Wembley Memories from 1999 Play-off final

15 at the time travelled down on a coach from the Moston con club on Kenyon lane, got convinced off some of the older lads that drinking Jamaican rum was a good idea consequently threw up at the services.

Anyway got to Wembley at 2.15 (think it was a 3 oclock kick off???) run up Wembley way with my old fella and find our seats right above the tunnel. First 80 minutes are an absolute blur then they score, gutted, 5 minutes later they score again, even more gutted, (tears were welling up at this point but I was a tough 15 year old not gonna cry in front of the lads).

My dad starts mithering me to leave started arguing with him saying I was staying after about half an hour (30 seconds) he convinces me to leave we get to the top of them massive Wembley stairs and super Kev scores. At this point told my dad in no uncertain terms IM STAYING so we watched them last 5 minutes at the top of the stairs didnt see the injury time board so every 2 or 3 seconds I was repeating thats it its over its over!

Then Wiekens knocks a long ball, Taylor flicks it, Horlock touches it, Goaters shot gets blocked, (thank fuck) and it falls to Dickov, DICKOVVVVVVVVVVVVV what an absolutely wonderful feeling my dad threw my about 10 rows forward remember hugging grown men i'd never before met then the tears started fuck being a tough 15 year old now!!!

Find our way back to our seats to watch extra time dont remember a thing about it then its the dreaded shootout, my dad wont watch turned away with his head in his hands I was the most confident ive ever been that we wouldnt lose. They miss, Weaver runs, we all end up dancing on the tunnel.

The journey home was a complete blur get back to the pub where the landlord has stayed open for us get slightly tipsy then finally get home about 4 in the morning where me n my old fella start to watch the full game again on VHS, woke up on the settee at half 7 in the morning still buzzing after about 3 hours sleep.

We drove down as we were staying in a hotel for a couple of nights, as we got on the M6 we passed City's coach and started bibbing the horn, lots of the players waved to my two kids sat in the back who were 5 and 2 and were City regulars then. When we went 2-0 down all I kept thinking was what fecking bastards letting the kids down, anyway when we scored the equalizer all was forgiven as I threw the 2 year old in the air in celebration, a fella at the side of us hugged him as well saying he felt awful not bringing his son with him, so hugging mine sort of made up for it. A truly great day in the history of City.
I remember at 2-0 being virtually in tears. When Horlock scored by mate next to me said “that just makes it bloody worse”, then when Dickov scored the same mate grabbed a granny who was sat in the seat directly infront of him and gave her a massive smacker bang on the lips! She must have been with her granddaughter who just looked on in disgust. Actual extra time is a total blur but I remember each penalty like it was yesterday. Guy next to me had his back turned for all of them and I remember having to tell him Edghill was taking one.

After the match we went to a pub close to the ground and I remember the atmosphere was amazing and there were police in there getting involved as well and one of them said to me “f**king hell what are you lot going to be like if you actually win something decent! Fair play to you all”. After that we saw some Bolton fans who said they were going to show us how it was done properly the following day…if memory serves me right they went on to lose to Watford!
Despite all the press and stories, I can't really remember that many people leaving and certainly don't remember it being that empty. Plus, when I watch the game back on TV, that end looks pretty full when Dickov scores.
MCFC BOB said:
Bluearmy said:
Always makes me well up when I see Weaver running away after the penalty save.

AT 2 mins 56 on that video check out young sheik Mansour . Where the love began
God I hate Pulis, to meet Stoke in the final & do it again......................

things got hazy for me after leaving Fler de lys pub some way down the M1 - stayed to see the city goals & had sobered up by the end though coach ride home was a bit somber tbh everyone emotionally drained/fucked
I'm always amazed by the people who left at 0-2, I couldn't do it. Not through any sense of loyalty to the club or even because I thought we still had a chance. I just felt physically numb and couldn't move. I'm sure that if the game had finished 0-2 i'd have still been slumped in my seat when they came to demolish the place a few years later!
Bluemoon dan said:
I'm always amazed by the people who left at 0-2, I couldn't do it. Not through any sense of loyalty to the club or even because I thought we still had a chance. I just felt physically numb and couldn't move. I'm sure that if the game had finished 0-2 i'd have still been slumped in my seat when they came to demolish the place a few years later!

To beat the traffic, seems to pretty important to a lot of City fans. I'm sure a Champions League final would be no different
remember being as gutted as i have ever been after fat bob's goal and then after dickov's equalizer jumpin over all those shit wooden benches,cant believe i dint break both my ankles.dont remember a thing then till we won on pens.also remember on the way back had a stop over in brum waitin for another coach driver,slowest 2 hrs of my life.

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