Well Well ....interesting read

Disturbance said:
EVIL said:
You said 'attacked' not me.

Physical altercation is something else, hence my wording, like the one with Barton and Dabo, neither of whom were sacked by the club. Clubs tend to attempt to contain these things. I heard that rumour on here. Don't recall hearing it via the press, though i suppose if Hughes disliked the player, he could have taken that route, but chose not to.

From what source do you conclude that the Mail article came from Hughes? It would make alot of sense to many City fans though.

Oh, Barton/Dabo was an altercation and not Barton attacking him LOL. As you read it on here we can safely conclude it's bollocks.

It's obvious who briefed the Mail, the entire article criticises the players and absolve Hughes from blame, it's like his mum wrote it FFS.

So its obvious, who's your source then? Your inner-guide. Thats the one that tells me three Brazilians will be checking out soon, and it won't be all that bad a thing.
moomba said:
As for being a Hughes hater, you've got that spot on.

To be honest I felt sick reading that article, and I still feel sick now. I'm convince we will be signing Bellamy and I think I'd be happy giving up all the money we have and all the potential money we'll spend in the future to get rid of this gutless, arrogant twat and put in someone I can feel proud of as a manager.
try reading this one then...
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/premier-league/hughes-vents-anger-on-citys-boys-from-brazil-1208530.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/foot ... 08530.html</a>
I have no problem with Hughes putting his side of the story. It's part of the PR game and after all there are enough on here and in the media that slate him for being a poor manager without knowing what goes on behind the scenes. Training at City has supposedly been a joke since Keegan and it's shown on the pitch. Sven at least had some idea about how to actually play football but he was let down by some of the performances in the second half of the season.

Hughes methods worked at Blackburn and he got them to 6th place but we have the cash to buy that extra quality that they couldn't. But culture change like that takes time whereas too many on here seem to think that a manager can somehow flick a switch and utter a few words of wisdom.
EVIL said:
moomba said:
Ha ha, now I truly have heard everything.

So what would you prefer oh mighty all-seeing one-line answer Moomba? A team of capable and committed players or a collection of non-conforming, self-centred fly-be-nights. The problem is mate, you have HEARD it all, but you never have any thesis to offer. What would you prefer?

Whats your take, try and make it beyond one sentence of sarcasm, irony or smugness. Though i guess you'll offer less, because that would be ironic and self-serving.

I prefer we have a manager that gets the best out his squad, all of whom have different strengths and weaknesses, and different personalities. If he has problems with any of them I would like to see him deal with it in private. I would prefer to watch a "lazy" Elano, or Robinho than a "hard working" Vassell or Benjani.

Not that long ago we scored 10 goals at home in the league. I missed 3 homes that season, we scored 6 times. A year ago I remember being at games, unable to do anything but shake my head and smile and some of the brilliant football played by the people who are getting castigated by the supporters on here.

I can see that being broken down now for a hard working, solid, professional outfit with the most unlikeable person in charge of it.

It's not for me, I don't want to be a part of that. And with all the money in the world I think I deserve more.
Wooderbeen said:
moomba said:
My god, that could have been written directly by Hughes PR team.

And more hanging players out to dry in an effort to deflect the blame from the manager.
You're doing it again, Moomba. You're happy to castigate Hughes for losing the dressing room and for the way he handles Elano (based primarily on reports from the press or rumours), but completely unwilling to give credit when it is suggested he has the support, nay, admiration, of two of our best players this year in Ireland and SWP. More and more you're starting to become one of the blinkered Hughes-haters that blames Hughes when things goes wrong, but when thinks goes right suggests that it is despite Hughes. It just doesn't seem fair to me, but alas I believe I am in the minority.

Glad at least 2 players are happy, its the others hes f'cked up i'm worried about. If he can motivate them hes a good manager, but he may be to blinkered to see any potential. However our league position speaks volumes and leaked pieces like this doesnt help, but I have a feeling it may be bollocks, I sincerely hope so.
EVIL said:
Disturbance said:
Oh, Barton/Dabo was an altercation and not Barton attacking him LOL. As you read it on here we can safely conclude it's bollocks.

It's obvious who briefed the Mail, the entire article criticises the players and absolve Hughes from blame, it's like his mum wrote it FFS.

So its obvious, who's your source then? Your inner-guide. Thats the one that tells me three Brazilians will be checking out soon, and it won't be all that bad a thing.

Where the **** do you think they got that article from? They're not clever enough to make it up themselves, they've clearly been briefed by someone. The logical conclusion is someone within the club. Who else would have a reason and why would the papers print it if it's not MH or his staff???? They are leaking their side of the story to cover their own arse.
Prestwich_Blue said:
I have no problem with Hughes putting his side of the story. It's part of the PR game and after all there are enough on here and in the media that slate him for being a poor manager without knowing what goes on behind the scenes.

But what has it achieved?

How will it benefit the club?

And if it won't why do it?
moomba said:
As for being a Hughes hater, you've got that spot on.

To be honest I felt sick reading that article, and I still feel sick now. I'm convince we will be signing Bellamy and I think I'd be happy giving up all the money we have and all the potential money we'll spend in the future to get rid of this gutless, arrogant twat and put in someone I can feel proud of as a manager.


Some of you fuckers will be dropping dead of heart attacks if you're not careful...may i suggest a long lie down and a good book or some other such relaxing past time...

Clearly the rigours of modern day football are beyond you....

A bit like some of our current first team...
moomba said:
As for being a Hughes hater, you've got that spot on.

To be honest I felt sick reading that article, and I still feel sick now. I'm convince we will be signing Bellamy and I think I'd be happy giving up all the money we have and all the potential money we'll spend in the future to get rid of this gutless, arrogant twat and put in someone I can feel proud of as a manager.

Brucie Bonus said:
moomba said:
As for being a Hughes hater, you've got that spot on.

To be honest I felt sick reading that article, and I still feel sick now. I'm convince we will be signing Bellamy and I think I'd be happy giving up all the money we have and all the potential money we'll spend in the future to get rid of this gutless, arrogant twat and put in someone I can feel proud of as a manager.


Finally what?

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