Well done Mancini...

Every time Moyes got the ball he waited for his players to get into position before giving it back. He did it all game. When Mancini went to get the ball, Moyes threw it away. A player on the pitch would've been booked for that.

Managers have no right to hold onto the ball. If they want to stop it or put it on the touchline then fair do's but Moyes knew what he was doing all game and got away with it.

Daily Mail
Roberto Mancini and David Moyes face an FA investigation after an astonishing touchline bust-up towards the end of Manchester City's 2-0 defeat by Everton.

The managers were sent off in injury time after City boss Mancini sparked a melee by barging into Moyes as his opposite number caught the ball in front of the dug-outs.



Mancini later apologised to Moyes and the two men shared a handshake and a post-match drink but that is unlikely to deter the FA as they view video footage of what was a remarkable incident.

City boss Mancini said: 'If I made a mistake then I'm sorry. I have spoken with him. I wanted to get the ball because we had another five minutes.'

Moyes said: 'Next time I won't catch the ball. I will let it run off down the tunnel. That would have wasted more time.

'I wasn't doing anything on purpose. I don't know why I was sent off. And I, by the way, wasn't the one waving imaginary yellow cards around trying to get people booked.'

The last part is aimed at Mancini because, once, during the 90 mins he waved for a yellow. When Arteta fouled Tevez. Moyes fuckin winds me up.
Ricster said:
Every time Moyes got the ball he waited for his players to get into position before giving it back. He did it all game. When Mancini went to get the ball, Moyes threw it away. A player on the pitch would've been booked for that.

Bloody shame that Howard was aloud to take around 15-25 seconds on 4 occasions with goal kicks too.

Managers have no right to hold onto the ball. If they want to stop it or put it on the touchline then fair do's but Moyes knew what he was doing all game and got away with it.

Daily Mail
Roberto Mancini and David Moyes face an FA investigation after an astonishing touchline bust-up towards the end of Manchester City's 2-0 defeat by Everton.

The managers were sent off in injury time after City boss Mancini sparked a melee by barging into Moyes as his opposite number caught the ball in front of the dug-outs.



Mancini later apologised to Moyes and the two men shared a handshake and a post-match drink but that is unlikely to deter the FA as they view video footage of what was a remarkable incident.

City boss Mancini said: 'If I made a mistake then I'm sorry. I have spoken with him. I wanted to get the ball because we had another five minutes.'

Moyes said: 'Next time I won't catch the ball. I will let it run off down the tunnel. That would have wasted more time.

'I wasn't doing anything on purpose. I don't know why I was sent off. And I, by the way, wasn't the one waving imaginary yellow cards around trying to get people booked.'

The last part is aimed at Mancini because, once, during the 90 mins he waved for a yellow. When Arteta fouled Tevez. Moyes fuckin winds me up.
Who scored the second goal as well? Interesting.

That statement from Moyes makes me laugh - he has done it on so, so many occasions. Most managers do now.

He was stood in his technical area, if the let the ball go it would have bounced into their dugout - not down the tunnel. Shame really, wasn't winning the game enough for Moyes? He's done a magnificent job at Everton and for that he has my respect - but I don't like how he's been. He sounds bitter because our club has money? We haven't won anything since the takeover and they received 24 million pound for one defender which they bought two others from the money, and Bilyaletdinov (sp?). Shuttup, please. Blaming US (another team) for his bad start! Blame your injuries mate, grow the fuck up. Pienaar and Arteta have been pulling strings for them, they are both class players to be fair. Arteta was out and Pienaar wasn't playing as well, yet he blames us. Give me a break. I blame Ferguson calling us noisy neighbours and thats the reason we lost the derby then...

Mancini tonight was waving his arms about saying "oomf" as if to say we aren't playing with any, or at any kind of tempo. Letting Everton get in place and stop our attacking flow (which was bloody lacking to say the least!).

Frankly the best pass of the match was Mancini's pass back into play. Mancini went up in my estimation last night. He tried changing the game and it didn't work - the point is he tried to change it. Everton had the answers to our questions, fair play to them.

I also find it funny that after Mancini apologises for showing some passion, Moyes then has a cheap little dig at him. Show some class! He apologised which most wouldn't do - then again, after this season I'm not surprised Moyes has done that after the Everton programme. Really disappointed in him to be honest, I thought he would have shown a bit more class after he got an apology. very quickly turned into a manager who I respect but dislike as a person.
I hold my hands up now and say if I was in Mancini's shoes I probably would be banned from football for life. I would have planted that twat. Also would have planted that yank twat in goal. Time wasting fook.

Bet Moyes had to change his pants after that. Bet he shit it.

And that Gollum picture is the best I have seen yet!
On the subject of managers....

last night on 5 live, Harry Redknapp

"Avram text me today saying i hope you win every game for the rest of the season except for the FA Cup Semi Final, i'll have a glass of wine with him later. "

For those who dont know, Spurs are playing Portsmouth in the league on Saturday!!!

And avram wants spurs to win

Good old 'arry eh!!

Marvin said:
Probably the wrong thread for it, but some fans saying mancini showed more passion than the players, well I can't accuse any of the players for not trying

We ran out of ideas and just couldn't keep the ball and open them up.

We lacked creativity in the middle of the park - not lack of effort

This Spot on!
Halfpenny said:
The link is proven.
That´s cheered me up no end - FOOKIN PRICELESS!

-- Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:44 am --

Egyptian said:
Neil McNab said:
All game Everton were using every bit of gamesmanship in the book, it was obvious Gollum gave a direct instruction to assasinate Ireland just before it happened. No wonder the normally calm Mancini lost his rag with these cheating thieving bastards!
Teams like Everton and Stoke are thugs. And they get away with it in the Premier League. In Europe they won't. That's why Everton get trashed against teams like Sporting and Benfica when they try to play football.


-- Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:49 am --

MCFC87 said:
Ricster said:
Every time Moyes got the ball he waited for his players to get into position before giving it back. He did it all game. When Mancini went to get the ball, Moyes threw it away. A player on the pitch would've been booked for that.

Bloody shame that Howard was aloud to take around 15-25 seconds on 4 occasions with goal kicks too.

Managers have no right to hold onto the ball. If they want to stop it or put it on the touchline then fair do's but Moyes knew what he was doing all game and got away with it.

Daily Mail

The last part is aimed at Mancini because, once, during the 90 mins he waved for a yellow. When Arteta fouled Tevez. Moyes fuckin winds me up.
Who scored the second goal as well? Interesting.

That statement from Moyes makes me laugh - he has done it on so, so many occasions. Most managers do now.

He was stood in his technical area, if the let the ball go it would have bounced into their dugout - not down the tunnel. Shame really, wasn't winning the game enough for Moyes? He's done a magnificent job at Everton and for that he has my respect - but I don't like how he's been. He sounds bitter because our club has money? We haven't won anything since the takeover and they received 24 million pound for one defender which they bought two others from the money, and Bilyaletdinov (sp?). Shuttup, please. Blaming US (another team) for his bad start! Blame your injuries mate, grow the fuck up. Pienaar and Arteta have been pulling strings for them, they are both class players to be fair. Arteta was out and Pienaar wasn't playing as well, yet he blames us. Give me a break. I blame Ferguson calling us noisy neighbours and thats the reason we lost the derby then...

Mancini tonight was waving his arms about saying "oomf" as if to say we aren't playing with any, or at any kind of tempo. Letting Everton get in place and stop our attacking flow (which was bloody lacking to say the least!).

Frankly the best pass of the match was Mancini's pass back into play. Mancini went up in my estimation last night. He tried changing the game and it didn't work - the point is he tried to change it. Everton had the answers to our questions, fair play to them.

I also find it funny that after Mancini apologises for showing some passion, Moyes then has a cheap little dig at him. Show some class! He apologised which most wouldn't do - then again, after this season I'm not surprised Moyes has done that after the Everton programme. Really disappointed in him to be honest, I thought he would have shown a bit more class after he got an apology. very quickly turned into a manager who I respect but dislike as a person.
Hmmmm. who does that sound like ? Do you think he´s auditioning mate?
Hate Moyes. You can see from his ramblings he's a bitter manager that thinks he works hard with nothing then ends up knowhere as teams like City get it handed to them on a plate. So you can imagine how much he LOVES beating us and doesn't see cheating as bad in the big picture of things. Because in his eyes that's what we've done with money.

You can imagine the joy he got from last night and that's what makes me hate the **** even more. Fair play to Mancini - a moment i'll remember for longer than the result.
Scrabster Six said:
Got a lot of time for some people at Everton F.C but Moyes is a prick!

That's exactly the same spot of the Earth I occupy. It's a wonder he can get out of the chair to the technical area with the weight of those chips on both shoulders. Makes BaconFace look like a genuine contender for a Nobel Peace Prize.

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