Well Well ....interesting read

moomba said:
Wooderbeen said:
You're doing it again, Moomba. You're happy to castigate Hughes for losing the dressing room and for the way he handles Elano (based primarily on reports from the press or rumours), but completely unwilling to give credit when it is suggested he has the support, nay, admiration, of two of our best players this year in Ireland and SWP.

More and more you're starting to become one of the blinkered Hughes-haters that blames Hughes when things goes wrong, but when thinks goes right suggests that it is despite Hughes. It just doesn't seem fair to me, but alas I believe I am in the minority.

Absolute bollocks. I have given Hughes credit for the resurgence of Ireland (although I think a lot of that is due to the work Ireland did before Hughes came on the scene), and I have repeatedly said on here that Hughes signings (including SWP) have been good.

Don't make things up.
Not making anything up, my good friend.

You were so quick to jump on here after reading the article, writing something about the piece 'hanging players out to dry in an effort to deflect the blame from the manager'. What's the opposite of paranoid? You really think the Daily (Hate) Mail have a pro-Hughes agenda??? Come on.

Or is this another case of Hughes 'leaking' things to the press? God forbid, other sources could be 'leaking' negative stories to the press, which funnily enough you're more than willing to stand by. My point is, you select snippets of 'truth' from whatever articles support your own argument. I'm sorry but because of this I find some of your comments highly suspect.
Brucie Bonus said:
moomba said:
As for being a Hughes hater, you've got that spot on.

To be honest I felt sick reading that article, and I still feel sick now. I'm convince we will be signing Bellamy and I think I'd be happy giving up all the money we have and all the potential money we'll spend in the future to get rid of this gutless, arrogant twat and put in someone I can feel proud of as a manager.


I know what your getting at Brucie...

Careful though...moomba sounds a little unhinged at present...
Prestwich_Blue said:
I have no problem with Hughes putting his side of the story. It's part of the PR game and after all there are enough on here and in the media that slate him for being a poor manager without knowing what goes on behind the scenes.

Personally I think it's pathetic. I can't think of any top-class manager that would behave like that. He hasn't even got the bottle to put his name to it, he should go on record and call all his players shit if that's what he thinks rather than being a coward. See how far that gets him.
Wooderbeen said:
Not making anything up, my good friend.

Well you clearly do.

You were so quick to jump on here after reading the article, writing something about the piece 'hanging players out to dry in an effort to deflect the blame from the manager'. What's the opposite of paranoid? You really think the Daily (Hate) Mail have a pro-Hughes agenda??? Come on.

Or is this another case of Hughes 'leaking' things to the press? God forbid, other sources could be 'leaking' negative stories to the press, which funnily enough you're more than willing to stand by. My point is, you select snippets of 'truth' from whatever articles support your own argument. I'm sorry but because of this I find some of your comments highly suspect.

Of course it's a case of Hughes leaking stuff to the press, I would have thought that was patently obvious.
Wooderbeen said:
moomba said:
Absolute bollocks. I have given Hughes credit for the resurgence of Ireland (although I think a lot of that is due to the work Ireland did before Hughes came on the scene), and I have repeatedly said on here that Hughes signings (including SWP) have been good.

Don't make things up.
Not making anything up, my good friend.

You were so quick to jump on here after reading the article, writing something about the piece 'hanging players out to dry in an effort to deflect the blame from the manager'. What's the opposite of paranoid? You really think the Daily (Hate) Mail have a pro-Hughes agenda??? Come on.

Or is this another case of Hughes 'leaking' things to the press? God forbid, other sources could be 'leaking' negative stories to the press, which funnily enough you're more than willing to stand by. My point is, you select snippets of 'truth' from whatever articles support your own argument. I'm sorry but because of this I find some of your comments highly suspect.

This could be a tko for moomba if he's not careful...

Now where's my popcorn...
You are revealed in all your glory. Better to reign in hell eh? I'm sure you'll point to "I think" and build your defence upon that.
moomba said:
Wooderbeen said:
Not making anything up, my good friend.

Well you clearly do.

Ah, the old "i know you are but what am i" argument...you've been using that quite a bit recently...

Sounds a little desperate if you ask me...but hey, more power to your typing fingers moomba...
BillyShears said:
Wooderbeen said:
Not making anything up, my good friend.

You were so quick to jump on here after reading the article, writing something about the piece 'hanging players out to dry in an effort to deflect the blame from the manager'. What's the opposite of paranoid? You really think the Daily (Hate) Mail have a pro-Hughes agenda??? Come on.

Or is this another case of Hughes 'leaking' things to the press? God forbid, other sources could be 'leaking' negative stories to the press, which funnily enough you're more than willing to stand by. My point is, you select snippets of 'truth' from whatever articles support your own argument. I'm sorry but because of this I find some of your comments highly suspect.

This could be a tko for moomba if he's not careful...

Now where's my popcorn...

Do you have anything of value to contribute to this thread?
I like the fact everyones ready and willing to pounce on any negative against Hughes, but as soon as something comes out giving us what we all wanted....an insite into what the hells going on.....most of you all blame hughes for this as well.

fair play if it is a PR thing, but the facts which the article's highlighting is something id rather know.....that the players arnt willing to put the effort in for our team, and would rather pull a sickie than pulling their socks up........this is plain and simple lazyness, picking up a cheque.....sheer disrespect for our club

Hughes is trying to make us into winning team yet some of the players dont have the desire to work hard.....im sorry but hell no......im back in hughes corner, im glad this info has come out because its something we needed to know......i very much doubt you would find this sort of behavour from arsenals players....or chelsea's....if thats where were aiming to be then we shouldnt stand for it either.....and we shouldnt let the lazy gits win, if we, the fans, force hughes out the lazy gits will have won, even if another managers came in, they would have the same problem players who dont want to work hard and will waste time getting rid of them............

so what ever happens till xmas.....how ever much people dont like it, jan WILL be the defining moment of hughes reign, because we will see who all the trouble makers are while they get the boot from our club!

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