way with my good wishes. And I'd blame the sizable minority of idiotic morons on here and other boards calling for the head of THE MOST SUCCESFUL MANAGER WE'VE HAD IN DECADES.

That answer your question?


What the fuck would you be apologising for?

If he walks he walks on his own free will and by doing so he shits all over the faith you and others have put in him.
Kazzydeyna said:
Bluemoon115 said:
Answer the question, what will you think of Mancini if, and read this next part very carefully, HE CHOOSES TO LEAVE THE CLUB?

I'll answer that..

I'd think we'd lost a geat manager. Our first since Booky.

I'd apologise to him for the way he's neen treated by so many city fans (on here at least) that get their football knowledge and opinions from the tabloids and Sky.

I'd send him on hi way with my good wishes. And I'd blame the sizable minority of idiotic morons on here and other boards calling for the head of THE MOST SUCCESFUL MANAGER WE'VE HAD IN DECADES.

That answer your question?
It does.

It shows some of you can't handle the debate of a forum, so should probably set up a blog instead, where you'll see only your own opinion, and won't have to deal with "idiotic morons".

It shows that he can do absolutely no wrong in your eyes, and that any failings of his will be passed onto "idiot fans" who have done nothing other than write words on a forum.

You missed out enjoying the ride, and should have mentioned Rome, but other than that, a good rant. C+.
Kazzydeyna said:
So this crap manager that has no clue,and will never be good enough for City because he "hasn't won us the league" (in his first full season!!) and has ONLY turned a mid table side into a top four unit,and has ONLY taken this side to it's first major cup final for 30 years was appointed by our owners.

Now, as you all know, everyone who comes on this board has been a city fan for donkey's years (for the american and far eastern fans on here - all of whom used to hitch hike to maine road once a fortnight of course - that means a very very long time) so you will of course all remember the annual protests against our previous owner, Peter Swales, one of the main gripes of which was his inability to appoint the right manager.

So, the Mancini hate brigade (or daily mail/the sun readers as I prefer to think of you), how long before you start calling for the Sheik's head?

I mean, he appointed "this clown", didn;t he?

Or do you just want Jose?

You know, Jose, the special one, you know - that guy that's turned Real Madrid into world beaters...oh wait!

You know, that Jose, the one that would drop us like a cheap whore the second the United job becomes available. Probably in a year or two.

You know, that Jose that plays such scintillating football.You all saw the recent CL semi right? Did you SEE the positivity of that Madrid side? And the thoroughly professional way he accepted the (unlucky) defeat.

I seriously despair of City fans some(most) times.

The most ungrateful, disrespectful, unknowledgable and frankly bloody THICK bunch of ingrates that ever walked the earth.

I'm ashamed to be associated with some of you.

Great post!

But your wasting you breath/words with some fans who want him out! I have to question there alliances and motives for wanting Mancini out!

Don't say it's boring because quite frankly they know nothing about football and how you need time at a club!
stony said:
Why are some posters so intent on driving wedges between our own support.
Sometimes I get the impression that certain people want Mancini to fail just so they can score points on the internet. It's pathetic.
If Mancini succeeds I look a bit of a twat on here.
If he fails, I look a bit of a twat to the fans of every other fucking club, people who I've been winding up, annoying red's and other similar breeds.

Trust me, Mancini's success is City's success, there's no way I want him to fail. I just have certain doubts that that lead me to think he will.
Bluemoon115 said:
Kazzydeyna said:
I'll answer that..

I'd think we'd lost a geat manager. Our first since Booky.

I'd apologise to him for the way he's neen treated by so many city fans (on here at least) that get their football knowledge and opinions from the tabloids and Sky.

I'd send him on hi way with my good wishes. And I'd blame the sizable minority of idiotic morons on here and other boards calling for the head of THE MOST SUCCESFUL MANAGER WE'VE HAD IN DECADES.

That answer your question?
It does.

It shows some of you can't handle the debate of a forum, so should probably set up a blog instead, where you'll see only your own opinion, and won't have to deal with "idiotic morons".

It shows that he can do absolutely no wrong in your eyes, and that any failings of his will be passed onto "idiot fans" who have done nothing other than write words on a forum.

You missed out enjoying the ride, and should have mentioned Rome, but other than that, a good rant. C+.

Unimpressive, you confuse 'graciously wouldn't want to blame him in a certain situation' with 'he can do no wrong in any situation'.

You refer to stereotypical phrases and attitudes which this particular poster hasn't exhibited.

Arrogant use of homework style marks.

blueinsa said:
Kazzydeyna said:
I'll answer that..

I'd think we'd lost a geat manager. Our first since Booky.

I'd apologise to him for the way he's neen treated by so many city fans (on here at least) that get their football knowledge and opinions from the tabloids and Sky.

I'd send him on hi way with my good wishes. And I'd blame the sizable minority of idiotic morons on here and other boards calling for the head of THE MOST SUCCESFUL MANAGER WE'VE HAD IN DECADES.

That answer your question?


What the fuck would you be apologising for?

If he walks he walks on his own free will and by doing so he shits all over the faith you and others have put in him.

You had a few beers today? If he decides to leave how will be sit all over us who have had faith in him? I've never said he won't leave, i've just stuck up for him when people have been negative towards him. If he walks, he walks but he'll be doing it for a reason and it won't mean he shits all over us

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