Well done Bobby

I think he will keep on doing it until he is pulled up by the FA. Once this is done it will be an offence by a manager or a player to wave the card. Mancini will then have won his little battle as it will stop players doing it to influence the referee. Go on Bobby keep winding them up, love it!.
Mugatu said:
I may be in a minority, but I wish he'd stop doing it, it achieves nothing but attract bad publicity.
I'm also not interested in the "but Rooney does it" or "Ferguson taps his watch" arguments, let those classless bastards do what they want, I'd prefer to see a serene, calm Mancini rising above all that.

Maybe the that's how Mancini tries to take the media's attention to turn on him and not the team.:)

In England huge referee mistakes, disgusting cheats are more acceptable than imaginary card stuff. And this is a joke.
I genuinely feel RM is highlighting a problem of discrimination in the premier league(whether it's against or bias for)
Lying down taking a kicking and doing nothing about it will get you no where, especially if its a regular occurance.
For God sake we actually got a player booked once for walking agressively towards a referee!!! You couldn't make it up.
Personally I don't mind if he launches a javlin with a card attached to it at the next Foy, Clattenberg, Atkinson etc when they make yet another nonsense decision.They're a disgrace to their profession.
Sometime you just get fed up.
Wolves boss Mick McCarthy has criticised Manchester City counterpart Roberto Mancini for waving an imaginary card in a bid to have Wigan's Maynor Figueroa sent off.

The gesture came during City's 1-0 win at the DW Stadium on Monday night, when Mancini tried to get Figueroa dismissed for a deliberate handball in the 88th minute.

He was also seen making the action in a recent match with Liverpool following a foul by Reds defender Glen Johnson.

While McCarthy acknowledges there are cultural differences between managing in England compared to the continent, he is unimpressed by Mancini's gestures.

McCarthy said: "None of us should do it. It is something I don't like. There is a cultural difference. Roberto is in this country now.

"It is a little blip on a really good career for him at Man City because he handles himself with such good dignity and grace.

"He has done it. I wouldn't expect him to do it to one of my players or anyone else for that matter.

"I don't think anyone should do it. It is wrong. It looks bad and I'm sure if it is pointed out, Roberto won't do it again.

"I see [Wigan boss] Roberto Martinez has said the same and he has been here long enough and he understands it is just not done."

He continued: "I had it with QPR a while back. I took real offence to it. [Assistant manager] Bruno Oliveira did it.

"We didn't see eye to eye on that. Paolo Sousa was in charge and he was really apologetic and he explained that is their culture.

"But I said 'you are in our league and our culture, don't do it and we will get on'."

McCarthy added: "We have to give people a bit of credence for different culture and different places.

"But when they come here they have to understand like if I go anywhere else, I have to understand their culture.

"I was asked the other day should we be teaching players coming into this country to behave.

"I said 'no, I know how to behave and I've been all over the world in my capacity as Irish manager and not upset anyone'."

<a class="postlink" href="http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11679/7438964/McCarthy-slams-Mancini-gesture" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www1.skysports.com/football/news ... ni-gesture</a>
Look here now old chap. I don't know what you get up to over in Italy but this is Blighty. Bally hell, causing a proper kerfuffle. It's just not the done thing, stiff upper lip and all that, whatto. powers that be etc, sure you understand.

The establishment

Carry on Bob
I don't like Mancini waving his imaginary card but its a shame that the media and the football fraternity haven't paid as much attention to the likes of Rooney screaming into a refs face to penalise an opponent.

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