West Ham fans.

sheikys billions said:
1 club and 1 club only, should not have any soft spot for any other club!

No mate but you can have respect for another club which shares similarities to ourselves and has a decent loyal set of supporters. West Ham is a great club, fantastic fans but I will be keeping my City season ticket a bit longer
Each to there own i guess,was just taught at an early age to never ever show any emotion or a slight affinity to another club off my old fella,its just city and i honestly dont give 1 fuck about any other team or there fans!
liamctid said:
The only West Ham fans I don't like are their owners. Not as bad as it was a year or so ago, but you used have them on TV every 5 minutes.

I know quite a few 'ammers, top lads.
Have to agree. Can't stand all that gobbing off in the press. Still, it's not the fan's fault and we did have Taksin foisted on us. Good luck to them, just about the last team I'd want to see relegated.
Wouldn't go as far as to say i like them. But i have respect for them and their fans, along with the likes of Newcastle, Sunderland etc. Proper, local fans, from working class backgrounds. The league is a lot better with West Ham in it.

For the first time in a while there's not really 1 team down the bottom i'd rather see go down over others. Don't mind Wolves and their fans. Wigan is a cheap away day, i'll miss Holloway if Blackpool goes down and I'd miss the Fernhurst if Blackburn went down.
Without doubt the best of all the London clubs and far and away the best fans.
I grieve that arseholes like Spurs, Arsenal, Chavs are constantly piss-taking calling them pikeys etc. True cockneys, most of these Spammers with a very similar mindset to us.
If I'd been born in London West Ham are the club I would of supported, proper club and support.
My best premier league away day was there, first game of the season under Sven and a nice 2-0 win. It was a brilliant day out though they did turn over a few blues in a pub near the tube station.

Out of all the teams down there I would like Wolves and West Ham to stay up but at least one is going down, probably two.
Remember going down there when we were relegated in 87 and they gave us a standing ovation (the fans not the team) and a lot of lads swapped details and still keep in touch.

Proper club with real fans and I have a lot of time for them

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