Welcome Jack Grealish!

Sadly every team has there morons, I've been going down the villa for the last 31 years, in the ground I will scream and shout and celebrate like a nutter, just like all fans of all clubs,.

But at the end of the day is just a game so when I leave the ground, I enjoy the atmosphere and can't stand fans that ruin it by being aggressive thugs, I'm sad to hear that some of our idiots were at Wembley and possibly had 1 to many fizzy pops and wanted to take on the world.

Over. My time of following villa home and away I've come across many opposition fans like that, but sadly that's the world we live in, I don't class all supports of a team because of a few morons, I remember losing to Chelsea in the fa Cup semi final a few years ago, my coach wasn't until 1am back home, so ended up in London drinking with a group of Chelsea fans and had a great night and giggle, even though we had been thrashed there was no gloating just good old banter and plenty of beers.

I'm happy for Jack, he's going to get to show case his talent on the big stage, I look forward to people finally realising how good he is and he's only going to get better with the quality around him.

Good luck for the season, villa man city last match of the season maybe for the title lol, (how I can. Dream)

Yes we've got our share, especially at Wembley when a lot seem to be on the piss 24/7. That day shocked me a bit though as it was almost every Villa fan I encountered and I'm no shrinking violet, I've been going to games since 1968.

I pray we don't need to win that game for the title because every City fan here knows how that will go, typical City hasn't yet been banished for good.
Tot we was holding the '10' for Messi, No? I guess it's all you Jack :)

Welcome? We've been waiting for you :)

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