Welbeck vs Balotelli

schfc6 said:
Again with this nashark? Really?
You keep ignoring posts that give you examples of Mario's talent, ability and intelligence. His first goal at Old Trafford sums up his abilities better than any words can. I assure you Welbeck would not have scored that goal. That one goal, that one piece of action would indicate Balotelli's talent and intelligence. His movement for Evan's red card, would also indicate great football intelligence.
Yes he was stupid yesterday, he was also quite unlucky and yes he is also still young. Keane, Viera, Cantona, Rooney, Beckham, Vidic the list is endless, players all who have made unintelligent decisions on a football pitch, yet have achieved great things. Balotelli is 21, has won the Champions League, the World Young Player of the year, has an F.A. Cup medal and has domestic titles under his belt, and is on what a goal a game this season? For what it's worth, I have played with Crouch, played against Owen and Wes Brown does that validate my opinion any? NO. Ben Thornley also played with David Beckham, he's now playing in the East Cheshire Sunday I think, Mark Lynch has played with Becks, Giggs et al too, and he sells Utilities for Utilities warehouse, however I fail to see the relevance in any of that. If you think Balotelli's unintelligent, and won't have a better career than Welbeck then you are welcome to that opinion, if playing with Welbeck validates it more then great, but you are going to look very silly one day...

Again, you need to go back through the thread and read what I've actually posted. The op asked for a comparison of the two players, to which I offered my opinion (before becoming abusive because he didn't like my opinion). You are under the impression that I'm responsible for saying certain things when I'm not.

I brought up that I played with Welbeck, and said that at the level I played at with him, he was head and shoulders above everyone purely because he was stronger, quicker and fitter. Then I went on to say that he can't do that at this level because more technical ability is required. That was my view on Welbeck and though some people can't get over the fact that I've played with him (says more about their inadequacies than it does mine that they keep bringing it up), I can get over it and the only reason I brought it up was because it was relevant to my opinion. If you've played with Crouch, good for you but as you say, that's not relevant.

What I said about Balotelli is that he has one of the best shots in the game, but given that that ability is counterbalanced by poor passing, first touch, intelligence (when I was agreeing with Mourinho) and work-rate, then to me he is one of the weaker players in the squad and I genuinely think he's a liability. Most of the top pundits (Hansen, Redknapp and Souness) seem to share that opinion, so whilst it's not the popular opinion on here, it seems to be the popular opinion among people who are paid to analyse the game. I acknowledge that Mancini sees it different, but I think he's got it wrong and have given reasons for that.

Though the red card was harsh, what Balotelli did on Sunday was stupid. There's only so many stupid things a player can do before you have to conclude that he's stupid. You point out his finish in the derby which was good but I've never disputed his shooting ability on this thread. The run against Evans was more on topic, but that's natural to a striker and should be expected. That Balotelli does so many silly things and is so unreliable flies in the face of those brief glimpses of an ability to apply his brain to the game.

My only interest in City, and whilst that's hard to grasp among those who like all the wacky shit he does, we're in a position again where he's let the club down.

And to GDM, you'd be a top guy to have on my CV. I'll feel like a man of the world with all these bourgeois connections. Might even get myself one of those bowler hats.
United has no forward as talented as Super Mario, facht.

Chicharito is shit, I mean just look at how lucky some of his goals actually are, the **** can't score if he isn't 2 feet away from goal.

Rooney is possibly the most overrated player in the world

Welbeck is nothing special

Don't even get me started on Machado, Owen and Berbatov

Diouf looks class though
hahaha. *shakes head*

If Mario played for United he would be called their best player so far this term. But now he is one of the weakest links in our team?.

People who dont admit their wrong are not worth debating with.

gordondaviesmoustache said:
Frank H said:
nashark said:
The debate's over and always was. Me and Jose are right: Balotelli is a fucking idiot. To those who still can't see it after today, and tried to put across abusive and dishonest arguments, it's time for you cats to take up rugby or hockey because you do not have a fucking clue. Football is beyond you and always will be. Cheers.
I have been, on and off, an observer of a number of forums - football mostly., but not exclusively.

I am agnostic about Balotelli. One thing I am sure about is that you are one of the most arrogant, opinionated, and plain nasty, posters I have come across on any forum - after excluding the obvious loonies, juveniles, xenophobes, and various others pests, which infest all internet forums.

And your low opinion of the intelligence of both Welbeck and Balotelli makes me wonder if there isn't some other agenda playing in your psyche.

Please forgive me if I've misread you, and that you are actually the most intelligent, educated, and football knowledgeable person on this forum/any forum/the world/the universe etc.

Nashark, like Balotelli- somewhat ironically, is an acquired taste. Perception is reality and from my point of view you could substitute arrogant and opinionated for self-confident in his beliefs and cutting.
I am giving you, and Nashark, the respect of believing that he is a serious poster, and not, as some claim, a rather pathetic wum.

It's quite possible to be self-confident in a belief without appearing highly arrogant and opinionated. Granted it's quite difficult to do so, and many fail. Nashark clearly does.

I suspect your thinly veiled reference to his 'agenda' is well wide of the mark.
Again, I'll take your word on this. But I'm of the generation (I'm an OAP) who heard black players regularly described as "stupid", "lazy", "unreliable", "can't perform in cold weather" etc.etc.etc. While such opinions are more rarely expressed aloud these days, I am sure that they still survive, sometimes at a subconscious level, among a substantial minority of football fans.

The fact is that he is passionate about Manchester City Football Club and believes that Balotelli is not the sort of person he wants playing for this club and I suspect nothing will deviate him from that view.
If that is true, then he is a taste I will never acquire. People's whose views are so determined that nothing will ever change their minds are, IMHO, the people responsible for the great majority of the evils of the world.

However, I hope you are wrong in this. I've no desire to have bad opinions about anyone, especially someone with "shark" in their "name", being somewhat of a fan of those superb sea creatures!

As for playing with Welbeck I played five a side against Des Walker a few years ago and I've been dining out on it ever since, so who can blame him for slipping it into the thread ;-)
I was once on the same stage as Ken Dodd, but I wouldn't claim that gave me any particular authority as a judge of comedy!<br /><br />-- Tue Nov 29, 2011 12:00 am --<br /><br />Specifically on Balotelli and his "maturity".

Scientists studying the human brain have come quite recently to the conclusion that although brains pretty much reach their full size at the age of 8, full maturity, which requires changes in internal organisation and connections, doesn't occur until about the age of 25 in most people.

Balotelli is only 21. I suggest that we ought to wait a few years before classing him with e.g. Paul Gascoigne, as one of those whose mental failings prevented him reaching his full potential.
nashark said:
And to GDM, you'd be a top guy to have on my CV. I'll feel like a man of the world with all these bourgeois connections. Might even get myself one of those bowler hats.

The fact that Des Walker so discernibly trumps Danny Welbeck demonstrates the powerful circles I move in.

Quick heads up though. We stopped wearing bowler hats sometime around 1964.
schfc6 said:
Again with this nashark? Really?
You keep ignoring posts that give you examples of Mario's talent, ability and intelligence. His first goal at Old Trafford sums up his abilities better than any words can. I assure you Welbeck would not have scored that goal. That one goal, that one piece of action would indicate Balotelli's talent and intelligence. His movement for Evan's red card, would also indicate great football intelligence.
Yes he was stupid yesterday, he was also quite unlucky and yes he is also still young. Keane, Viera, Cantona, Rooney, Beckham, Vidic the list is endless, players all who have made unintelligent decisions on a football pitch, yet have achieved great things. Balotelli is 21, has won the Champions League, the World Young Player of the year, has an F.A. Cup medal and has domestic titles under his belt, and is on what a goal a game this season? For what it's worth, I have played with Crouch, played against Owen and Wes Brown does that validate my opinion any? NO. Ben Thornley also played with David Beckham, he's now playing in the East Cheshire Sunday I think, Mark Lynch has played with Becks, Giggs et al too, and he sells Utilities for Utilities warehouse, however I fail to see the relevance in any of that. If you think Balotelli's unintelligent, and won't have a better career than Welbeck then you are welcome to that opinion, if playing with Welbeck validates it more then great, but you are going to look very silly one day...

Again, you need to go back through the thread and read what I've actually posted. The op asked for a comparison of the two players, to which I offered my opinion (before becoming abusive because he didn't like my opinion). You are under the impression that I'm responsible for saying certain things when I'm not.

I brought up that I played with Welbeck, and said that at the level I played at with him, he was head and shoulders above everyone purely because he was stronger, quicker and fitter. Then I went on to say that he can't do that at this level because more technical ability is required. That was my view on Welbeck and though some people can't get over the fact that I've played with him (says more about their inadequacies than it does mine that they keep bringing it up), I can get over it and the only reason I brought it up was because it was relevant to my opinion. If you've played with Crouch, good for you but as you say, that's not relevant.

What I said about Balotelli is that he has one of the best shots in the game, but given that that ability is counterbalanced by poor passing, first touch, intelligence (when I was agreeing with Mourinho) and work-rate, then to me he is one of the weaker players in the squad and I genuinely think he's a liability. Most of the top pundits (Hansen, Redknapp and Souness) seem to share that opinion, so whilst it's not the popular opinion on here, it seems to be the popular opinion among people who are paid to analyse the game. I acknowledge that Mancini sees it different, but I think he's got it wrong and have given reasons for that.

Though the red card was harsh, what Balotelli did on Sunday was stupid. There's only so many stupid things a player can do before you have to conclude that he's stupid. You point out his finish in the derby which was good but I've never disputed his shooting ability on this thread. The run against Evans was more on topic, but that's natural to a striker and should be expected. That Balotelli does so many silly things and is so unreliable flies in the face of those brief glimpses of an ability to apply his brain to the game.

My only interest in City, and whilst that's hard to grasp among those who like all the wacky shit he does, we're in a position again where he's let the club down.

And to GDM, you'd be a top guy to have on my CV. I'll feel like a man of the world with all these bourgeois connections. Might even get myself one of those bowler hats.[/quote]

Yes but this is where I totally disagree, and don't understand the relevance to playing with Welbeck, his size, his strength or fitness. Mario is not a player that relies on these attributes. He is a natural talent, ignore that he is a big black lad for a moment and concentrate on his abilities. His touch is quality, see the Jonny Evans sending off for an example of this, a 1 touch perfect lay off and great movement in behind across the defender. All this would indicate talent. intelligence and ability. I keep giving you the first goal in the derby as an example of the all round forward, for some reason you can't see that, that goal was more about intelligence than "shooting". An average Premiership striker i.e. Welbeck would have hit that hard at the defender in front f him, the fact Balotelli finished the way he did shows intelligence. Mario is intelligent, he's bilingual, incredibly charismatic and yes often stupid. See nearly all world stars for this. One of the best players off all time 'let his team down' in the World Cup final. Big players with big personalities and big ego's make mistakes, how many times has Rooney let United or England down? How many times did Maradona let club and country down? Give the kid a break, even if you don't like him, or want to get behind him, to suggest he is no better than Welbeck is just daft. I have read the whole thread, you started off stupid, became arrogant and now seem rational. You still keep proclaiming your intelligence, but all that is dispelled by the very notion that Balotelli's 1st goal in the derby was down to 'good shooting'.
You bring up Souness, Redknapp, Hansen and Mourinho to back you, well the counter argument to that is the backing Mancini and Prandelli give him. Mourinho is a talent, but he has struggled to manage flamboyant talents throughout, he struggled with Mario, struggled with Eto'o, Higuian, Di Maria and Ronaldo. He loves players to tow the line, that is his style of management. Souness is a failed manager who constantly struggled with "egos". Redknapp, well he's just a toss pot, and worse a hypocrite, was the best stint of his career not in the "spice boys" a team who won effectively nothing, full of ego's and players who let themselves and their team down. Hansen, well the phrase modern world would come to mind there.
As I see it, you want a young, precocious, enigmatic talent to also make no mistakes, mistakes his peers and elders make time and time again. Score effectively a goal a game, entertain, work hard and still shine, whilst being victimised by all whom want him to fail. Redknapp is a great choice of reference, he would be the first to tell you that Mario doesn't track back, yet will still be first to criticize for getting a yellow for tugging back their right back mid way into our half. Redknapp you can't have it both ways.
LoveCity said:
Balotelli should be compared to Neymar, Muller, and Pato. Top level young strikers with excellent ability.

Welbeck should be compared to Sturridge, Bojan, and Luuk de Jong. Young forwards with varying degrees of talent who are not world class talents at their age but could go on to have good or even great careers depending on their progress.

Guidetti may be on par with Welbeck too, he certainly is better made for the Premier League with his pace, power, and natural goalscoring ability. He'd have goals with the service our strikers get just like Welbeck has some goals with the service their strikers get from the wings.

Sturridge is quality, when he was with you & Balotelli was with Inter Milan I said that they are both the same level of player so there's absolutely no bias.



Look at the goal at 1:28


I don't think it'd be much doubt soon enough, but, everyone is right to say it's a pisstake to compare Welbecks talent to Balo's
everybody has opinions,and we should respect every opinion.
i remember when anelka was banging them in for us,my dad just didnt like him,couldnt see what all the fuss was about,he was lazy and unintersted.

however your arrogance is out of order young man.

i think balo is great, he does dumb things, hes frustrating,but with everything in life you have to weigh up the pros and cons and mario makes me smile and watching football if im smiling then im happy with my football,also he is a rare talent,watching him progress is great,hes already better than he was last year,he will imo be better after xmas than he is now,hes fucking great in my eyes,as for welbeck ,i dont really think you can compare him with anybody at city,he just isnt good enough.

quick example of balos intelligence and touch,the build up of the 3rd goal v united,world class.

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