Welcome Jack Grealish!

Just watched 5 minute video of his goals. This guy doesnt do tap ins. His finishing is sensational. We have bought a diamond. It wont be long before fans will realise 100mill was well worth it. Absoultely buzzing. Cant wait to see Jack KDB and Phil playing together. City fans fasten your seat belts.
Just watched his interview on the City website. He really does come across really well, I thought he was a bit of a tosser but i'm actually really pleasantly surprised. I definitely thought he'd be a great signing but after listening to his interview and how he comes across I can't wait to watch him play in sky blue.
Great signing. Has his wages been confirmed? Got a rag saying he read he on kdb money. I saw he was on 200k but not seen anything official.
Does anybody really believe that he’d be anywhere near our senior players? If they do then they’re not worth debating with.
Well I just want to say good luck to Jack, not all us villa fans will boo him or hold him in a bad light.

Yes I'm gutted he has gone, but as I said in the transfer thread, if he was to leave then City would be my choice, I couldn't stand to see him in a united or Liverpool top.

I know some are still unsure on him and the price tag, but I think it won't take him long to show the doubters his talent, he's only getting better, I will still look out and support him as he's a home grown player and a villa fan.

To leave wasn't an easy choice for him, and if anyone can't see that then there not worth the time and energy, I understand his reason for going, he wants to test himself against the best in Europe and the champions league, sadly at this time we can offer him that so he goes with my blessing and support, (apart from when we play each other).

As I've said in previous posts I'm not a fan that begrudges Manchester City the riches, to have to put up with the fergie years it's nice to see you putting them and Liverpool in there place.

We are only on the beginning of our journey back to the top, will we get there, I don't know but if you don't dream then you never know, as I've read on here if you would of gone back 10 years and told yourselves that you would be where you are today, I think a fair few of you wouldn't believe it or would be locked up in a padded cell.

Anyway I'll leave you all to celebrate, but I will be back during the season, as I like to chat to other fans and have always found this site generally a friendly and informative place.

Good luck Super Jack, show the world what you can do.

Mate that is the best post on this thread. If only myself and I guess a lot of other City fans had met more Villa fans like you at Wembley we would have a totally different point of view on your club and fans.

Trust me those of us of a certain age pinch ourselves everyday at the progress the club has made since 2008. World class infrastructure, backroom staff, managers and players playing the best football I have seen in my life. Thirteen trophies and that's not including charity shields. It's beyond anything I ever expected on that momentous day in 2008.

True football fans like yourselves know we've done the hard yards and we were indeed there when we were shit. We now fight a different fight with the hateful biased media and the scheming of the old guard who's nose we've well and truly put out of joint.

You are now a well run club and I think you will prosper. Good luck for the new season
Great signing. Has his wages been confirmed? Got a rag saying he read he on kdb money. I saw he was on 200k but not seen anything official.
Doubt you can see anything official. Depends on who you want to believe though. But if it is kdb money then wow, I wonder how Sterlings negotiations would go.

I would choose not to believe those initial reports.
Does anybody really believe that he’d be anywhere near our senior players? If they do then they’re not worth debating with.
True. People will believe anything when they are raging and looking for negatives. Alot of rags I know are gutted. They thought he was going to them last season.
Don't see what he adds that a number of players don't already offer and I don't think he improves the starting 11 which is something you'd expect as a minimum from a £100 million signing. However I'm more than happy for him and Pep to prove me wrong.
I definately believe he will add more than Sterling. Also looking ahead Gundo is getting on and Kev is not going to last forever at his level. All in all a very good signing.

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