Wembley Memories from 1999 Play-off final

Was on nights the evening before....went home, had a beer, and tried to sleep. couldnt, just couldnt....the pre match excitement was just a real buzz, just unreal.

3 or us drove down early on the day...tried again to sleep, not happening. The whole game was just a roller coaster. Remember at 2-0, my mate, who had gone to games with me since we were 11, looking at me and saying "this is worse than getting relegated" . We were both grown men, 30 years of age and both very, very close to tears. We didnt leave before the whistle, never did before, and never since.

The rest, as they say, is history. My mate still has the scar on his shin, from us both falling of those silly, backless seats when dickov scored. After that, penalties and the journey home is again is a blur, but the emotions felt that day were just amazing.

It doesnt matter what happens in the future, that season and that day in particular have shaped our destiny, and F$£CK me, despite the moaning, the future is bloody bright.

Even typing about that day, gets me emotional!!!
Newly married, went down with my wife for the weekend.
When their second goal went in I stood there speechless, absolutely gutted, struggling to take in that we'd be in the division for another year. When Horlock scored, amidst the muted celebration and me thinking typical fkin City, my wife said 'We can still do it!' To this day I don't know why I bit my tongue and said sure, instead of what I was thinking - don't be fkin silly (or words to that effect!!)
Dickov scored and we ended up about 8 rows down, hugging some big hairy bloke I'd never met before. Walking up Wembley way after the game with many blues singing 'You can stick ur fkin treble up ur arse' - quality song.
Weaver and Dickov remain her favourite players to this day.

PS - On the way to Wembley stopped off at Swiss Cottage and luckily found a pub packed with blues - rememeber one guy coming in struggling to walk, before he dropped his trousers to reveal two badly cut knees where he'd fallen down an escalator the night before, not sure the alcohol level had dropped sufficiently for him to feel the pain!
Without a doubt the best day of my life.
First memory was waking up on the coach on the way down there dribbling all over my jumper with everyone staring at me. Felt like a right tit.
When we scored our sencond I remember me and this fit bird sat next to me just hugging and falling about three rows in front off us!
When Edghill stepped up to take his pen I remember my insides sinking and I said to everyone around us "what the f**k, he has never scored for city" to which I was shaply told to shut the hell up by a number of big guys behind me! When he scored the penalty of the game I remember believing for the first time we were gonna do it!
Like I said the best day of my life!
Hair on my neck is standing up now just writting about it!!
just got back from a charity bash at eastlands.

i have to admit i was overwhelmed somewhat with the turnout.

might sound like i am name dropping but fuck it.

i have had the pleasure to meet tonight,Andy Morrison,Dicky,Weaver,Royle,Jeff and Jim Whitley,Tony Vaughan.,Weikens,Crooks,Taylor,Edgehill and Chappers.
Every one of them were top lads and loved to talk about the 1999 squad.
Of course one or two were missing but it was a brilliant night and a good fund raiser,just wish i could show you some of the photo's.
Me and the missus had ST's and also went to most aways, the kids usually stayed at my mams but she was on holiday that week so we had no choice but to reluctantly take them...

So as well as our 4yr old daughter I had my 3month old son strapped to my chest in a baby sling..! I'm sure he must have been the youngest blue there.. (in which case he's probably the only 12yr old around now to have seen City at wembley..!) he slept most of the game apart from waking for a quick feed, he was no trouble at all and was fascinated by the noise and the crowd for a while and then went back to sleep..!

I have to admit I was one of the ones who left when their 2nd went in.. 2-0 down with a few mins left, it was over... no-one thought we'd come back from that. I hated wembley at that moment, 3 visits 3 disasters.. "I'm not comin here again" I said and we stormed out... outside the stadium we heard Horlocks goal and just gave a "typical" acknowledgement.. we'd parked on the ground floor in a Multi storey right next to Wembley. I'd actually fuckin reversed out of the spot when we equalised... went mental, engine off, grabbed the baby seat, left the car where it was, legged it back and we got back in with no problem...
I've never known so much despair turn into so much joy, wish I'd seen Dickovs goal but it doesn't take anything away from the buzz of hearing and celebrating it.
I didn't rob an off license on the way home but when back in Manchester after the party on the motorway, I stopped at one and put 4 cans on the counter only to be told I couldn't have them cos it was after 10.30... I pleaded "but I've just got back from wembley" thinking that would make it ok, but to no avail.... so I weighed the situation up for a moment, put the cash on the counter and said keep the change and walked out with the cans.. I didn't nick em so what could they do..?!

"You can stick your fuckin treble up your arse"
Had to watch at home with two bin dippers who were proceeding to take the piss when Gills went 2 up as I slumped in my chair and continued to polish off a bottle of vodka then the magic happened and we were back watched extra time with one eye shut as I was seeing 2 balls due to the drink ran upstairs at full time going mad and then passed out on my bed wasted lol
mcfc_nick said:
jacko8684 said:
I was at a football tournament in Lytham.
I had had a stinking first half in one of the games and as we got to half time one of the parents told me we were 2 down....(my parents were at Wemb)
My bottom lip starts going(im 15 at the time) during our half time team talk, and BOOM, the flood gates open and im sobbing like a little girl.
My manager pulls me to one side and says something along the lines of, "go and use this emotion and win us this game"....
So, with me being upset/pissed off and with my head up my arse, i actually play fucking brilliantly and we win the game comfortably.. Full time whistle goes and the parent gives me the 2-2 sign..... SO I LEG IT TO THE CLUB HOUSE JUST IN TIME FOR THE PENS then me and a few other city fans watched the rest of it and finish off with doing a Weaver-esque run all around the clubhouse!!

Thats the biggest load of bullshit ive heard, how long do you play, 2 minutes a half?!

fair do's...
after re reading my post and thinking back.. i got back to the club house to see the pens.(edited above)
but ive seen that game so many times on dvd/vcr it feels like i watched it live.
sorry for my innaccuracies, but thats the truth
this says it all

didnt go to the game either, but was at home watching it in my room having called in sick that day!

was crying before we scored our 2 goals and even more after the penalty shootout.

special moment

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