Welcome Kyle Walker

Well, this is going nowhere fast!

Can't say as I've ever gone on the Spurs fan site to troll, but I guess that's what some "fans" call entertainment now.

There is a reason we, at City, say "Once a Blue, Always a Blue," for the vast majority of our players. We are a family club, and I don't mean Abu Dhabi Royal Family! If a player is willing to put in a shift, acknowledge the fans, do a bit for CITC, and not get photographed in compromising positions the night before a game, etc...we will sing his name and love him forever. And, if he tracks back? LEGEND!

I noticed Spurs did the same kind of thing when they closed WHL in the rain. Players came back, got a nice clap, and were generally well received from the fans, especially a few special players. So, when all is said and done, I guess both clubs have lived in the shadow of our crosstown rivals for most of the Premier League history, yet we can both remember the glory days of yesteryear. For us, it was a tad more recent than Spurs, but there is no mistaking that Poch has brought the club on in leaps and bounds from the team that got shellacked 5-1 by Dzeko a few seasons back. Nothing to show for it yet, but no doubt there will be another push next season.

Accordingly, why don't we all just hate TheArse and ManUre, and accept that Walker for £45M is considered good business for both clubs, without resorting to all the hyperbole? I think Spurs have punched above their weight for a couple of seasons on the back of a couple of worldies from Harry Kane and Deli Ali being able to ghost into the box unattended. Snuff out those two threats and Spurs are a just another top 7 team fighting for CL vs EL. Then again, looking at Sergio's output, one could say that without him we might not even be in the Europa League next season, yet Gabriel showed he could be a worldie with a season in him, too! Swings and roundabouts!

Season starts in a month and both teams will be expecting more. May the best team win!
Think this is the most divisive signing I've seen for City in years... lots of people think he's a bit of a prick. Personally I think they're right, but he's ours now and I think he'll win a lot of fans over with his energy and passion. Not to mention that he's a big, big step up from what we're used to.
Think this is the most divisive signing I've seen for City in years... lots of people think he's a bit of a prick. Personally I think they're right, but he's ours now and I think he'll win a lot of fans over with his energy and passion. Not to mention that he's a big, big step up from what we're used to.

I think he used to be a lot worse, he's matured quite a lot.

I also think he's going to go through quite a transformation here, be our Abidal, go from physical specimen to all around world class player, and that will put to bed any lingering doubts about his ability.

I like how we made sure his name was printed centrally for the press shot.

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