We will be back stronger next year.

Hopeitschipskippax said:
mancunial said:
Can't believe the abusive remarks bobby is getting, ok criticise him but calling the guy some of the things I've read today is a disgrace, the guy helped us win the premiership etc for gods sake,

Yes, narrowly coming first, to a club that were really, really poor and yet very nearly won the title, because they have a genius of a manager. Am sorry, but it's true.
Really really poor? Didn't they have their best ever start to a season last year and we were just one step ahead? And they are on course this season to smash the record points total? They're not as bad as some make out, and you'll be loving it anyway you closet.
AlthamBlue said:
DaveRave18 said:
AlthamBlue said:
Look at Moyes? Fanfuckingtastic. What has Moyes won in 11 years? And that sour faced **** is not the norm.

And you would expect Everton to be winning anything with the budget they have? Quite frankly its an achievement they are in PL.

No it isn't. They have spent shit loads. More than most mid table teams. How exactly is it an achievement?

I ain't discussing how good or bad is Moyes. Just trying to make a point that in my eyes stability is the key. Don't wanna end up like Chelsea. They will run out of managers soon. Get one, albeit a decent one and stick with him.
BlueTG said:
Hopeitschipskippax said:
mancunial said:
Can't believe the abusive remarks bobby is getting, ok criticise him but calling the guy some of the things I've read today is a disgrace, the guy helped us win the premiership etc for gods sake,

Yes, narrowly coming first, to a club that were really, really poor and yet very nearly won the title, because they have a genius of a manager. Am sorry, but it's true.
Really really poor? Didn't they have their best ever start to a season last year and we were just one step ahead? And they are on course this season to smash the record points total? They're not as bad as some make out, and you'll be loving it anyway you closet.

.....and so gettin back to what I mentioned earlier; Mancini isn't good enough. Closet? Fook sake.
we wont come back stronger next year or any year if we are still running scared of FFP , this is the reason i believe that we didnt push on & stregnthen in the last 2 windows. Make no mistake, the FFP rules devised by Platini to stop us are doing the job perfectly, year after year of utd titles is what will be unless we have the guts to stand up & fight back. We`ll see this summer but i fear the worst.
I've always believed that you learn more from a defeat than you do winning.
"Failure isn't an option, it's a step."
It's a step towards improving yourself in the long run.

We need to go back to the basics and we need to toughen up.
Be the last to hit the floor and the first to get up off it.
Do a week or two of rugby conditioning pre season, in the spirit of the 6 Nations, I'm not talking about full out rugby tackling or anything like that, but learn to suck up a bit of battering, instead of rolling around on the floor like idiots. Everyone does it, yes, but we don't have to.

You see these small little guys taking massive hits and just getting straight back up and throwing themselves into another ruck, another tackle. That's the commitment we need to see, that's the level of fitness we want, that should be demanded. We should be fit enough and strong enough that we don't get pushed off the ball, and we win more 50/50 balls.

We need to have the fittest team in the league, there's a reason that the rags score a lot of late goals because they don't give up and their fitness is there.

We need to have the ability to run with the best of them and run for the longest.
The Rags today against Reading, Welbeck (I think) had the ball up front one minute and had ran the length of the field the next defending, and the commentator said he was doing what he's expected to do as a United player.
They have the ability to track back, and then break forward over and over again. We don't or else we don't try as hard.

You can be an average group of players who can be turned into an excellent team. Once the foundations are there you can build and move forward.

The USA hockey team that won the 1980's Olympics weren't the best but they were fittest and the most determined, they outskated the Soviet Union which was unheard of. Nobody worked as hard as they did. Despite constantly falling behind in games, they were always able to come back and win, they were relentless. These guys were amatuers, college students, but they never gave up.

Hard work will get you to where you deserve to be at the end of a season.
Hard work always beats talent when talent fails to work hard.
How good are these "superstar" players to us if they wont work? Your talent on it's own only gets you so far.

Work hard and work yourself into the ground, don't go off celebrating for 2 months. It's not good enough, not in this day and age at this level.
Forget about ridiculous wages and trying to attract more players, or worrying about politics behind the scenes. We need to resist the panicking which I know we'll do, not sell half our team and spend 100 of millions. Just work.

That poem If sums it up for me
if you can..lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son

This season is all but gone. We all know that, with the exception of a miracle, we've lost. So we need to suck it up, go away and work bloody hard. Harder than they ever did.
And come back better and fitter than ever and get rid of this attitude of egotistical players who think they don't need to chase back or that they're better than everyone else. Work at the basics and we'll be half way there.
mancunial said:
Hopeitschipskippax said:
mancunial said:
Can't believe the abusive remarks bobby is getting, ok criticise him but calling the guy some of the things I've read today is a disgrace, the guy helped us win the premiership etc for gods sake,

Yes, narrowly coming first, to a club that were really, really poor and yet very nearly won the title, because they have a genius of a manager. Am sorry, but it's true.
I agree with some of what you saying but he still won it, them tw-ts have been winning it on and off for 20 years bobs a novice at this compared to the bullyboy in the next town, I always look at the bigger picture this tw-t has the media the officials eating out of his hand, they are scared to death of him, sacking bobby now would be totally negative in what we are trying to become, if bobby goes then you have to get better in, who's available.

By the way, Jupp Heynes would be available at the end of the season. Would be perfect.

well hallefookinlujah, someone actually agrees with me and dunt call me a rag or a fookin closet.
citytill1die84 said:
Lets stop arguing its over now. We will make changes in the summer hopefully some good ones :) and we will be back firing again next year I'm sure of it.

Remember we've come from " its Dickov agaiiiiiiiiiiiin" to "Aguerooooooooooooooo" in such a short time :)

Lets Win the FA Cup finish 2nd and start again. Oh and lets get some RESPECT back by beating them at the Swamp.
So your whole premise for us being stronger next year is "We will make changes in the summer hopefully some good ones :) "
that Bobby bloke only won 6 - 1 there when it should have been 10

Lets get some respect back ffs
Balti said:
that Bobby bloke only won 6 - 1 there when it should have been 10

Lets get some respect back ffs
Totally agree. We have been wank today. Well wank most of this season but we won a game 6-1 in 2011.
Paulmcfc2703 said:
Balti said:
that Bobby bloke only won 6 - 1 there when it should have been 10

Lets get some respect back ffs
Totally agree. We have been wank today. Well wank most of this season but we won a game 6-1 in 2011.

yeah and winning the league last season was a joke too

ancient history ffs

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