West Ham v City ticket prices

Think we had one of the highest average attendances in the Prem last couple seasons with 60k+ , fan base is huge , chuck in tourists nowadays and we simply sell regardless of the prices. Supply and demand I guess.
Unless fans boycott they will forever increase.
I wouldn't be surprised if they struggled to sell out at those prices. You can't sustain a business on the fickle tourist market. Perhaps it is supply and demand but there has to be some community responsibility as well. Lots of people struggling financially in East London just as they are in Manchester.
Disgusting! Football has officially disappeared up its own arse. No concessions will mean not a lot of next generation fans will be able to attend. Shockingly short sited fucked up logic. And to those of a certain age who have stuck by the club during the dark times when crowds were low in the 80s, well fuck you! Thanks for all your effort and support, but fuck you! Them owners need fuckin! Proper football club with passionate fans being shit on from a huge hight. I hope they abandon the ground until change happens.
I wouldn't be surprised if they struggled to sell out at those prices. You can't sustain a business on the fickle tourist market. Perhaps it is supply and demand but there has to be some community responsibility as well. Lots of people struggling financially in East London just as they are in Manchester.

They know the price limit to ensure max capacity - they know against likes of Man City and other top clubs we’ll sell out.
It’s a piss take the prices but that’s how it is.
The day will eventually come where the hardcore turn their backs on football en masse and only then will the business side react. It will never be preventative action from them, only reactionary.

They all want the tourist money, they know part of the attraction is the hard-core local support, the premier league doesn't have the same appeal without them. just from our perspective, every tourist wants to be in the south stand when they come over for example and will pay more for that experience even at the expense of a poorer view of the pitch. what the money men in football are banking on is the unwavering loyalty, they know that isbeing strained every year with every decision they make that shits on us and it's going to hurt the future of the clubs support but they simply don't care, they won't be around for that, it's all about now for them.

The hope is the independent regulator identifies these kind of things as their primary issues to tackle, I'm not overly optimistic that will actually be the case but there's at least a better chance of it happening than hoping the clubs do it.
The day will eventually come where the hardcore turn their backs on football en masse and only then will the business side react. It will never be preventative action from them, only reactionary.

They all want the tourist money, they know part of the attraction is the hard-core local support, the premier league doesn't have the same appeal without them. just from our perspective, every tourist wants to be in the south stand when they come over for example and will pay more for that experience even at the expense of a poorer view of the pitch. what the money men in football are banking on is the unwavering loyalty, they know that isbeing strained every year with every decision they make that shits on us and it's going to hurt the future of the clubs support but they simply don't care, they won't be around for that, it's all about now for them.

The hope is the independent regulator identifies these kind of things as their primary issues to tackle, I'm not overly optimistic that will actually be the case but there's at least a better chance of it happening than hoping the clubs do it.
once the hardcore turn their back matches will be played abroad
the more money the clubs get, they will want more money, and to be fair, the more money the club have the more money the players want, young players who are on good money and when the contact comes up the player agent and his dog wants more money, and it will get worse

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