Well Done Gary Cook!

Matt.D said:
The man is a complete joke. He is full of shit. He is an embarassment to our club.

This sums up how i felt watching the Sky coverage. Any Exec worth his position would have a clear objective in mind and some clue about how to achieve it when he hosts a press conference. That includes handling the obvious hostile questions from tabloid hacks. Did Cooke seriously think he could get away with just reading out a prepared statemement? If he did, he should have had the balls and wit to follow it up properly. But no, he was neither one thing or the other, at one point he even betrayed us, Man City fans,when he told the press and via them the half the planet that he hoped that the fans would get behind Mancini and Kidd!!! F@@k off Cook and go patronise someone else with your bullshit.

Well done Mancini more like.
land said:
Corky said:
If Cook admits he is not a football man, why does he get a say in the sacking of a manager?

Because any monkey can see our defense is shit, and something needs to change.

He thinks we are united though....
johnny crossan said:

What's Roberto thinking I wonder?

You're next ?
it was a bear pit.

henry winter even called it that the night before. cook was always going to be the target. anyone who thinks that the press were asking the questions 'the fans want answered' is deluding themselves. they were baying for blood, all they wanted was for someone to put a foot wrong and give them a quote they could use to start another witch-hunt.

I didn't see the whole thing. but the statement was pitched right, put forward a completely united front, and was delivered extremely well. it's worth noting that's what SSN are repeating now. virtually nothing of any substance whatsoever came out of the questions, and that's just how it should be. when I saw some of the posts on here, I thought he must have really cocked things up and given the press a field day. in fact, from the coverage tonight, it seems the opposite is true, he got the party line across and no more.

still, the whole thing could have been organised better.
It's good to see that as Hughes has now gone and it's not time to call for Mancini's head yet, the Blue Moaners have decided lets get rid of Gary Cook .

Heaven forbid if Kaldoon f@cks up again . Cos this was his f@ck up he landed at 10am could have done the job before the game if he had wanted but he waited till after it .

Not Mr Cook's fault he is taking the sh1t for Mubaraak
The perverbial 'Hiding to Nothing'

Thats what Cook was on today. The press and the Hughes supporters need to hang their 'disbelieving that they could be wrong' heads on any given peg today.

No matter how Cook handles the press conference he was going to be given a slating.
Macc Blue said:
at one point he even betrayed us, Man City fans,when he told the press and via them the half the planet that he hoped that the fans would get behind Mancini and Kidd!!!

outrageous, how dare he hope such a thing?

seriously, what am I missing here. that's a standard line..
abu13 said:
I think Garry Cook did very well considering the situation he was in

1. The decision was taken to replace MH after the Hull game,
at the time i think the vast majority of people on here were saying the same.
2. The target was revised to 70 points after the increased investment in the summer.
I don't see anything wrong with that either.
3. We were not on target to get this point total.
Can't disagree with this.
4. Did we sound out Hiddink?
You would hope so really.
5. Would you admit to approaching Hiddink at Mancini's press conference
Not a f**king chance.
6. Would you expect the board to start condidering options after 7 straight draws?
7. do you want a board to watch a situation not working and do nothing about it?
8. Do you want a board that is not scared of making the tough decisions.
Damn right i do.
9. Do we have to justify ourselves to the press after they did everything in their power to undermine MH.
No chance.
10. Did we balls up the way we delt with the sacking?
11. So should we have put it off for a couple of weeks so it looked better?

I got the impression that Garry was pissed of with the reporters and quite rightly so, however i also got the distinct impression that he and the board know where we are going and that they will do whatever it takes to get there. At the end of the day thats the mentality we must have.
Every manager wants more time but not many were in MH situation, we all know we need time to gel but you can't use this as an excuse when you are the one who goes out and buys a new team.

as for the semi final argument, brilliant, i am as happy as anyone that we have got ther but lets be honest with the team we have put out against the opposition played you would expect nothing less.

I think Garry has done the best we could hope for under the circumstances.

Spot on.

Our fan have become really fickle this season. Hopefully Mancini and the new management team will finally get us playing like a team and we can ALL get behind them.

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